Inspecting plans


Before you run a plan in your environment, inspect the plan to determine what effect it has on your targets.

🔩 Tip: Bolt is packaged with a collection of modules that contain useful plans to support common workflows. For details, see Packaged modules.

Discover plans

View a list of available plans:

  • *nix shell command

    bolt plan showCopied!
  • PowerShell cmdlet


If you don't see a plan you were expecting to find, make sure the plan is located in the correct directory. For more information, see How Bolt locates plans

Show documentation for a plan

Use the following command to view parameters and other details for a plan, including whether a plan supports noop:

  • *nix shell command

    bolt plan show <PLAN NAME>Copied!
  • PowerShell cmdlet

    Get-BoltPlan -Name <PLAN NAME>Copied!