Puppet 3.8.x to 5.x: Get upgrade-ready


Puppet 4 was a major upgrade from Puppet 3.8, with lots of configuration and functionality changes, and Puppet 5 removed a lot of features and settings that were deprecated in Puppet 4.x. Because Puppet likely manages your entire infrastructure, it should be upgraded with care. Specifically, you should try to:

  • Split the upgrade process into smaller tasks.
  • Confirm that your system remains functional after each task.
  • Thoroughly read the release notes, particularly any about backwards-incompatible changes.

This page provides steps you should take before starting the upgrade to help prepare for a safe transition. See the navigation to the left for the actual upgrade steps and post-upgrade tasks.

Update to the latest Puppet Server 1.1.x, Puppet 3.8.x, and PuppetDB 2.3.x

Before you begin: Ensure all your Puppet components are running the latest Puppet 3 versions, checking and updating in the following order.

Note: PuppetDB remains optional, and you can skip it if you don’t use it.

  • If you already use Puppet Server, update it across your infrastructure to the latest 1.1.x release.
  • If you’re still using Rack or WEBrick to run your Puppet master, switch to Puppet Server. Puppet Server is designed to be a better-performing drop-in replacement for Rack and WEBrick Puppet masters, which are deprecated as of Puppet 4.1.
    • This is a big change! Make sure you can successfully switch to Puppet Server 1.1.x before tackling the Puppet 4 upgrade.
    • Check out our overview of what sets Puppet Server apart from a Rack Puppet master.
    • Puppet Server uses 2GB of memory by default. Depending on your server’s specs, you might have to adjust how much memory you allocate to Puppet Server before you launch it.
    • If you run multiple Puppet masters with a single certificate authority, you’ll need to edit Puppet Server’s bootstrap.cfg to disable the CA service. You’ll also need to ensure you’re routing traffic to the appropriate node with a load balancer or the agents’ ca_server setting.
  • Update all Puppet agents to the latest 3.8.x release.
  • If you use PuppetDB, update it to the latest 2.3.x release, then update the PuppetDB terminus plugins on your Puppet Server node to the same release.
    • Puppet Server 1.x and 2.x look for the PuppetDB termini in two different places. The 2.3.x puppetdb-terminus package installs the termini in both of them, so the server will still be able to find the plugins after you upgrade.

Check for deprecated features

Puppet 3.8 deprecated several features which are either removed from Puppet 4 and 5 or require major workflow changes. Read the lists of deprecated features, and if you’re using any of them, follow steps for migrating away from them.

Stop stringifying facts, and check for breakage

Puppet 5 always uses proper data types for facts, but Puppet 3 converts all facts to Strings by default. If any of your modules or manifests rely on this behavior, you’ll need to adjust them before you upgrade.

If you’ve already set stringify_facts = false in puppet.conf on every node in your deployment, skip to the next section. Otherwise:

  1. Check your Puppet code for any comparisons that treat boolean facts like strings, like if $::is_virtual == "true" {...}, and change them so they’ll work with true Boolean values.
    • If you need to support Puppet 3 and 5 with the same code, you can instead use something like if str2bool("$::is_virtual") {...}.
  2. Next, set stringify_facts = false in puppet.conf on every node in your deployment. To have Puppet change this setting, use an inifile resource.
  3. Watch the next set of Puppet runs for any problems with your code.
  4. Repeat until all of your Puppet code is working correctly!

Enable directory environments and move code into them

Puppet now organizes all code into directory environments, which are the only way to organize code now that config file environments are removed.

  1. If you’re using config file environments, switch to directory environments.

    If you don’t currently use environments, enable directory environments and move everything into the default production environment.

Enable the future parser and fix broken code

The future parser in Puppet 3 is the current parser in Puppet 5. If you haven’t enabled the future parser yet, do so now and check for problems in your current Puppet code during the next Puppet run.

To change the parser per-environment:

  1. Create a test directory environment that duplicates your production environment.
  2. Set parser = future in the test environment’s environment.conf.
  3. Run nodes in the test environment and confirm they still get good catalogs.
  4. Based on the result, make any necessary adjustments to your Puppet code.
  5. Once the environment is in good shape, set parser = future in puppet.conf on all Puppet master nodes to make the change global.

Some of the changes to look out for include:

For a more complete list, see Updating 3.x Manifests for Puppet 4+.

Run Puppet for several runs with the future parser enabled to ensure you’ve got any kinks worked out.

Read the release notes

Puppet 4.0 introduced several breaking changes, some of which didn’t go through a formal deprecation period—for example, we moved the tagmail report handler out of Puppet’s core and into an optional module. Read the release notes for 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5 and prepare accordingly.

Also read the Puppet 5 release notes to see breaking changes since Puppet 4.

You’re ready!

If your Puppet 3 system is updated and tuned for the upgrade, you’re ready to proceed.