Release notes

These release notes contain important information about Puppet Enterprise® 2019.7.

This release incorporates new features, enhancements, and resolved issues from all previous major releases. If you're upgrading from an earlier version of PE, check the release notes for any interim versions for details about additional improvements in this release over your current release.

Note: This version of documentation represents the latest update in this release stream. There might be differences in features or functionality from previous releases in this stream. To view documentation for superseded versions, learn how to access archived PE docs.
PE uses certain components of open source Puppet. Refer to the component release notes for information about those releases.
Open source component Version used in PE
Puppet and the Puppet agent 6.15.0
PuppetDB 6.10.1
Puppet Server 6.11.1
Bolt (optional)  latest

Security and vulnerability announcements are posted at