Node classifier API v1
These are the endpoints for the node classifier v1 API.
Tip: In addition to these endpoints,
you can use the status API to check the health of the node classifier service.
Forming node classifier requests
Requests to the node classifier API must be well-formed HTTP(S) requests. -
Groups endpoint
endpoint is used to create, read, update, and delete groups. -
Groups endpoint examples
Use example requests to better understand how to work with groups in the node classifier API. -
Classes endpoint
Use theclasses
endpoints to retrieve lists of classes, including classes with specific environments. The output from this endpoint is especially useful for creating new node groups, which usually contain a reference to one or more classes. -
Classification endpoint
endpoint takes a node name and a set of facts, and returns information about how that node is classified. The output can help you test your classification rules. -
Commands endpoint
Use the commands endpoint to unpin specified nodes from all groups they’re pinned to. -
Environments endpoint
Use theenvironments
endpoint to retrieve information about environments in the node classifier. The output tells you either which environments are available or whether a named environment exists. The output can be helpful when creating new node groups, which must be associated with an environment. The node classifier gets its information about environments from Puppet, so do not use this endpoint to create, update, or delete them. -
Nodes check-in history endpoint
Use thenodes
endpoint to retrieve historical information about nodes that have checked into the node classifier. -
Group children endpoint
Use the group children endpoint to retrieve a specified group and its descendents. -
Rules endpoint
Use the rules endpoint to translate a group’s rule condition into PuppetDB query syntax. -
Import hierarchy endpoint
Use the import hierarchy endpoint to delete all existing node groups from the node classifier service and replace them with the node groups in the body of the submitted request. -
Last class update endpoint
Use the last class update endpoint to retrieve the time that classes were last updated from the Puppet master. -
Update classes endpoint
Use update classes endpoint to trigger the node classifier to update class and environment definitions from the Puppet master. -
Validation endpoints
Use validation endpoints to validate groups in the node classifier. -
Node classifier errors
Familiarize yourself with error responses to make working the node classifier service API easier.
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