Installing Puppet Enterprise

Installing PE begins with setting up a standard installation: a master, console, and PuppetDB operating on a single node. From here, you can scale up to the large or extra-large installation as your infrastructure grows, or customize configuration as needed.

To install a FIPS-compliant PE master, install your master on a supported platform with FIPS mode enabled. The node must be configured with sufficient available entropy or the installation process fails.

Install PE

Installation uses default settings to install all of the PE infrastructure components on a single node. After installing, you can scale or customize your installation as needed.

  1. On your master, log in as root and download the tarball appropriate to your operating system and architecture.
    Tip: To download packages from the command line, run wget --content-disposition <URL> or curl -JLO <URL>, using the URL for the tarball you want to download.
  2. Unpack the installation tarball:
    tar -xf <TARBALL_FILENAME>              
  3. From the installer directory, run the installer:
    sudo ./puppet-enterprise-installer
  4. When prompted, specify a console administrator password: puppet infrastructure console_password --password=<MY_PASSWORD>
  5. Run Puppet twice: puppet agent -t.
What to do next:

You must restart the shell before you can use client tool commands.

Verify the installation package

If your organization requires that you verify authenticity before installing packages, follow these steps to verify the PE installation tarball using GPG.

Before you begin

You must have GnuPG installed to sign for the release key. GnuPG is an open source program that allows you to safely encrypt and sign digital communications. Visit the GnuPG website to download, or install using your package management system, for example yum install gnupg.

  1. Import the Puppet public key.
    curl |  gpg --import
  2. Print the fingerprint of the key.
    gpg --fingerprint 0x7F438280EF8D349F

    The primary key fingerprint displays: 6F6B 1550 9CF8 E59E 6E46 9F32 7F43 8280 EF8D 349F.

  3. Verify the release signature of the installation package.
    $ gpg --verify puppet-enterprise-<version>-<platform>.tar.gz.asc
    The result is similar to:
    gpg: Signature made Tue 18 Sep 2016 10:05:25 AM PDT using RSA key ID EF8D349F
    gpg: Good signature from "Puppet, Inc. Release Key (Puppet, Inc. Release Key)"
    Note: If you don't have a trusted path to one of the signatures on the release key, you receive a warning that a valid path to the key couldn't be found.

Configuration parameters and the pe.conf file

A pe.conf file is a HOCON formatted file that declares parameters and values used to install, upgrade, or configure PE. A default pe.conf file is available in the conf.d directory in the installer tarball.

Tip: You can install PE using a customized pe.conf file by running ./puppet-enterprise-installer -c <PATH_TO_pe.conf>.

The following are examples of valid parameter and value expressions:

Type Value
FQDNs "puppet_enterprise::puppet_master_host": ""
Strings "console_admin_password": "mypassword"
Arrays [ "puppet", "" ]
Booleans "puppet_enterprise::profile::orchestrator::run_service": true

Valid Boolean values are true or false (case sensitive, no quotation marks).

Note: Don't use Yes (y), No (n), 1, or 0.
JSON hashes "puppet_enterprise::profile::orchestrator::java_args": {"Xmx": "256m", "Xms": "256m"}
Integer "puppet_enterprise::profile::console::rbac_session_timeout": "60"
Important: Don't use single quotes on parameter values. Use double quotes as shown in the examples.

Installation parameters

These parameters are required for installation.

Tip: To simplify installation, you can keep the default value of %{::trusted.certname} for your master and provide a console administrator password after running the installer.
The FQDN of the node hosting the master, for example
Default: %{::trusted.certname}

Database configuration parameters

These are the default parameters and values supplied for the PE databases.

This list is intended for reference only; don't change or customize these parameters.
Name for the activity database.
Default: pe-activity
Activity database user that can perform only read functions.
Default: pe-activity-read
Activity database user that can perform only read and write functions.
Default: pe-activity-write
Activity database superuser.
Default: pe-activity
Activity service database user used for migrations.
Default: pe-activity
Activity service database user used for normal operations.
Default: pe-activity-write
Name for the classifier database.
Default: pe-classifier
Classifier database user that can perform only read functions.
Default: pe-classifier-read
Classifier database user that can perform only read and write functions.
Classifier database superuser.
Classifier service user used for migrations.
Default: pe-classifier
Classifier service user used for normal operations.
Default: pe-classifier-write
Name for the orchestrator database.
Default: pe-orchestrator
Orchestrator database user that can perform only read functions.
Default: pe-orchestrator-read
Orchestrator database user that can perform only read and write functions.
Default: pe-orchestrator-write
Orchestrator database superuser.
Default: pe-orchestrator
Orchestrator service user used for migrations.
Default: pe-orchestrator
Orchestrator service user used for normal operations.
Default: pe-orchestrator-write
Name for the PuppetDB database.
Default: pe-puppetdb
Name for the RBAC database.
Default: pe-rbac
RBAC database user that can perform only read functions.
Default: pe-rbac-read
RBAC database user that can perform only read and write functions.
Default: pe-rbac-write
RBAC database superuser.
Default: pe-rbac
RBAC service user used for migrations.
RBAC service user used for normal operations.
Default: pe-rbac-write

External PostgreSQL parameters

These parameters are required to install an external PostgreSQL instance. Password parameters can be added to standard installations if needed.

Agent certname of the node hosting the database component. Don't use an alt name for this value.
The port that the database is running on.
Default: 5432
true or false. For unmanaged PostgreSQL installations don't use SSL security, set this parameter to false.
Default: true
true or false.
Important: For unmanaged PostgreSQL installations don't use SSL security, set this parameter to false.
Default: true
Password for the PuppetDB database user. Must be a string, such as "mypassword".
Password for the classifier database user. Must be a string, such as "mypassword".
Database user the classifier service uses for normal operations.
Default: pe-classifier
Database user the classifier service uses for migrations.
Default: pe-classifier
Password for the activity database user. Must be a string, such as "mypassword".
Database user the activity service uses for normal operations.
Default: "pe-activity"
Database user the activity service uses for migrations.
Default: pe-activity"
Password for the RBAC database user. Must be a string, such as "mypassword".
Database user the RBAC service uses for normal operations.
Default: "pe-rbac"
Database user the RBAC service uses for migrations.
Default: "pe-rbac"
Password for the orchestrator database user. Must be a string, such as "mypassword".
Database user the orchestrator service uses for normal operations.
Default: pe-orchestrator
Database user the orchestrator service uses for migrations.
Default: "pe-orchestrator"

Master parameters

Use these parameters to configure and tune the master.

An array of strings that represent the DNS altnames to be added to the SSL certificate generated for the master.
Default: ["puppet"]
Array of additional certificates to be allowed access to the /certificate_statusAPI endpoint. This list is added to the base certificate list.
true to automatically configure the Code Manager service, or false.
String that represents the Git URL to be passed to the r10k.yaml file, for example "". The URL can be any URL that's supported by r10k and Git. This parameter is required only if you want r10k configured when PE is installed; it must be specified in conjunction with puppet_enterprise::profile::master::r10k_private_key.
String that represents the local file system path on the master where the SSH private key can be found and used by r10k, for example "/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/ssh/id-control_repo.rsa". This parameter is required only if you want r10k configured when PE is installed; it must be specified in conjunction with puppet_enterprise::profile::master::r10k_remote.
true to check for updates whenever the pe-puppetserver service restarts, or false.
Default: true

Console and console-services parameters

Use these parameters to customize the behavior of the console and console-services. Parameters that begin with puppet_enterprise::profile can be modified from the console itself. See the configuration methods documents for more information on how to change parameters in the console or Hiera.

Integer representing, in seconds, the classifier synchronization period, which controls how long it takes the node classifier to retrieve classes from the master.
Default: "600" (seconds).
Integer specifying how many failed login attempts are allowed on an account before that account is revoked.
Default: "10" (attempts).
Integer representing, in hours, how long a user's generated token is valid for. An administrator generates this token for a user so that they can reset their password.
Default: "24" (hours).
Integer representing, in minutes, how long a user's session can last. The session length is the same for node classification, RBAC, and the console.
Default: "60" (minutes).
Integer representing the maximum allowable period that a console session can be valid. To not expire before the maximum token lifetime, set to '0'.
Supported units are "s" (seconds), "m" (minutes), "h" (hours), "d" (days), "y" (years). Units are specified as a single letter following an integer, for example "1d"(1 day). If no units are specified, the integer is treated as seconds.
Integer representing the port that the console is available on.
Default: [443]
Nginx listen address for the console.
Default: ""
Integer representing the number of days to wait before pruning the size of the classifier database. If you set the value to "0", the node classifier service is never pruned.
"true" to store an explanation of how nodes match each group they're classified into, or "false".
Default: "false"
"true" to display timestamps in local time, with hover text showing UTC time, or "false" to show timestamps in UTC time.
Default: "false"
Modify these configuration parameters in Hiera or pe.conf, not the console:
SSL port that the node classifier is served on.
Default: [4433]
Length of time, in seconds, before a node is considered unresponsive.
Default: 3600 (seconds)
The password to log into the console, for example "myconsolepassword".
Default: Specified during installation.

Orchestrator and orchestration services parameters

Use these parameters to configure and tune the orchestrator and orchestration services.

true to enable the Puppet Execution Protocol service, which is required to use the orchestrator and run Puppet from the console, or false.
Default: true
An integer that determines the maximum number of concurrent requests orchestrator can make to bolt-server.
CAUTION: Do not set a concurrency limit that is higher than the bolt-server limit. This can cause timeouts that lead to failed task runs.
Default: The default value is set to the current value stored for bolt-server.
Integer representing how many concurrent compile requests can be outstanding to the master, across all orchestrator jobs.
Default: "8" requests
Integer representing the days after which job reports should be removed.
Default: "30" days
Integer representing the length of time, in seconds, before timeout when agents attempt to connect to the Puppet Communications Protocol broker in a Puppet run triggered by the orchestrator.
Default: "30" seconds
true to enable orchestration services, or false.
Default: true
Integer representing the number of tasks that can run at the same time.
Default: "250" tasks
true to enable application management, or false.
Default: false
Integer representing the interval, in seconds, between agents' attempts to ping Puppet Communications Protocol brokers.
Default: "120" seconds
String representing the path to the Puppet Execution Protocol agent log file. Change as needed.
Default: /var/log/puppetlabs/pxp-agent/pxp-agent.log (*nix) or C:/ProgramData/PuppetLabs/pxp-agent/var/log/pxp-agent.log (Windows)

PuppetDB parameters

Use these parameters to configure and tune PuppetDB.

Integer representing how many command processing threads PuppetDB uses to sort incoming data. Each thread can process a single command at a time.
Default: Half the number of cores in your system, for example "8".
present to generate agent run reports and submit them to PuppetDB, or absent
Default: present
Integer in brackets representing the SSL port that PuppetDB listens on.
Default: "[8081]"
“Time-to-live” value before deactivated or expired nodes are deleted, along with all facts, catalogs, and reports for the node. For example, a value of "14d"  sets the time-to-live to 14 days.
Default: "14d"

Java parameters

Use these parameters to configure and tune Java.

JVM (Java Virtual Machine) memory, specified as a JSON hash, that is allocated to the Puppet Server service, for example {"Xmx": "4096m", "Xms": "4096m"}.
JVM memory, specified as a JSON hash, that is allocated to the PuppetDB service, for example {"Xmx": "512m", "Xms": "512m"}.
JVM memory, specified as a JSON hash, that is allocated to console services, for example {"Xmx": "512m", "Xms": "512m"}.
JVM memory, set as a JSON hash, that is allocated to orchestration services, for example, {"Xmx": "256m", "Xms": "256m"}.