Fact-contents endpoint

You can query fact information with greater power by using the /fact-contents endpoint. This endpoint provides the capability to descend into structured facts and query tree nodes deep within this data by using the concept of paths and values.

Paths and Values

Structured facts can be thought of as trees. For example,

"mountpoints": {
  "/": {
    "available": "6.35 GiB",
    "available_bytes": 6820597760,
    "capacity": "74.05%",
    "device": "/dev/sda2",
    "filesystem": "ext4",
    "options": [ "rw", "relatime", "data=ordered" ],
    "size": "24.48 GiB",
    "size_bytes": 26288123904,
    "used": "18.13 GiB",
    "used_bytes": 19467526144
  "/boot": {
    "available": "472.39 MiB",
    "available_bytes": 495337472,
    "capacity": "7.55%",
    "device": "/dev/sda1",
    "filesystem": "vfat",
    "options": [ "rw", "relatime", "fmask=0022", "dmask=0022",
                 "codepage=437", "iocharset=iso8859-1", "shortname=mixed",
                 "errors=remount-ro" ],
    "size": "510.98 MiB",
    "size_bytes": 535805952,
    "used": "38.59 MiB",
    "used_bytes": 40468480

A fact path is an array representing a route from the root of the tree to one of the leaf values, with successive keys representing descent through hashes, and integers representing descent through arrays (the integer being the index, starting at 0). Structured fact leaf values may be hashes, arrays, integers, floats, strings, or booleans.

In the context of the fact above, the first mount option for the device mounted at "/" is specified by

["mountpoints", "/", "options", 0]

The size of the device mounted at "/boot" is specified by

["mountpoints", "/boot", "size"]

By combining path and value queries on the fact-contents endpoint using an and clause, you can filter results based on the leaf values of structured facts.


This will return all fact contents that match the given query.

URL parameters

  • query: optional. A JSON array containing the query in prefix notation (["<OPERATOR>", "<FIELD>", "<VALUE>"]). See the sections below for the supported operators and fields. For general info about queries, see our guide to query structure.

If a query parameter is not provided, all results will be returned.

Query fields

  • certname (string): the certname associated with the factset.

  • environment (string): the environment associated with the parent fact.

  • name (string): the name of the parent fact.

  • path (path): the path of traversal to get to this node.

  • value (multi): the value of this node.

Subquery relationships

The following list contains related entities that can be used to constrain the result set using implicit subqueries. For more information, consult the documentation for subqueries.

  • environment: the environment for a fact-content.

  • facts: the fact where this a fact-content occurs.

Response format

Successful responses will be in application/json. Errors will be returned as a non-JSON string.

The result will be a JSON array with one entry per certname. Each entry is of the form:

  "certname": <node name>,
  "environment": <node environment>,
  "name": <fact name>,
  "path": <path to tree node>,
  "facts": <value of tree node>


Using curl from localhost:

Get the first mount option for the device at "/":

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8080/pdb/query/v4/fact-contents' \
--data-urlencode \
  'query=["=", "path", [ "mountpoints", "/", "options", 0 ]]'

Which returns:

[ {
    "certname" : "desktop.localdomain",
    "environment" : "production",
    "name" : "mountpoints",
    "path" : [ "mountpoints", "/", "options", 0 ],
    "value" : "rw"
} ]

Get all nodes with 5 minute load averages greater than 5:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/pdb/query/v4/fact-contents \
  --data-urlencode 'query=["and",["=","path",["load_averages", "5m"]], [">","value", 5]]'

Which returns:

[ {
    "certname" : "desktop.localdomain",
    "environment" : "production",
    "name" : "load_averages",
    "path" : [ "load_averages", "5m" ],
    "value" : 5.29
}, {
     "certname" : "foo.com",
     "environment" : "production",
     "name" : "load_averages",
     "path" : [ "load_averages", "5m" ],
     "value" : 5.3
} ]

To match path elements against regular expressions, use ~>, the regex array operator. For example, to get all mac addresses for virtualbox network interfaces:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/pdb/query/v4/fact-contents \
    --data-urlencode 'query=["~>","path",["networking","interfaces","vboxnet\\d","mac"]]'

Which returns:

[ {
    "certname" : "desktop.localdomain",
    "environment" : "production",
    "name" : "networking",
    "path" : [ "networking", "interfaces", "vboxnet2", "mac" ],
    "value" : "0a:00:27:00:00:02"
}, {
    "certname" : "desktop.localdomain",
    "environment" : "production",
    "name" : "networking",
    "path" : [ "networking", "interfaces", "vboxnet0", "mac" ],
    "value" : "0a:00:27:00:00:00"
}, {
    "certname" : "desktop.localdomain",
    "environment" : "production",
    "name" : "networking",
    "path" : [ "networking", "interfaces", "vboxnet1", "mac" ],
    "value" : "0a:00:27:00:00:01"
} ]


This query endpoint supports paged results via the common PuppetDB paging URL parameters. For more information, please see the documentation on paging. When the order_by parameter is set to "value", the ordering will be lexicographical.