Metrics endpoint

Querying PuppetDB metrics is accomplished by making an HTTP request to paths under the /metrics/v1 REST endpoint. The metrics v1 API is disabled by default and is deprecated. Please prefer the /metrics/v2 endpoint.

Note: The metrics/v1 endpoint has been disabled by default due to a CVE described in CVE-2020-7943. You can re-enable this endpoint if desired by following the instructions in the Re-enable metrics v1 endpoint section below.

Note: In most cases, PuppetDB is simply a conduit for MBeans made available by its components. PuppetDB makes no guarantee about the stability of MBean names.

Re-enable metrics v1 endpoint

The v1 metrics endpoint is disabled by default due to a CVE described in CVE-2020-7943.

To re-enable this endpoint create a metrics.conf file in the /etc/puppetlabs/puppetdb/conf.d/ directory or wherever your PuppetDB conf.d/ directory lives. This file should contain the following content.

metrics: {
    metrics-webservice: {
        mbeans: {
            enabled: true

A PuppetDB service restart will be required to re-enable the endpoint.

Listing available metrics

Request format

To get a list of all available metric names:

  • Request /metrics/v1/mbeans.

  • Use a GET request.

Response format

Responses return a JSON object mapping a string to a string:

  • The key is the name of a valid MBean.

  • The value is a URI to use for requesting that MBean's attributes.

Retrieving a specific metric

Request format

To get the attributes of a particular metric:

  • Request /metrics/v1/mbeans/<name>, where <name> is something that was returned in the list of available metrics specified above.

  • Use a GET request.

Response format

Responses return a JSON object mapping strings to (strings/numbers/Booleans).

Bulk retrieving metrics

Request format

Multiple metrics can be retrieved in a single call by POSTing a JSON array to the mbeans endpoint. An example is below:

curl -X POST \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
   -d '["", ""]' \

Response format

An array of JSON objects are returned. The results are in the order they were provided in the POSTed array. The JSON objects are the same as if they were individually retrieved via the mbean/<name> endpoint.

Useful metrics

Population metrics

  • puppetlabs.puppetdb.population:name=num-nodes: the number of nodes in your population.

  • puppetlabs.puppetdb.population:name=num-resources: the number of resources in your population.

  • puppetlabs.puppetdb.population:name=avg-resources-per-node: the average number of resources per node in your population.

  • puppetlabs.puppetdb.population:name=pct-resource-dupes: the percentage of resources that exist on more than one node.

Database Metrics

The deprecated BoneCP connection pooling library has been removed from PuppetDB and has been replaced with HikariCP. The complete list of HikariCP metrics and their names can be found in their documentation. All the database metrics have the following naming convention:

puppetlabs.puppetdb.database:PDBWritePool.<HikariCP metric>
puppetlabs.puppetdb.database:PDBReadPool.<HikariCP metric>

Message queue metrics

PuppetDB maintains various command processing metrics, all computed with respect to the last restart. There are global statistics, aggregated across all commands, and individual statistics, computed for each version of each command.

Global metrics

Each of these metrics can be accessed as<item>, using any of the following <item>s:

  • seen: meter measuring commands received (valid or invalid)

  • processed: meter measuring commands successfully processed

  • fatal: meter measuring fatal processing errors

  • retried: meter measuring commands scheduled for retrial

  • awaiting-retry: number of commands waiting to be retried

  • retry-counts: histogram of retry counts (until success or discard)

  • discarded: meter measuring commands discarded as invalid

  • processing-time: timing statistics for the processing of previously enqueued commands

  • queue-time: histogram of the time commands have spent waiting in the queue

  • depth: number of currently enqueued commands

  • ignored: number of obsolete commands that have been ignored

  • size: histogram of submitted command sizes (i.e. HTTP Content-Lengths)

For example:

Metrics for each command version

Each of the command-specific metrics can be accessed as<command>.<version>.<item>, where <command> must be a valid command name, <version> must be the integer command version, and <item> must be one of the following:

  • seen: meter measuring commands received (valid or invalid)

  • processed: meter measuring commands successfully processed

  • fatal: meter measuring fatal processing errors

  • retried: meter measuring commands scheduled for retrial

  • retry-counts: histogram of retry counts (until success or discard)

  • discarded: meter measuring commands discarded as invalid

  • ignored: number of obsolete commands that have been ignored

  • processing-time: timing statistics for the processing of previously enqueued commands

For example: catalog.9.processed.

HTTP metrics

PuppetDB automatically collects metrics about every URL it has served to clients. You can see things like the average response time on a per-URL basis, or see how many requests against a particular URL resulted in a HTTP 400 response code. Each of the following metrics is available for each URL. The list of automatically generated metrics is available via the /metrics/v1/mbeans endpoint.

Additionally, we also support the following explicit names:

Note: The use of these explicit names is deprecated; please use, for example, /pdb/cmd/v1 instead.

  • commands: stats relating to the command processing REST endpoint. The PuppetDB-termini in Puppet talk to this endpoint to submit new catalogs, facts, etc.

  • metrics: stats relating to the metrics REST endpoint. This is the endpoint you're reading about right now!

  • facts: stats relating to fact querying.

  • resources: stats relating to resource querying. This is the endpoint used when collecting exported resources.

In addition to customizing <name>, the following metrics are available for each HTTP status code (<status code>). For example, you can see the stats for all 200 responses for the resources endpoint. This allows you to see, per endpoint and per response, independent counters and statistics.

  • puppetlabs.puppetdb.http:name=<name>.service-time: stats about how long it takes to service all HTTP requests to this endpoint

  • puppetlabs.puppetdb.http:name=<name>.<status code>: stats about how often we're returning this response code

Storage metrics

Metrics involving the PuppetDB storage subsystem all begin with the prefix. There are a number of metrics concerned with individual storage operations (storing resources, storing edges, etc.). Metrics of particular note include:

  • the percentage of catalogs that PuppetDB determines to be duplicates of existing catalogs.

  • states about how long it takes to do storage compaction.

JVM metrics

  • java.lang:type=Memory: memory usage statistics.

  • java.lang:type=Threading: stats about JVM threads.