Example Queries
Below is a list of example PQL queries that you may find useful.
Other resources you may also find useful include:
Filtering on node names
Query nodes with green
in their name.
nodes { certname ~ 'green' }
nodes { certname ~ '(?i)green' }
"cached_catalog_status": "not_used",
"catalog_environment": "production",
"catalog_timestamp": "2016-08-15T11:06:26.275Z",
"certname": "greenserver.vm",
"deactivated": null,
"expired": null,
"facts_environment": "production",
"facts_timestamp": "2016-08-15T11:06:26.140Z",
"latest_report_corrective_change": null,
"latest_report_hash": "4a956674b016d95a7b77c99513ba26e4a744f8d1",
"latest_report_noop": false,
"latest_report_noop_pending": null,
"latest_report_status": "changed",
"report_environment": "production",
"report_timestamp": "2016-08-15T11:06:18.393Z"
Querying for inactive nodes
nodes { node_state = "inactive" }
"cached_catalog_status": "not_used",
"catalog_environment": "production",
"catalog_timestamp": "2016-08-15T11:06:26.275Z",
"certname": "foo.com",
"deactivated": "2016-08-17T13:04:41.421Z",
"expired": null,
"facts_environment": "production",
"facts_timestamp": "2016-08-15T11:06:26.140Z",
"latest_report_corrective_change": null,
"latest_report_hash": "az956674b016d95a7b77c99513ba26e4a744f8d1",
"latest_report_noop": false,
"latest_report_noop_pending": null,
"latest_report_status": "changed",
"report_environment": "production",
"report_timestamp": "2016-08-15T11:06:18.393Z"
Basic fact filtering
Nodes with operating system name CentOS
inventory { facts.os.name = "CentOS" }
Output (abbreviated):
"certname": "centos70.vm",
"environment": "production",
"facts": {
"operatingsystem": "CentOS",
"operatingsystemmajrelease": "7",
"operatingsystemrelease": "7.0.1406",
"os": {
"architecture": "x86_64",
"family": "RedHat",
"hardware": "x86_64",
"name": "CentOS",
"release": {
"full": "7.0.1406",
"major": "7",
"minor": "0"
"selinux": {
"enabled": false
"osfamily": "RedHat",
"timestamp": "2016-08-15T11:06:26.140Z",
"trusted": {
"authenticated": "remote",
"certname": "centos70.vm",
"domain": "vm",
"extensions": {},
"hostname": "centos70"
Fact and resource filtering
Nodes with CentOS
operating system, and with a declared httpd
service resource.
inventory[certname] { facts.operatingsystem = "CentOS" and
resources { type = "Service" and title = "httpd" } }
"certname": "greenserver.vm"
Fact, resource and resource parameter filtering
boxes in the PDX
datacenter, that have their java
package forced to 1.7.0
inventory[certname] { facts.osfamily = "RedHat" and
facts.datacentre = "PDX" and
resources { type = "Package" and
title = "java" and
parameters.ensure = "1.7.0" } }
"certname": "greenserver.vm"
Fact and resource filtering for classes
CentOS boxes with the apache
Puppet class.
inventory[certname] { facts.operatingsystem = "CentOS" and
resources { type = "Class" and
title = "Apache" } }
"certname": "greenserver.vm"
Fact, resource and environment filtering
All windows servers, with service sqlserver
in a particular feature branch environment.
nodes { certname in inventory[certname] { facts.osfamily = "Windows" } and
resources { type = "Service" and
title = "sqlserver" } and
report_environment = "feature_SYS-4926" }
[ {
"deactivated" : null,
"latest_report_hash" : "4a956674b016d95a7b77c99513ba26e4a744f8d1",
"facts_environment" : "laboratory",
"cached_catalog_status" : "not_used",
"report_environment" : "laboratory",
"latest_report_corrective_change" : false,
"catalog_environment" : "laboratory",
"facts_timestamp" : "2016-07-18T04:12:12.912Z",
"latest_report_noop" : false,
"expired" : null,
"latest_report_noop_pending" : null,
"report_timestamp" : "2016-07-18T04:12:15.907Z",
"certname" : "windowserver.vm",
"catalog_timestamp" : "2016-07-18T04:12:12.917Z",
"latest_report_status" : "success"
} ]
Fact, report status filtering with dot notation
Get only the certname
, os.family
and puppetversion
for all nodes whose most recent
report indicated a failure.
inventory[certname, facts.os.family, facts.puppetversion] {
certname in nodes[certname] { latest_report_status = "failed" }
[ {
"certname" : "server.vm",
"facts.os.family": "Debian",
"facts.puppetversion": "6.8.1"
} ]
Timestamp filtering
Nodes that haven't checked in for 7 days.
nodes { report_timestamp <= "2016-08-03 00:00:00" }
"cached_catalog_status": "not_used",
"catalog_environment": "production",
"catalog_timestamp": "2016-08-15T11:06:26.275Z",
"certname": "greenserver.vm",
"deactivated": null,
"expired": null,
"facts_environment": "production",
"facts_timestamp": "2016-08-15T11:06:26.140Z",
"latest_report_corrective_change": null,
"latest_report_hash": "4a956674b016d95a7b77c99513ba26e4a744f8d1",
"latest_report_noop": false,
"latest_report_noop_pending": null,
"latest_report_status": "changed",
"report_environment": "production",
"report_timestamp": "2016-08-15T11:06:18.393Z"
Profile querying
Show active nodes that have the profile class Profile::Remote_mgmt
applied to it.
nodes { resources { type = "Class" and title = "Profile::Remote_mgmt" } }
"cached_catalog_status": "not_used",
"catalog_environment": "production",
"catalog_timestamp": "2016-08-15T11:06:26.275Z",
"certname": "greenserver.vm",
"deactivated": null,
"expired": null,
"facts_environment": "production",
"facts_timestamp": "2016-08-15T11:06:26.140Z",
"latest_report_corrective_change": null,
"latest_report_hash": "4a956674b016d95a7b77c99513ba26e4a744f8d1",
"latest_report_noop": false,
"latest_report_noop_pending": null,
"latest_report_status": "changed",
"report_environment": "production",
"report_timestamp": "2016-08-15T11:06:18.393Z"
Querying catalog submission time
Check for nodes that haven't had a catalog applied since a certain time.
nodes { catalog_timestamp < "2016-08-15T11:37:00.000Z" }
"cached_catalog_status": "not_used",
"catalog_environment": "production",
"catalog_timestamp": "2016-08-15T11:06:26.275Z",
"certname": "greenserver.vm",
"deactivated": null,
"expired": null,
"facts_environment": "production",
"facts_timestamp": "2016-08-15T11:06:26.140Z",
"latest_report_corrective_change": null,
"latest_report_hash": "4a956674b016d95a7b77c99513ba26e4a744f8d1",
"latest_report_noop": false,
"latest_report_noop_pending": null,
"latest_report_status": "changed",
"report_environment": "production",
"report_timestamp": "2016-08-15T11:06:18.393Z"
List of nodes with report status failed
List all nodes that have had a failure on their last run.
nodes { latest_report_status = 'failed' }
"cached_catalog_status": "not_used",
"catalog_environment": "production",
"catalog_timestamp": "2016-08-15T11:03:26.275Z",
"certname": "redserver.vm",
"deactivated": null,
"expired": null,
"facts_environment": "production",
"facts_timestamp": "2016-08-15T11:03:26.140Z",
"latest_report_corrective_change": null,
"latest_report_hash": "68f56674b016d95a7b77c99513ba26e4a744f001",
"latest_report_noop": false,
"latest_report_noop_pending": null,
"latest_report_status": "failed",
"report_environment": "production",
"report_timestamp": "2016-08-15T11:03:18.393Z"
Query code_id from latest reports
Query all latest reports and show the certname and code_id.
reports[certname, code_id] { latest_report? = true }
"certname": "greenserver.vm",
"code_id": "urn:puppet:code-id:1:519e404a1b6217b010cc543494c2dc50df8a53e3;production"
"certname": "yellowserver.vm",
"code_id": "urn:puppet:code-id:1:519e404a1b6217b010cc543494c2dc50df8a53e3;production"
Reports that have not applied a code_id
Show reports that have not had a particular code_id applied.
reports[certname, receive_time] {
latest_report? = true and
! code_id = 'urn:puppet:code-id:1:519e404a1b6217b010cc543494c2dc50df8a53e3;production'
"certname": "whiteserver.vm",
"receive_time": "2016-08-15T10:33:07.130Z"
"certname": "brownserver.vm",
"receive_time": "2016-08-15T11:06:26.553Z"
Show all exported resources
Show all exported resources
resources[certname, type, title] { exported = true }
"certname": "purpleserver.vm",
"title": "purpleserver.vm-mysql",
"type": "Monitor"
"certname": "purpleserver.vm",
"title": "purpleserver.vm-httpd",
"type": "Monitor"
"certname": "purpleserver.vm",
"title": "purpleserver.vm-/etc",
"type": "Backup"