Exporting and anonymizing data


This document covers using the export, import and anonymization tools for PuppetDB.

The export tool will return an archive of all of your PuppetDB data which can be uploaded to another PuppetDB via the import tool. The export tool also has the ability to anonymize the archive before returning it. This is particularly useful when sharing PuppetDB data that contains sensitive items.

Using the export command

To create an anonymized PuppetDB archive directly, use the Puppet db subcommand from any node with puppet-client-tools installed:

$ puppet db export my-puppetdb-export.tar.gz --anonymization moderateCopied!

Using the import command

To import an anonymized PuppetDB tarball, use the Puppet db subcommand from any node with puppet-client-tools installed:

$ puppet db import my-puppetdb-export.tar.gzCopied!

How does it work?

The tool walks through your entire data set, applying different rules to each of the leaf data based on the profile you have chosen. The data structure is left intact, and only the data contents are modified. This maintains the "shape" of the data without exposing the underlying data you may wish to scrub.

We do this by always ensuring we replace data consistently. For example, if a string is replaced with something random, we ensure that all instances of that original string are replaced with the same random string throughout the data.

By keeping its original shape, the data can be anonymized based on your needs but still hold some value to the consumer of your anonymized data.

Anonymization profiles

You may not need to anonymize all data in every case, so we have provided a number of profiles offering varying levels of anonymization.

The profile can be specified on the command line when the command is run. For example, to choose the low profile, enter:

$ puppet db export ./my-puppetdb-anonymized-export.tar.gz --anonymization lowCopied!

Profile: full

The full profile will anonymize all data (including node names, resource types, resource titles, parameter names, values, any log messages, file names, and file lines) while retaining the data set's shape. The result is a completely anonymized data set. Report metrics under the resources and events categories are left intact, as these can be inferred from the rest of the data, but names of metrics under the time category are anonymized as resource types.

This is useful if you are really concerned about limiting the data you expose, but provides the least utility for the consumer depending on the activity they are trying to test.

Profile: moderate

The moderate profile attempts to be a bit smarter about what it anonymizes and is the recommended profile for most cases. It sorts and anonymizes data by data type:

  • Node name: is anonymized by default.

  • Resource type name: the core types that are built into Puppet are not anonymized, including some common types from the modules: stdlib, postgresql, rabbitmq, puppetdb, apache, mrep, f5, apt, registry, concat, and mysql. Any Puppet Enterprise core type names are also preserved. The goal here is to anonymize any custom or unknown resource type names, as these may contain confidential information.

  • Resource titles: all titles are anonymized expect for those belonging to Filebucket, Package, Service, and Stage.

  • Parameter names: are never anonymized.

  • Parameter values: everything is anonymized except for the values for provider, ensure, noop, loglevel, audit, and schedule.

  • Report log messages: are always anonymized.

  • File names: are always anonymized.

  • File numbers: are left as they are.

  • Log messages: are always anonymized.

  • Metrics: metric names in the time category are anonymized as resource types.

Profile: low

This profile is aimed at hiding security information specifically, but leaving most of the data in its original state. The following categories are anonymized:

  • Node name: is always anonymized.

  • Parameter values: only values and messages for parameter names containing the strings password, pwd, secret, key, or private are anonymized.

  • Log messages: are always anonymized.

Verifying your anonymized data

After anonymizing data with the puppetdb export tool, we strongly recommend that you analyze the anonymized data before sharing it with another party to ensure that all sensitive data has been scrubbed.

Simply untar the export file and analyze the contents:

$ tar -xzf my-puppetdb-anonymized-export.tar.gz
$ cd puppetdb-bakCopied!

Inside this directory there is a directory for each content type (reports, catalogs, and facts), and each file inside represents a node (and a report instance for reports). The data is represented as human-readable JSON. You can open these files and use tools such as grep to check the status of specific information you wish to anonymize.