Publishing modules
CollapseTo share your module with other Puppet users, get contributions to your modules, and maintain your module releases, publish your module on the Puppet Forge. The Forge is a community repository of modules, written and contributed by open source Puppet and Puppet Enterprise users.
Create a Forge account, if you don't already have one.
Prepare your module for packaging.
Add module metadata in the
file.Build an uploadable tarball of your module.
Upload your module using the Forge web interface.
Naming your module
Your module has two names: a short name, like "mysql", and a long name that includes your Forge username, like "puppetlabs-mysql". When you upload your module to the Forge, use the module's long name.
Your module's short name is the same as that module's directory on your disk. This name must consist of letters, numbers, and underscores only; it can't contain dashes or periods.
The long name is composed of your Forge username and
the short name of your module. For example, the "puppetlabs" user maintains a
"mysql" module, which is located in a ./modules/mysql
directory and is known to the Forge as "puppetlabs-mysql".
In your module's metadata.json
file, always use the
long name of your module. This helps disambiguate modules that might have common
short names, such as "mysql" or "apache." If you created your module with Puppet Development Kit (PDK), and you provided your Forge username to PDK,
the metadata.json
file already contains the correct
long name for the module. Otherwise, edit your module's metadata with the correct
long name.
, its web
interface presents them as username/module
Always use the username-module
style in your
metadata files and when issuing commands.Create a Forge account
To publish your modules to the Forge, you must first create a Forge account.
- In your web browser, navigate to the Forge website and click Sign Up.
- Fill in the fields on the sign-up form. The username you pick becomes part of your module long name, such as "bobcat-apache".
- Check your email for a verification email from the Forge, and then follow the instructions in the email to verify your email address.
After you have verified your email address, you can publish modules to the Forge.
Prepare your module for publishing
Before you build your module package for publishing, make sure it's ready to be packaged.
file contains the correct
information. metadata.json
must be UTF-8 encoded. If
you used Puppet Development Kit (or the deprecated
puppet module generate
command) to create your module, these files are
already UTF-8 encoded. Excluding files from the package
To exclude certain files from your module build, include them in either an ignore file.
Ignore files are useful for excluding files that are not needed to run the module, such as
temporary files or files generated by spec tests. The ignore file must be in the root
directory. You can use .pdkignore
, .gitignore
, or.pmtignore
files in your
If you are building your module with PDK, your module
package contains a .pdkignore
file that already includes a
list of commonly ignored files. To add or remove files to this list, define them in the
module's .sync.yml
file. For more information about
customizing your module's configuration with .sync.yml
, see
PDK documentation.
If you are building your module with the puppet module
command, create a .pmtignore
file and in
it, list the files you want to exclude from the module package.
To prevent files, such as those in temporary directories, from ever being checked into your
module's Git repo, list the files in a .gitignore
Removing symlinks from your module
Symlinks in modules are unsupported. If your module contains symlinks, either remove them or ignore them before you build your module.
Warning: Symlinks in modules are unsupported. Please investigate symlink manifests/my-module.pp->manifests/init.pp.
Error: Found symlinks. Symlinks in modules are not allowed, please remove them.
Error: Try 'puppet help module build' for usage
Verifying metadata
To publish your module on the Forge, it must contain
required metadata in a metadata.json
file. If you created
your module with PDK or the deprecated puppet module generate
command, you'll already have a metadata.json
file. Open the file in any text editor, and make any necessary
edits. For details on writing or editing the metadata.json
file, see the related topic about module metadata.
Build a module package
To upload your module to the Forge, first build an uploadable module package with Puppet Development Kit.
PDK builds a .tar.gz
package with the naming convention <USERNAME>-<MODULE_SHORT_NAME>-<VERSION>.tar.gz
in the module's pkg/
subdirectory. For complete details about this task,
see the PDK topic about building module
Change into the
module directory by running
Build the package
by running
pdk build
- Answer the question prompts as needed. You can use default answers to optional questions by pressing Enter at the prompt.
- At the confirmation prompt, confirm or cancel package creation.
Upload a module to the Forge
To publish a new module release to the Forge, upload the module tarball using the web interface.
The module package must be a compiled tar.gz
package of 10MB or less.
- In your web browser, navigate to the Forge and log in.
- Click Publish in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
- On the upload page, click Choose File and use the file browser to locate and select the release tarball. Then click Upload Release.
After a successful upload, your browser loads the new release page for your module. If there were any errors on your upload, they appear on the same screen. Your module's README, Changelog, and License files are displayed on your module's Forge page.
Publish modules to the Forge with Travis CI
You can automatically publish new versions of your module to the Forge using Travis CI.
If this is your first time using Travis CI for automatic
publishing, you must first enable Travis CI to publish to the Forge.
To publish to the Forge
with Travis CI, update, tag, and push your repository.
Update the version number in the module's
file and commit the change to the module repository. - Tag the module repo with the desired version number. For more information about how to do this, see Git docs on basic tagging.
- Push the commit and tag to your Git repository. Travis CI builds and publish the module.
Update the version number in the module's
Deprecate a module on the Forge
To let your module users know that you are no longer maintaining your module, deprecate your module on the Forge.
The full name of the module to be deprecated, such as
.The reason for the deprecation. The reason is publicly displayed on the Forge.
A recommended alternative module or workaround.
Delete a module release from the Forge
To delete a release of your module, use the Forge web interface. A
deleted release is still downloadable via the Forge page or puppet module
command if a user requests the module by specific version.
On your module page, the confirmation of the deletion is displayed.