File Metadata



The file_metadata endpoint returns select metadata for a single file or many files. There are find and search variants of the endpoint; the search variant has a trailing 's' so is actually file_metadatas.

Although the term 'file' is used generically in the endpoint name and documentation, each returned item can be one of the following three types:

  • File

  • Directory

  • Symbolic link

The endpoint path includes a :mount which can be one of the following types:

  • Custom file serving mounts as specified in fileserver.conf --- see the docs on configuring mount points.

  • modules/<MODULE> --- a semi-magical mount point which allows access to the files subdirectory of <MODULE> --- see the docs on file serving.

  • plugins --- a highly magical mount point which merges the lib directory of every module together. Used for syncing plugins; not intended for general consumption. Per-module sub-paths can not be specified.

  • pluginfacts --- a highly magical mount point which merges the facts.d directory of every module together. Used for syncing external facts; not intended for general consumption. Per-module sub-paths can not be specified.

  • scripts/<MODULE> --- a mount point which allows access to files in the scripts subdirectory of <MODULE> --- see the docs on file serving.

  • tasks/<MODULE> --- a mount point which allows access to files in the tasks subdirectory of <MODULE> --- see the docs on file serving.

Note: PSON responses in the examples below are pretty-printed for readability.


Get file metadata for a single file

GET /puppet/v3/file_metadata/:mount/path/to/file?environment=:environmentCopied!

Supported HTTP Methods


Supported Response Formats

application/json, text/pson


Optional parameters to GET:

  • links -- either manage (default) or follow. See examples in Search below.

  • checksum_type -- the checksum type to calculate the checksum value for the result metadata; one of md5 (default), md5lite, sha256, sha256lite, mtime, ctime, and none.

  • source_permissions -- whether (and how) Puppet should copy owner, group, and mode permissions; one of

    • ignore (the default) will never apply the owner, group, or mode from the source when managing a file. When creating new files without explicit permissions, the permissions they receive will depend on platform-specific behavior. On POSIX, Puppet will use the umask of the user it is running as. On Windows, Puppet will use the default DACL associated with the user it is running as.

    • use will cause Puppet to apply the owner, group, and mode from the source to any files it is managing.

    • use_when_creating will only apply the owner, group, and mode from the source when creating a file; existing files will not have their permissions overwritten.

Example Response

File metadata found for a file

GET /puppet/v3/file_metadata/modules/example/just_a_file.txt?environment=env

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/pson

    "checksum": {
        "type": "md5",
        "value": "{md5}d0a10f45491acc8743bc5a82b228f89e"
    "destination": null,
    "group": 20,
    "links": "manage",
    "mode": 420,
    "owner": 501,
    "path": "/etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/example/files/just_a_file.txt",
    "relative_path": null,
    "type": "file"

File metadata found for a directory

GET /puppet/v3/file_metadata/modules/example/subdirectory?environment=env

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/pson

    "checksum": {
        "type": "ctime",
        "value": "{ctime}2013-10-01 13:16:10 -0700"
    "destination": null,
    "group": 20,
    "links": "manage",
    "mode": 493,
    "owner": 501,
    "path": "/etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/example/files/subdirectory",
    "relative_path": null,
    "type": "directory"

File not found

GET /puppet/v3/file_metadata/modules/example/does_not_exist?environment=env

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

Not Found: Could not find file_metadata modules/example/does_not_existCopied!

Sample Module

The examples above use this (faux) module:

    link_to_file.txt -> /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/example/files/just_a_file.txt