Facter known issues



These are the known issues in this version of Facter.

Incorrect network output for VirtualBox or VPN network interfaces

Running the facter networking.interfaces command in Facter 3 returns incorrect network output. This command currently works in Facter 4. FACT-2951

Incorrect loopback interface output on AIX

Running the facter command in Facter 3 returns incorrect network output for the loopback interface on AIX. These facts work correctly in Facter 4 and appear differently when running the puppet facts diff command in Facter 3. FACT-2963

Incorrect mountpoints output on AIX

Running the facter command in Facter 3 returns incorrect mountpoint output on AIX. These facts work correctly in Facter 4 and appear differently when running the puppet facts diff command in Facter 3. FACT-2964

Facter 3 sets invalid values NVMe mountponts

An issue with Facter 3 causes invalid values for NVMe mountpoints. FACT-3020

Facter 3 cannot not detect ldom facts

Facter 3 cannot resolve the following facts on Solaris 11-SPARC: ldom.domainchassis, ldom.domaincontrol, ldom_domainchassis, and ldom_domaincontrol. FACT-3010

Facter 3 cannot detect xvda disks on Amazon 6

Facter 3 does not detect the type for xvda disks on Amazon 6 virtual machines. FACT-3011

Facter 3 cannot resolve lsb facts if the lsb_release package is not installed

Facter 3 cannot resolve the following facts if the lsb_release package is not installed on the box: lsbdistrelease, lsbmajdistrelease, os.distro.codename, os.distro.id, os.distro.release.full, os.distro.release.major. This is fixed in Facter 4. FACT-3012

Facter 3 cannot detect scope6 fact

The scope6 fact was implemented in Facter 4, and is currently missing from Facter 3. FACT-3013

Facter 3 cannot detect the VMware version

For boxes running on ESXi, Facter 3 cannot detect the hypervisors.vmware.version fact. FACT-3015

Facter 3 cannot detect IP v6 facts on Solaris

Facter 3 cannot provide information on IP v6 facts on Solaris virtual machines. For a full list of facts, see FACT-3016.

Facter 3 cannot detect facts on Red Hat 7 AARCH

Facter 3 cannot detect facts that are part of the partitions group. For a full list of facts, see FACT-3019.

Facter 3 does not include Core(s) per socket and Thread(s) per core

Facter 3 does not include the Core(s) per socket and Thread(s) per core information in the processors fact. This information is available in Facter 4 only. FACT-2992

Inconsistencies with the --json flag

Running Facter 3 with the --json flag can produce a different outputs to Facter 4. For example, with facts that cannot be resolved when querying for fact names:

# facter 4
❯ bx facter non_existent --json
  "non_existent": null
# facter 3
❯ cfacter non_existent --json
  "non_existent": ""

This can also happen with external executable facts that do not produce any output, or have errors, creating entries in puppet facts diff. For example:

cat /etc/facter/facts.d/bad.sh
echo bad=`abc`
puppet facts diff
Warning: Facter: external fact file "/etc/facter/facts.d/bad.sh" had output on stderr: /etc/facter/facts.d/bad.sh: line 2: abc: command not found
Warning: Facter: external fact file "/etc/facter/facts.d/bad.sh" had output on stderr: /etc/facter/facts.d/bad.sh: line 2: abc: command not found
  "bad": {
    "new_value": null,
    "old_value": ""


The macosx_productversion_major fact returns the wrong value for Big Sur

On macOS 11, the macosx_productversion_major fact incorrectly reports minor releases of Big Sur as major releases. For example, macOS 11.1 and 11.5 are treated as separate major releases, instead of minor releases of the macOS 11 series. FACT-3071