Resource and class references


Resource references identify a specific Puppet resource by its type and title. Several attributes, such as the relationship metaparameters, require resource references.

The general form of a resource reference is:
  • The resource type, capitalized. If the resource type includes a namespace separator ::, then each segment must be capitalized.

  • An opening square bracket [.

  • The title of the resource as a string, or a comma-separated list of titles.

  • A closing square bracket ].

For example, here is a reference to a file resource:
subscribe => File['/etc/ntp.conf'],Copied!
Here is a type with a multi-segment name:
before => Concat::Fragment['apache_port_header'],Copied!

Unlike variables, resource references are not evaluation-order dependent, and can be used before the resource itself is declared.

Class references

Class references work the same as resource references, but use the pseudo-resource type Class instead of some other resource type name:
require => Class['ntp::install'],Copied!

Multi-resource references

Resource reference expressions with an array of titles or comma-separated list of titles refer to multiple resources of the same type. They evaluate to an array of single-title resource references. For example, here is a multi-resource reference:
require => File['/etc/apache2/httpd.conf', '/etc/apache2/magic', '/etc/apache2/mime.types'],
And here is an equivalent multi-resource reference:
$my_files = ['/etc/apache2/httpd.conf', '/etc/apache2/magic', '/etc/apache2/mime.types']
require => File[$my_files]Copied!
Multi-resource references can be used wherever an array of references can be used. They can go on either side of a chaining arrow or receive a block of additional attributes.

Accessing attribute values

You can use a resource reference to access the values of a resource’s attributes. To access a value, use square brackets and the name of an attribute (as a string). This works much like accessing hash values.
file { "/etc/first.conf":
  ensure => file,
  mode   => "0644",
  owner  => "root",

file { "/etc/second.conf":
  ensure => file,
  mode   => File["/etc/first.conf"]["mode"],
  owner  => File["/etc/first.conf"]["owner"],

The resource whose values you’re accessing must exist.

Like referencing variables, attribute access depends on evaluation order: Puppet must evaluate the resource you’re accessing before you try to access it. If it hasn’t been evaluated yet, Puppet raises an evaluation error.

You can only access attributes that are valid for that resource type. If you try to access a nonexistent attribute, Puppet raises an evaluation error.

Puppet can read the values of only those attributes that are explicitly set in the resource’s declaration. It can’t read the values of properties that would have to be read from the target system. It also can’t read the values of attributes that default to some predictable value. For example, in the code above, you wouldn’t be able to access the value of the path attribute, even though it defaults to the resource’s title.

Like with hash access, the value of an attribute whose value was never set is undef.

Resource references as data types

If you’ve read the Data type syntax page, or perused the lower sections of the other data type pages, you might have noticed that resource references use the same syntax as values that represent data types. Internally, they’re implemented the same way, and each resource reference is actually a data type.

For most users, this doesn’t matter at all. Treat resource references as a special case with a coincidentally similar syntax, and it’ll make your life generally easier. But if you’re interested in the details, see Resource types.

To restrict values for a class or defined type parameter so that users must provide your code a resource reference, do one of the following.
  • To allow a resource reference of any resource type, use a data type of:
  • To allow resource references and class references, use a data type of:
  • To allow a resource reference of a specific resource type — in this example, file — use one of the following:
    Type[File]              # Capitalized resource type name
    Type[Resource["file"]]  # Resource data type, with type name in parameter as a string
    Type[Resource[File]]    # Resource data type, with capitalized resource type nameCopied!
    Any of these three options allow any File['<TITLE>'] resource reference, while rejecting ones like Service[<TITLE>].