Installing Puppet
To get started using Puppet, you must first complete the initial installation and setup process.
Puppet is distributed in
several packages. These include puppetserver
and puppetdb
. Puppet Server controls the
configuration information for one or more managed agent nodes. PuppetDB is where the data
generated by Puppet is
Enabling the Puppet platform repository
Installing Puppet Server
Installing Puppet agent
- Installing PuppetDB (optional)
component of the Puppet
platform is available only for Linux. The puppet-agent
component is available independently
for over 30 platforms and architectures, including Windows and macOS.
For more information on Puppet's packages, see
Puppet platform lifecycle. 1. Enable the Puppet platform repository
Enabling the Puppet platform repository makes the components needed for installation available on your system. The process for enabling the repository depends on your package management system, such as Yum or Apt.
Identify the URL of the package you want to enable based on your operating system and version. *nix platform packages are located in repositories corresponding to the Yum and Apt package management systems.<PLATFORM_NAME>-release-<OS_ABBREVIATION>-<OS_VERSION>.noarch.rpm
For example:
. Note that for Ubuntu releases, the VERSION_CODE_NAME
is the adjective, not the animal.Enable the Puppet platform on Yum
sudo rpm -U <PACKAGE_URL>
sudo rpm -Uvh puppet6-release-el-5.noarch.rpm
sudo rpm -Uvh
Enable the Puppet platform on Apt
If you install from the Puppet Yum and Apt repositories, the release package that enables the repository also installs our release signing key. The Yum and Apt tools automatically verify the integrity of packages as you install them.
If you install a Windows agent using an .msi package, the Windows installer automatically verifies the signature before installing the package.
If you need to manually verify packages, see Verify packages.
2. Install Puppet Server
Puppet Server is a required application that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on the primary server.
In addition to hosting endpoints for the certificate authority service, Puppet Server also powers the catalog compiler, which compiles configuration catalogs for agent nodes, using Puppet code and various other data sources.
In this section, you will install the puppetserver
package and start the service.
Follow the steps in install Puppet Server
3. Install Puppet agent
Puppet agents translates code into commands and then executes it on the systems you specify.
In this section, you will install agents on your chosen operating system, configure them, and sign their certificates. Follow the steps in install agents.
4. Install PuppetDB (optional)
All of the data generated by Puppet is stored in Puppet DB.
You can optionally install PuppetDB to enable extra features, including enhanced queries and reports about your infrastructure. In this section, you will assign PuppetDB module’s classes to your servers. Follow the steps in install PuppetDB.