Configure global shared job hardware

All workspaces in your Continuous Delivery for Puppet Enterprise (PE) installation can use global shared job hardware. The root user or a super user must set up these special job hardware servers in the root console.

Before you begin
Review the Job hardware requirements sizing guide.
  1. Install a Puppet agent on each node you want to use as global shared job hardware. The PE documentation provides instructions for Installing agents.
  2. Make sure your Continuous Delivery user role in PE has permission to run the cd4pe_jobs::run_cd4pe_job task.
  3. Install the puppetlabs-cd4pe_jobs module from the Forge. This module is required to run Continuous Delivery for PE jobs on your nodes.
    1. Add the puppetlabs-cd4pe_jobs module to:
      • The Puppetfile for the production environment on the PE primary server that manages the agent nodes you've selected as job hardware.
      • The Puppetfile on the main branch of the control repo associated with the PE primary server managing the agent nodes you've selected as job hardware.
      A sample Puppetfile entry:
      mod 'puppetlabs-cd4pe_jobs', '1.6.0'
    2. Run puppet code deploy production --wait to deploy the updated code to the production environment.
  4. Install and configure Docker on your selected global shared job hardware nodes. Instructions are available in the Docker documentation.
  5. In the Continuous Delivery for PE root console, click Hardware.
  6. You must assign all global shared job hardware servers to the Docker capability, which Continuous Delivery for PE automatically creates for you. Locate the Docker capability and click Edit.
  7. Assign all your global shared job hardware servers to the Docker capability. Select the PE instance that manages the nodes you've selected as job hardware, and then select the global shared job hardware nodes.
    Selected nodes appear in the Hardware with this capability list.
  8. After selecting all the global shared job hardware nodes, click Save.
  9. Optional: Create additional capabilities for your global job hardware servers, as explained in Add job hardware capabilities.
Your global shared job hardware is configured. Users in all workspaces now see a Run on shared hardware option when creating or editing a job. Jobs configured to run on your global shared job hardware have the Docker capability automatically selected, and these jobs run on the global shared job hardware assigned to the Docker capability.
CAUTION: If your installation specifies a Docker image in Puppet Application Manager (PAM) (this is common in offline environments), this image takes precedence over the image set in the Continuous Delivery for PE root console (which is the one shown when creating or editing a job).