
To upgrade your deployment, you must upgrade both the infrastructure components and agents.

Important: Unlike open source Puppet, Puppet Core packages are stored in protected repositories that require authentication. For more information, see Purchasing Puppet Core. After you purchase Puppet Core, you must disable your access to the Puppet public repository so that you can download packages from the protected repositories. For more information about upgrading from open source Puppet, see Upgrading from open source Puppet to Puppet Core.

The order in which you upgrade components is important. Always upgrade Puppet Server and PuppetDB simultaneously, including the puppetdb-termini package on Puppet Server nodes, and always upgrade them before you upgrade agent nodes. Do not run different major versions on Puppet Server and PuppetDB nodes.

The puppetserver package depends on the local puppet-agent package. When upgrading Puppet Server, make sure you upgrade the local puppet-agent package to the latest version within the same release track. Do not, for example, run puppet-agent version 7 and puppetserver version 8 packages on the same host.

Important: After the puppet-agent package is updated, you must initiate a full restart of the puppetserver service. For example, run the systemctl restart puppetserver command. Reloading the service is not sufficient.
Restriction: These instructions cover upgrades in the versions 6, 7, and 8 series. For instructions on upgrading from earlier versions, see the Archived documentation.