Puppet known issues


Before you install Puppet Core, review the list of known issues.

Package collection on MacOS triggers attempt to install developer tools for Python

When running Puppet 7.8.0 on macOS, Puppet might attempt to collect Python packages, which are no longer used in macOS. An error message states that PIP packages cannot be collected, with a prompt to install associated command-line developer tools. This behavior is triggered by a stub executable present in macOS. PUP-11508

User and group management on macOS 11 and later requires Full Disk Access (FDA)

To manage users and groups with Puppet on macOS 11 and later, you must grant Puppet Full Disk Access (FDA). You must also grant FDA to the parent process that triggers your Puppet run. For example:
  • To run Puppet in a server-agent infrastructure, you must grant FDA to the pxp-agent.

  • To run Puppet from a remote machine with SSH commands, you must grant FDA to sshd.

  • To run Puppet commands from the terminal, you must grant FDA to terminal.app.

To give Puppet access, go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk Access, and add the path to the Puppet executable, along with any other parent processes you use to run. For detailed steps, see Add full disk access for Puppet on macOS 10.14 and newer. Alternatively, set up automatic access using Privacy Preferences Control Profiles and a Mobile Device Management Server. PA-2226, PA-2227

Hiera knockout_prefix is ineffective in hierarchies more than three levels deep

When specifying a deep merge behaviour in Hiera, the knockout_prefix identifier is effective only against values in an adjacent array, and not in hierarchies more than three levels deep. HI-223

Specify the epoch when using version ranges with the yum package provider

When using version ranges with the yum package provider, there is a limitation which requires you to specify the epoch as part of the version in the range, otherwise it uses the implicit epoch `0`. For more information, see the RPM packaging guide. PUP-10298

Deferred functions can only use built-in Puppet types

Deferred functions can only use types that are built into Puppet (for example String). They cannot use types from modules like stdlib because Puppet does not plugin-sync these types to the agent. PUP-8600

The Puppet agent installer fails when systemd is not present on Debian 10 and earlier

The puppet-agent package does not include sysv init scripts for Debian 10 (buster) or later. If you disabled or removed systemd, puppet-agent installation and Puppet agent runs can fail.