Resource Type: notify


NOTE: This page was generated from the Puppet source code on 2024-10-18 10:08:53 -0700



Sends an arbitrary message, specified as a string, to the agent run-time log. It's important to note that the notify resource type is not idempotent. As a result, notifications are shown as a change on every Puppet run.


notify { 'resource title':
  name     => # (namevar) An arbitrary tag for your own reference; the...
  message  => # The message to be sent to the log. Note that the 
  withpath => # Whether to show the full object path.  Default...
  # any applicable metaparameters.


(Namevar: If omitted, this attribute's value defaults to the resource's title.)

An arbitrary tag for your own reference; the name of the message.

(↑ Back to notify attributes)


(Property: This attribute represents concrete state on the target system.)

The message to be sent to the log. Note that the value specified must be a string.

(↑ Back to notify attributes)