Defined resource types
Defined resource types, sometimes called defined types or defines, are blocks of Puppet code that can be evaluated multiple times with different parameters.
Create a
defined resource type by writing a define
statement in a manifest (.pp
) file. You can
declare a resource of a defined type in the same way you would declare a resource of a
built-in type.
Store defined resource type manifests in the manifests/
directory of a module. Define only one defined type in a
manifest, and give the manifest file the same name as the defined type. Puppet automatically loads any defined types that are present
in a valid module. See module fundamentals to learn more about module structure and
If a defined type is present and loadable, you can declare resources of that defined type anywhere in your manifests. Declaring a new resource of the defined type causes Puppet to re-evaluate the block of code in the definition, using different values for the parameters.
Every instance of a defined type contains all of its unique resources. This means that any relationships formed between the instance and another resource are extended to every resource that makes up the instance. See the topics about containment and relationships for more information.
Defining types
- The
keyword. - The name of the defined type.
- An optional parameter list, which consists of:
- An opening parenthesis.
- A comma-separated list of parameters, such as:
String $myparam = "default value"
. Each parameter consists of:- An optional data type, which restricts the allowed values for the parameter. If no data type is specified, values of any data type are permitted.
- A variable name to represent the parameter, including the
prefix, such as$parameter
. - An optional equals
sign and default value, which must match the data type, if one was specified. If no default value is specified, the parameter is considered required and the user must specify a value.
- An optional trailing comma after the last parameter.
- A closing parenthesis.
- An opening curly brace.
- A block of arbitrary Puppet code, which generally contains at least one resource declaration
- A closing curly brace
The definition does not cause the code in the block to be added to the catalog; it only makes it available. To add the code to the catalog, you must declare one or more resources of the defined type.
# /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/apache/manifests/vhost.pp
define apache::vhost (
Integer $port,
String[1] $docroot,
String[1] $servername = $title,
String $vhost_name = '*',
) {
include apache # contains package['httpd'] and service['httpd']
include apache::params # contains common config settings
$vhost_dir = $apache::params::vhost_dir
# the template used below can access all of the parameters and variable from above.
file { "${vhost_dir}/${servername}.conf":
ensure => file,
owner => 'www',
group => 'www',
mode => '0644',
content => template('apache/vhost-default.conf.erb'),
require => Package['httpd'],
notify => Service['httpd'],
Declaring defined type resources
You can declare instances of a defined type—usually just called resources—the
same way you declare any other resource: with a resource type, a title, and a set of
attribute-value pairs. The parameters you added when defining the type, such as
, become resource attributes, such as port
, when
you declare resources of the defined type.
Parameters that have a default value are considered optional parameters: if you don't specify them in the resource declaration, the default value is used. Parameters without defaults are required parameters, and you must specify a value for them when you declare the resource.
defined type from the example
above: apache::vhost {'homepages':
port => 8081,
docroot => '/var/www-testhost',
If a defined type is present and loadable, you can declare resources of that defined type anywhere in your manifests. Declaring a new resource of the defined type causes Puppet to re-evaluate the block of code in the definition, using the new declaration's values for the parameters.
resource defaults to port 80 unless
specifically overridden:# /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/manifests/site.pp
Apache::Vhost {
port => 80,
Every resource contained in the resource declaration also has that metaparameter. Metaparameters that can accept more than one value, such as the relationship metaparameters, merge the values from the container and any specific values from the individual resource.
The value of the metaparameter can be used as a variable in the definition, as though it were a normal parameter. For example, in an instance declared with
require => Class['ntp']
, the local value of$require
would beClass['ntp']
Defined type names can consist of one or more namespace segments, which indicate the defined type's location in a module. Each segment must adhere to the naming and reserved names guidelines.
Each namespace segment must be capitalized when writing a resource reference, collector, or
resource default. For example, a reference to the apache::vhost
would be Apache::Vhost['homepages']
Because you can declare multiple instances of a defined type in your manifests, every
resource in the definition must be different in every instance. Duplicate resource instances
result in compilation failures with a "duplicate resource declaration" error. To make
resources different across instances, include the value of $title
another parameter in the resource's title and name.
is unique per instance, this ensures the resources are
unique as well. For example, this segment of a file declaration makes resources unique by
adding the vhost_dir
and servername
attributes to the
resource title:file { "${vhost_dir}/${servername}.conf":
Parameters and attributes
When you create a defined type, you can precede each parameter in the define statement with an optional data type. If you include a data type, Puppet checks the resource parameter's value at runtime to make sure that it has the right data type; if the value is illegal, Puppet raises an error. If you don't specify a data type in the definition statement, the parameter accepts values of any data type.
parameter, 8081, becomes the value assigned to the
variable. Likewise, the path for the docroot
parameter becomes the value for the $docroot
variable.apache::vhost {'homepages':
port => 8081,
docroot => '/var/www-testhost',
The $title
and $name
variables are both set to the
defined type's name automatically, so they cannot be used as parameters.
and $name
and $name
attributes are always available to a
defined type and are not explicitly added to the definition. These attributes are both set
to the defined type's name automatically:-
is always set to the title of the instance. Because it is always unique for each instance, it is useful for making sure that contained resources are unique. -
defaults to the value of$title
. You can specify a different value when you declare an instance of the defined type, but this is rarely useful.
and $name
are already
available inside the defined type's parameter list, you can use $title
all or part of the default value for another attribute. In this example,
is used as the value of $servername
to ensure the
server name is always unique:define apache::vhost (
Integer $port,
String[1] $docroot,
String $servername = $title,
String[1] $vhost_name = '*',
) { # ...