LDAP endpoints
CollapseUse the v1 LDAP endpoints to test and configure LDAP directory service connections.
or leave them blank.Use the v2 LDAP endpoints to get information about your LDAP connections.
POST /command/ldap/create
Configure a new LDAP connection. Authentication and appropriate permissions are required.
To edit existing connections, use POST /command/ldap/update.
Request format
When Forming RBAC API requests to this endpoint, the content type
is application/json
. The body must be a JSON object
containing directory service settings.
has no default value. -
defaults tofalse
if omitted. -
defaults tofalse
if omitted. -
defaults totrue
if omitted. -
defaults tofalse
if omitted. -
defaults tofalse
if omitted. However, ifssl
, thenstart_tls
must betrue
curl -X POST "https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/command/ldap/create" \
-H "X-Authentication:$(puppet-access show)" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"help_link": "https://example.com/login-help.html",
"ssl": true,
"group_name_attr": "name",
"group_rdn": null,
"connect_timeout": 15,
"user_display_name_attr": "cn",
"disable_ldap_matching_rule_in_chain": false,
"ssl_hostname_validation": true,
"hostname": "ldap.example.com",
"base_dn": "dc=example,dc=com",
"user_lookup_attr": "uid",
"port": 636,
"login": "cn=pe-orch,ou=service,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com",
"group_lookup_attr": "cn",
"group_member_attr": "uniqueMember",
"ssl_wildcard_validation": false,
"user_email_attr": "mail",
"user_rdn": "ou=users",
"group_object_class": "groupOfUniqueNames",
"display_name": "ldap.example.com",
"search_nested_groups": true,
"start_tls": false}'
Searching nested groups
When authorizing users, the RBAC service can search nested groups. Nested groups are groups that belong to external directory groups. For example, assume your external directory has a System Administrators group, and you've given that group a Superusers user role in RBAC. In addition to assigning the Superusers role to individual users in the System Administrators group, RBAC looks for other groups in the System Administrators group and assigns the Superusers role to the individual users in those nested groups.
By default, RBAC does not search nested groups. To enable nested group searches, set
to true
to false
. This disables
nested group searches so RBAC searches only the groups it is configured to use for
user roles.search_nested_groups
.Using StartTLS connections
To use StartTLS to secure the connection to the directory service, set
to true
. Any
certificates you configured through the DS trust chain setting are used to verify
the identity of the directory service. If you set start_tls
to true
, then ssl
must be false
By default, disable_ldap_matching_rule_in_chain
is set to false
, which allows PE to
freely use the the LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_IN_CHAIN
feature when it detects an Active Directory that supports this feature. Under
specific circumstances, you might need to disable this setting by setting
to true
Response format
A successful, well-formed request returns 200 OK with the ID of the new connection's configuration object.
If you don't have permission to create LDAP connections, the response is 403 Not Permitted.
A malformed request returns 400 with a schema failure.
For other errors, refer to RBAC service errors.
POST /command/ldap/update
Replace an existing directory service connection's settings. Authentication and appropriate permissions are required.
This endpoint updates an existing LDAP connection. To create a connection, use POST /command/ldap/create. To test a connection, use POST /command/ldap/test. To remove a connection, use POST /command/ldap/delete.
Request format
When Forming RBAC API requests to this endpoint, the content type
is application/json
. The body must be a JSON object
containing the ID of the directory service connection you want to modify and the
connection's settings.
request. This helps avoid accidentally omitting a
setting.curl -X POST "https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/command/ldap/update" \
-H "X-Authentication:$(puppet-access show)" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "e97188aa-9573-413b-945e-07f5f261613e",
"help_link": "https://example.com/login-help.html",
"ssl": true,
"group_name_attr": "name",
"group_rdn": null,
"connect_timeout": 15,
"user_display_name_attr": "cn",
"disable_ldap_matching_rule_in_chain": false,
"ssl_hostname_validation": true,
"hostname": "ldap.example.com",
"base_dn": "dc=example,dc=com",
"user_lookup_attr": "uid",
"port": 636,
"login": "cn=pe-orch,ou=service,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com",
"password": "somepassword",
"group_lookup_attr": "cn",
"group_member_attr": "uniqueMember",
"ssl_wildcard_validation": false,
"user_email_attr": "mail",
"user_rdn": "ou=users",
"group_object_class": "groupOfUniqueNames",
"display_name": "ldap.example.com",
"search_nested_groups": true,
"start_tls": false}'
Response format
"id": "e97188aa-9573-413b-945e-07f5f261613e",
"help_link": "https://example.com/login-help.html",
"ssl": true,
"group_name_attr": "name",
"group_rdn": null,
"connect_timeout": 15,
"user_display_name_attr": "cn",
"disable_ldap_matching_rule_in_chain": false,
"ssl_hostname_validation": true,
"hostname": "ldap.example.com",
"base_dn": "dc=example,dc=com",
"user_lookup_attr": "uid",
"port": 636,
"login": "cn=pe-orch,ou=service,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com",
"group_lookup_attr": "cn",
"group_member_attr": "uniqueMember",
"ssl_wildcard_validation": false,
"user_email_attr": "mail",
"user_rdn": "ou=users",
"group_object_class": "groupOfUniqueNames",
"display_name": "ldap.example.com",
"search_nested_groups": true,
"start_tls": false
If there is no match for the given ID, the response is 404 Not Found.
If you don't have permission to modify LDAP connection settings, the response is 403 Not Permitted.
A malformed request, such as omitting a required setting, returns 400 with a schema failure.
For other errors, refer to RBAC service errors.
POST /command/ldap/delete
Delete an existing directory service connection. Requires authentication and appropriate permissions.
Request format
. The body must be a JSON object
containing the ID of the LDAP connection that you want to remove. For
example:curl -X POST "https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/command/ldap/delete" \
-H "X-Authentication:$(puppet-access show)" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"id": "e97188aa-9573-413b-945e-07f5f261613e"}'
Response format
Returns 204 No Content if you have appropriate permissions and the request was well-formed. If a connection with the given ID exists, then this response means the connection was successfully removed. However, this response is returned for ANY well-formed, permitted request, even if there is no match for the given ID.
When you disconnect an LDAP directory that has imported groups, all users and groups associated with that directory are removed from PE RBAC.
Error responses
If you don't have permission to delete LDAP connections, the response is 403 Not Permitted.
For other errors, refer to RBAC service errors.
POST /command/ldap/test
Test a directory service connection based on supplied settings. Authentication and appropriate permissions are required.
Request format
When Forming RBAC API requests to this endpoint, the content type
is application/json
. The body must be a JSON object
using all directory service setting keys. For information about each setting, refer
to External directory settings.
request. The id
is ignored if you include it in your request.curl -X POST "https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/command/ldap/test" \
-H "X-Authentication: 0F4DITVB7HP3z8YnD95kx1W1jY0z5Pnc3ixB5uGAXzLY" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"help_link": "https://example.com/login-help.html",
"ssl": true,
"group_name_attr": "name",
"group_rdn": null,
"connect_timeout": 15,
"user_display_name_attr": "cn",
"disable_ldap_matching_rule_in_chain": false,
"ssl_hostname_validation": true,
"hostname": "ldap.example.com",
"base_dn": "dc=example,dc=com",
"user_lookup_attr": "uid",
"port": 636,
"login": "cn=pe-orch,ou=service,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com",
"group_lookup_attr": "cn",
"group_member_attr": "uniqueMember",
"ssl_wildcard_validation": false,
"user_email_attr": "mail",
"user_rdn": "ou=users",
"group_object_class": "groupOfUniqueNames",
"display_name": "ldap.example.com",
"search_nested_groups": true,
"start_tls": false}'
Response format
If the test succeeds, the endpoint returns 200 OK and a JSON object
containing the elapsed time in seconds, for example: {"elapsed": 10}
If the test fails, the endpoints returns 200 OK and a body containing
the elapsed time and an error key, for example: {"elapsed":
20, "error": "..."}
If you're satisfied with the test results, you can use POST /command/ldap/create or POST /command/ldap/update to apply these settings to an actual LDAP connection.
- 403 Not Permitted if you don't have appropriate permissions.
- 400 if the request is malformed.
- Other errors as described in RBAC service errors.
GET /ds/test (deprecated)
Test the connection to the connected directory service. Authentication is required.
GET /ds/test
is deprecated.
Instead, use POST /command/ldap/test. The information
on this page reflects conditions and behavior prior to this endpoint's deprecation.
Requirements are different in newer endpoints.Request format
curl "https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/ds/test" -H "X-Authentication:$(puppet-access show)"
Response format
"help_link": "https://help.example.com",
"ssl": true,
"group_name_attr": "name",
"password": <password>,
"group_rdn": null,
"connect_timeout": 15,
"user_display_name_attr": "cn",
"disable_ldap_matching_rule_in_chain": false,
"ssl_hostname_validation": true,
"hostname": "ldap.example.com",
"base_dn": "dc=example,dc=com",
"user_lookup_attr": "uid",
"port": 636,
"login": "cn=ldapuser,ou=service,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com",
"group_lookup_attr": "cn",
"group_member_attr": "uniqueMember",
"ssl_wildcard_validation": false,
"user_email_attr": "mail",
"user_rdn": "ou=users",
"group_object_class": "groupOfUniqueNames",
"display_name": "Acme Corp Ldap server",
"search_nested_groups": true,
"start_tls": false
For information about each setting, refer to External directory settings.
If the request was well-formed and valid, but the test failed, response body contains
the elapsed time and the reason the test failed. For example, {"elapsed": 20, "error": "..."}
Error responses
Returns 400 Bad Request if the request is malformed.
Returns 401 Unauthorized if no user is authenticated.
Returns 403 Forbidden if the current user lacks permission to test the directory settings.
For other errors, refer to RBAC service errors.
PUT /ds/test (deprecated)
Tests a directory service connection based on supplied settings, rather than stored settings. Authentication is required.
PUT /ds/test
is deprecated.
Instead, use POST /command/ldap/test. The information
on this page reflects conditions and behavior prior to this endpoint's deprecation.
Requirements are different in newer endpoints.Request format
. The body must be a JSON object
using all directory service setting keys. For
example:curl -X PUT "https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/ds/test" \
-H "X-Authentication: 0F4DITVB7HP3z8YnD95kx1W1jY0z5Pnc3ixB5uGAXzLY" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"help_link": "https://help.example.com",
"ssl": true,
"group_name_attr": "name",
"password": <password>,
"group_rdn": null,
"connect_timeout": 15,
"user_display_name_attr": "cn",
"disable_ldap_matching_rule_in_chain": false,
"ssl_hostname_validation": true,
"hostname": "ldap.example.com",
"base_dn": "dc=example,dc=com",
"user_lookup_attr": "uid",
"port": 636,
"login": "cn=ldapuser,ou=service,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com",
"group_lookup_attr": "cn",
"group_member_attr": "uniqueMember",
"ssl_wildcard_validation": false,
"user_email_attr": "mail",
"user_rdn": "ou=users",
"group_object_class": "groupOfUniqueNames",
"display_name": "Acme Corp Ldap server",
"search_nested_groups": true,
"start_tls": false}'
request.Response format
If the test succeeds, the endpoint returns a JSON object with information about the test, such as
the amount of time the test ran. For example: {"elapsed":
Error responses
If the test fails, the body contains the elapsed time and information about the failure: {"elapsed": 20, "error": "..."}
For other errors, refer to RBAC service errors.
PUT /ds (deprecated)
Replace current directory service connection settings. You can update the settings or disconnect the service (by removing all settings). Authentication is required.
PUT /v1/ds
is deprecated.
Instead, use POST /command/ldap/create, POST /command/ldap/update, and POST /command/ldap/delete. The information on this page
reflects conditions and behavior prior to this endpoint's deprecation. Requirements
are different in newer endpoints.Request format
When Forming RBAC API requests to this endpoint, the content type is application/json
To change the settings, the body must be a JSON object containing, at minimum, all required directory service setting keys.
If you omit a required setting, the setting is removed or reset to the default value.
All External directory settings are required except help-link
, login
, user_rdn
, and group_rdn
. However,
your specific LDAP configuration might require some of these fields, in which
case you must treat those fields as required fields.
curl -X PUT "https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/ds" \
-H "X-Authentication:$(puppet-access show)" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"help_link": "https://help.example.com",
"ssl": true,
"group_name_attr": "name",
"password": <password>,
"group_rdn": null,
"connect_timeout": 15,
"user_display_name_attr": "cn",
"disable_ldap_matching_rule_in_chain": false,
"ssl_hostname_validation": true,
"hostname": "ldap.example.com",
"base_dn": "dc=example,dc=com",
"user_lookup_attr": "uid",
"port": 636,
"login": "cn=ldapuser,ou=service,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com",
"group_lookup_attr": "cn",
"group_member_attr": "uniqueMember",
"ssl_wildcard_validation": false,
"user_email_attr": "mail",
"user_rdn": "ou=users",
"group_object_class": "groupOfUniqueNames",
"display_name": "Acme Corp Ldap server",
"search_nested_groups": true,
"start_tls": false}'
If you want to disconnect the directory service from PE, you can supply an empty object ({}
) or set all
required settings set to null
request. This also helps avoid accidentally omitting a
setting.Searching nested groups
When authorizing users, the RBAC service can search nested groups. Nested groups are groups that belong to external directory groups. For example, assume your external directory has a System Administrators group, and you've given that group a Superusers user role in RBAC. In addition to assigning the Superusers role to individual users in the System Administrators group, RBAC looks for other groups in the System Administrators group and assigns the Superusers role to the individual users in those nested groups.
By default, RBAC does not search nested groups. To enable nested group searches, set
to true
to false
. This disables
nested group searches so RBAC only searches the groups it is configured to use for
user roles.search_nested_groups
to false
) if you don't
want to use nested searching anymore.Using StartTLS connections
You can set start_tls
to true
to use StartTLS to
secure the connection to the directory service. Any certificates you configured
through the DS trust chain setting are used to verify the identity of the directory
service. If you set start_tls
to true
, make sure ssl
set to false
Disabling matching rule in chain
When PE detects an Active Directory that supports the LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_IN_CHAIN
feature, PE automatically uses it. Under specific
circumstances, you might need to disable this setting by setting
to true
. Otherwise, this setting is optional.
Response format
"help_link": "https://help.example.com",
"ssl": true,
"group_name_attr": "name",
"password": <password>,
"group_rdn": null,
"connect_timeout": 15,
"user_display_name_attr": "cn",
"disable_ldap_matching_rule_in_chain": false,
"ssl_hostname_validation": true,
"hostname": "ldap.example.com",
"base_dn": "dc=example,dc=com",
"user_lookup_attr": "uid",
"port": 636,
"login": "cn=ldapuser,ou=service,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com",
"group_lookup_attr": "cn",
"group_member_attr": "uniqueMember",
"ssl_wildcard_validation": false,
"user_email_attr": "mail",
"user_rdn": "ou=users",
"group_object_class": "groupOfUniqueNames",
"display_name": "Acme Corp Ldap server",
"search_nested_groups": true,
"start_tls": false
For errors, refer to RBAC service errors.