User group endpoints
User groups allow you to quickly assign one or more roles to a set of users by
placing all relevant users in the group. This is more efficient than assigning roles to each
user individually. The v2 POST /groups
endpoint has
additional optional parameters you can use when creating groups.
Use the v1 User groups endpoints to perform other user group functions, such as getting information about groups and deleting groups.
POST /groups (deprecated)
Create a new remote directory user group. Authentication is required.
Request format
. The body must be a JSON object
using the following keys:-
: The name to assign to the group. -
: An array of role IDs defining the roles that you want to assign to users in this group. An empty array might be valid, but users can't do anything in PE if they are not assigned to any roles.
Key | Definition |
login |
Required. Defines the group for an external IdP. This could be an LDAP login or a SAML identifier for the group. |
role_ids |
Required. An array of role IDs defining the roles that you want to assign to users in this group. An empty array might be valid, but users can't do anything in PE if they are not assigned to any roles. |
display_name |
Optional. Specify a name for the group as you want it to appear in the PE console. If the group you're creating originates from an LDAP group, the LDAP group's Display name setting overrides this parameter. |
identity_provider_id |
Optional. Specify the UUID of an identity provider (SAML or LDAP) to bind to the group. |
validate |
Optional. A Boolean specifying whether you want to
validate if the group exists on the LDAP server prior to
creating it. The default is true . Set this to false if you don't want to validate the group's
existence in LDAP. |
curl -X POST "https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v2/groups" \
-H "X-Authentication:$(puppet-access show)" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{
"login": "augmentators",
"role_ids": [1,2,3],
"display_name": "The Augmentators"
"idnetity_provider_id": "0e1a11bd-658f...-732887"
Response format
If the new remote group is created successfully, the endpoint returns 303 See Other with a location header pointing to the new resource.
Error response
Returns 409 Conflict if the new group conflicts with an existing group.
For other errors, refer to RBAC service errors.