Writing tasks

Bolt tasks are similar to scripts, but they are kept in modules and can have metadata. This allows you to reuse and share them.

You can write tasks in any programming language the target nodes run, such as Bash, PowerShell, or Python. A task can even be a compiled binary that runs on the target. Place your task in the ./tasks directory of a module and add a metadata file to describe parameters and configure task behavior.

For a task to run on remote *nix systems, it must include a shebang (#!) line at the top of the file to specify the interpreter.

For example, the Puppet mysql::sql task is written in Ruby and provides the path to the Ruby interpreter. This example also accepts several parameters as JSON on stdin and returns an error.

require 'json'
require 'open3'
require 'puppet'

def get(sql, database, user, password)
  cmd = ['mysql', '-e', "#{sql} "]
  cmd << "--database=#{database}" unless database.nil?
  cmd << "--user=#{user}" unless user.nil?
  cmd << "--password=#{password}" unless password.nil?
  stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(*cmd) # rubocop:disable Lint/UselessAssignment
  raise Puppet::Error, _("stderr: ' %{stderr}') % { stderr: stderr }") if status != 0
  { status: stdout.strip }

params = JSON.parse(STDIN.read)
database = params['database']
user = params['user']
password = params['password']
sql = params['sql']

  result = get(sql, database, user, password)
  puts result.to_json
  exit 0
rescue Puppet::Error => e
  puts({ status: 'failure', error: e.message }.to_json)
  exit 1

Secure coding practices for tasks

Use secure coding practices when you write tasks and help protect your system.

Note: The information in this topic covers basic coding practices for writing secure tasks. It is not an exhaustive list.

One of the methods attackers use to gain access to your systems is remote code execution, where by running an allowed script they gain access to other parts of the system and can make arbitrary changes. Because Bolt executes scripts across your infrastructure, it is important to be aware of certain vulnerabilities, and to code tasks in a way that guards against remote code execution.

Adding task metadata that validates input is one way to reduce vulnerability. When you require an enumerated (enum) or other non-string types, you prevent improper data from being entered. An arbitrary string parameter does not have this assurance.

For example, if your task has a parameter that selects from several operational modes that are passed to a shell command, instead of

String $mode = 'file'


Enum[file,directory,link,socket] $mode = file

If your task has a parameter that identifies a file on disk, ensure that a user can't specify a relative path that takes them into areas where they shouldn't be. Reject file names that have slashes.

Instead of

String $path


Pattern[/\A[^\/\\]*\z/] $path

In addition to these task restrictions, different scripting languages each have their own ways to validate user input.


In PowerShell, code injection exploits calls that specifically evaluate code. Do not call Invoke-Expression or Add-Type with user input. These commands evaluate strings as C# code.

Reading sensitive files or overwriting critical files can be less obvious. If you plan to allow users to specify a file name or path, use Resolve-Path to verify that the path doesn't go outside the locations you expect the task to access. Use Split-Path -Parent $path to check that the resolved path has the desired path as a parent.

For more information, see PowerShell Scripting and Powershell's Security Guiding Principles.


In Bash and other command shells, shell command injection takes advantage of poor shell implementations. Put quotations marks around arguments to prevent the vulnerable shells from evaluating them.

Because the eval command evaluates all arguments with string substitution, avoid using it with user input; however you can use eval with sufficient quoting to prevent substituted variables from being executed.

Instead of

eval "echo $input"


eval "echo '$input'"

These are operating system-specific tools to validate file paths: realpath or readlink -f.


In Python malicious code can be introduced through commands like eval, exec, os.system, os.popen, and subprocess.call with shell=True. Use subprocess.call with shell=False when you include user input in a command or escape variables.

Instead of

os.system('echo '+input)


subprocess.check_output(['echo', input])

Resolve file paths with os.realpath and confirm them to be within another path by looping over os.path.dirname and comparing to the desired path.

For more information on the vulnerabilities of Python or how to escape variables, see Kevin London's blog post on Dangerous Python Functions.


In Ruby, command injection is introduced through commands like eval, exec, system, backtick (``) or %x() execution, or the Open3 module. You can safely call these functions with user input by passing the input as additional arguments instead of a single string.

Instead of

system("echo #{flag1} #{flag2}")


system('echo', flag1, flag2)

Resolve file paths with Pathname#realpath, and confirm them to be within another path by looping over Pathname#parent and comparing to the desired path.

For more information on securely passing user input, see the blog post Stop using backtick to run shell command in Ruby.

Naming tasks

Task names are named based on the filename of the task, the name of the module, and the path to the task within the module.

You can write tasks in any language that runs on the target nodes. Give task files the extension for the language they are written in (such as .rb for Ruby), and place them in the top level of your module's ./tasks directory.

Task names are composed of one or two name segments, indicating:

  • The name of the module where the task is located.
  • The name of the task file, without the extension.

For example, the puppetlabs-mysql module has the sql task in ./mysql/tasks/sql.rb, so the task name is mysql::sql. This name is how you refer to the task when you run tasks.

The task filename init is special: the task it defines is referenced using the module name only. For example, in the puppetlabs-service module, the task defined in init.rb is the service task.

Each task or plan name segment:
  • Must start with a lowercase letter.
  • Can include digits.
  • Can include underscores.
  • Namespace segments must match the following regular expression: \A[a-z][a-z0-9_]*\Z
  • The file extension must not use the reserved extensions .md or .json.

Single-platform tasks

A task can consist of a single executable with or without a corresponding metadata file. For instance, ./mysql/tasks/sql.rb and ./mysql/tasks/sql.json. In this case, no other ./mysql/tasks/sql.* files can exist.

Cross-platform tasks

A task can have multiple implementations, with metadata that explains when to use each one. A primary use case for this is to support different implementations for different target platforms, referred to as cross-platform tasks.

A task can also have multiple implementations, with metadata that explains when to use each one. A primary use case for this is to support different implementations for different target platforms, referred to as cross-platform tasks. For instance, consider a module with the following files:
- tasks
  - sql_linux.sh
  - sql_linux.json
  - sql_windows.ps1
  - sql_windows.json
  - sql.json

This task has two executables (sql_linux.sh and sql_windows.ps1), each with an implementation metadata file and a task metadata file. The executables have distinct names and are compatible with older task runners such as Puppet Enterprise 2018.1 and earlier. Each implementation has it's own metadata which documents how to use the implementation directly or marks it as private to hide it from UI lists.

An implementation metadata example:
  "name": "SQL Linux",
  "description": "A task to perform sql operations on linux targets",
  "private": true

The task metadata file contains an implementations section:

  "implementations": [
    {"name": "sql_linux.sh", "requirements": ["shell"]},
    {"name": "sql_windows.ps1", "requirements": ["powershell"]}

Each implementations has a name and a list of requirements. The requirements are the set of features which must be available on the target in order for that implementation to be used. In this case, the sql_linux.sh implementation requires the shell feature, and the sql_windows.ps1 implementations requires the PowerShell feature.

The set of features available on the target is determined by the task runner. You can specify additional features for a target via set_feature or by adding features in the inventory. The task runner chooses the first implementation whose requirements are satisfied.

The following features are defined by default:

  • puppet-agent: Present if the target has the Puppet agent package installed. This feature is automatically added to hosts with the name localhost.
  • shell: Present if the target has a posix shell.
  • powershell: Present if the target has PowerShell.

Sharing executables

Multiple task implementations can refer to the same executable file.

Executables can access the _task metaparameter, which contains the task name. For example, the following creates the tasks service::stop and service::start, which live in the executable but appear as two separate tasks.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'json'

params = JSON.parse(STDIN.read)
action = params['action'] || params['_task']
if ['start',  'stop'].include?(action)
  `systemctl #{params['_task']} #{params['service']}`
  "description": "Start a service",
  "parameters": {
    "service": {
      "type": "String",
      "description": "The service to start"
  "implementations": [
    {"name": "init.rb"}
  "description": "Stop a service",
  "parameters": {
    "service": {
      "type": "String",
      "description": "The service to stop"
  "implementations": [
    {"name": "init.rb"}

Sharing task code

Multiple tasks can share common files between them. Tasks can additionally pull library code from other modules.

To create a task that includes additional files pulled from modules, include the files property in your metadata as an array of paths. A path consists of:
  • the module name
  • one of the following directories within the module:
    • files — Most helper files. This prevents the file from being treated as a task or added to the Puppet Ruby loadpath.

    • tasks — Helper files that can be called as tasks on their own.

    • libRuby code that might be reused by types, providers, or Puppet functions.

  • the remaining path to a file or directory; directories must include a trailing slash /

All path separators must be forward slashes. An example would be stdlib/lib/puppet/.

The files property can be included both as a top-level metadata property, and as a property of an implementation, for example:
  "implementations": [
    {"name": "sql_linux.sh", "requirements": ["shell"], "files": ["mymodule/files/lib.sh"]},
    {"name": "sql_windows.ps1", "requirements": ["powershell"], "files": ["mymodule/files/lib.ps1"]}
  "files": ["emoji/files/emojis/"]

When a task includes the files property, all files listed in the top-level property and in the specific implementation chosen for a target are copied to a temporary directory on that target. The directory structure of the specified files is preserved such that paths specified with the files metadata option are available to tasks prefixed with _installdir. The task executable itself is located in its module location under the _installdir as well, so other files can be found at ../../mymodule/files/ relative to the task executable's location.

For example, you can create a task and metadata in a module at ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/site-modules/mymodule/tasks/task.{json,rb}.

  "files": ["multi_task/files/rb_helper.rb"]

File resource


def useful_ruby
  { helper: "ruby" }
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'json'

params = JSON.parse(STDIN.read)
require_relative File.join(params['_installdir'], 'multi_task', 'files', 'rb_helper.rb')
# Alternatively use relative path
# require_relative File.join(__dir__, '..', '..', 'multi_task', 'files', 'rb_helper.rb')
 puts useful_ruby.to_json
Started on localhost...
Finished on localhost:
    "helper": "ruby"
Successful on 1 node: localhost
Ran on 1 node in 0.12 seconds

Task helpers

To help with writing tasks, Bolt includes python_task_helper and ruby_task_helper. It also makes a useful demonstration of including code from another module.

Python example

Create task and metadata in a module at ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/site-modules/mymodule/tasks/task.{json,py}.

  "files": ["python_task_helper/files/task_helper.py"],
  "input_method": "stdin"
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os, sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'python_task_helper', 'files'))
from task_helper import TaskHelper

class MyTask(TaskHelper):
  def task(self, args):
    return {'greeting': 'Hi, my name is '+args['name']}

if __name__ == '__main__':
$ bolt task run mymodule::task -n localhost name='Julia'
Started on localhost...
Finished on localhost:
    "greeting": "Hi, my name is Julia"
Successful on 1 node: localhost
Ran on 1 node in 0.12 seconds

Ruby example

Create task and metadata in a new module at ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/site-modules/mymodule/tasks/mytask.{json,rb}.

  "files": ["ruby_task_helper/files/task_helper.rb"],
  "input_method": "stdin"
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require_relative '../../ruby_task_helper/files/task_helper.rb'

class MyTask < TaskHelper 
  def task(name: nil, **kwargs)
    { greeting: "Hi, my name is #{name}" }

MyTask.run if __FILE__ == $0
$ bolt task run mymodule::mytask -n localhost name="Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;--"
Started on localhost...
Finished on localhost:
    "greeting": "Hi, my name is Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;--"
Successful on 1 node: localhost
Ran on 1 node in 0.12 seconds

Writing remote tasks

Some targets are hard or impossible to execute tasks on directly. In these cases, you can write a task that runs on a proxy target and remotely interacts with the real target.

For example, a network device might have a limited shell environment or a cloud service might be driven only by HTTP APIs. By writing a remote task, Bolt allows you to specify connection information for remote targets in their inventory file and injects them into the _target metaparam.

This example shows how to write a task that posts messages to Slack and reads connection information from inventory.yaml:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# modules/slack/tasks/message.rb

require 'json'
require 'net/http'

params = JSON.parse(STDIN.read)
# the slack API token is passed in from inventory
token = params['_target']['token']
uri = URI('https://slack.com/api/chat.postMessage')
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true

req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri, 'Content-type' => 'application/json')
req['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{params['_target']['token']}"
req.body = { channel: params['channel'], text: params['message'] }.to_json

resp = http.request(req)

puts resp.body

To prevent accidentally running a normal task on a remote target and breaking its configuration, Bolt won't run a task on a remote target unless its metadata defines it as remote:

  "remote": true

Add Slack as a remote target in your inventory file:

  - name: my_slack
      transport: remote

Finally, make my_slack a target that can run the slack::message:

bolt task run slack::message --nodes my_slack message="hello" channel=<slack channel id>

Defining parameters in tasks

Allow your task to accept parameters as either environment variables or as a JSON hash on standard input.

Tasks can receive input as either environment variables, a JSON hash on standard input, or as PowerShell arguments. By default, the task runner submits parameters as both environment variables and as JSON on stdin.

If your task needs to receive parameters only in a certain way, such as stdin only, you can set the input method in your task metadata. For Windows tasks, it's usually better to use tasks written in PowerShell. See the related topic about task metadata for information about setting the input method.

Environment variables are the easiest way to implement parameters, and they work well for simple JSON types such as strings and numbers. For arrays and hashes, use structured input instead because parameters with undefined values (nil, undef) passed as environment variables have the String value null. For more information, see Structured input and output.

To add parameters to your task as environment variables, pass the argument prefixed with the Puppet task prefix PT_ .

For example, to add a message parameter to your task, read it from the environment in task code as PT_message. When the user runs the task, they can specify the value for the parameter on the command line as message=hello , and the task runner submits the value hello to the PT_message variable.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo your message is $PT_message

Defining parameters in Windows

For Windows tasks, you can pass parameters as environment variables, but it's easier to write your task in PowerShell and use named arguments. By default tasks with a .ps1 extension use PowerShell standard argument handling.

For example, this PowerShell task takes a process name as an argument and returns information about the process. If no parameter is passed by the user, the task returns all of the processes.

  [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]

if ($Name -eq $null -or $Name -eq "") {
} else {
  $processes = Get-Process -Name $Name
  $result = @()
  foreach ($process in $processes) {
    $result += @{"Name" = $process.ProcessName;
                 "CPU" = $process.CPU;
                 "Memory" = $process.WorkingSet;
                 "Path" = $process.Path;
                 "Id" = $process.Id}
  if ($result.Count -eq 1) {
    ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $result[0] -Compress
  } elseif ($result.Count -gt 1) {
    ConvertTo-Json -InputObject @{"_items" = $result} -Compress

To pass parameters in your task as environment variables (PT_parameter), you must set input_method in your task metadata to environment. To run Ruby tasks on Windows, the Puppet agent must be installed on the target nodes.

Defining sensitive parameters

You can define task parameters, like passwords or API keys, as sensitive. The parameter is then masked when it appears in logs and API responses. When you want to view these values, set the log file to the correct level based on the service.

To define a parameter as sensitive within the JSON metadata, add the "sensitive": true property.

  "description": "This task has a sensitive property denoted by its metadata",
  "input_method": "stdin",
  "parameters": {
    "user": {
      "description": "The user",
      "type": "String[1]"
    "password": {
      "description": "The password",
      "type": "String[1]",
      "sensitive": true
Some services log sensitive parameter values. Here are the minimum log levels for each service where sensitive values can be seen.
Service Minimum log level that shows sensitive parameters Default log level
pe-bolt-server INFO INFO
pe-ace-server INFO INFO
pxp-agent DEBUG INFO
pcp-broker TRACE INFO

If you don't want sensitive parameters to be logged, configure the relevant service's log level to be one level higher than its minimum sensitive parameter value log level. For example, to avoid seeing sensitive parameters for pxp-agent, set the log level to INFO, which is one level higher than DEBUG, the minimum log level that shows sensitive parameters for pxp-agent.

Returning errors in tasks

To return a detailed error message if your task fails, include an Error object in the task's result.

Tip: When writing PowerShell or Bash scripts, it is a common practice to implement error handling that ignores errors during execution to allow the script to complete regardless of errors encountered. You might use variables such as $ErrorActionPreference = SilenceContinue or set +e for this. However, this can lead to a false sense of security by ignoring critical errors.
Don't use this type of error handling with Puppet tasks. By design, Puppet tasks are meant to highlight or stop upon encountering errors, with the intention that you'll address the discovered errors. Instead of ignoring errors, use the try-catch-finally technique. For more information refer to:

When a task exits non-zero, the task runner checks for an error key (`_error`). If one is not present, the task runner generates a generic error and adds it to the result. If there is no text on stdout but text is present on stderr, the stderr text is included in the message.

{ "_error": {
    "msg": "Task exited 1:\nSomething on stderr",
    "kind": "puppetlabs.tasks/task-error",
    "details": { "exitcode": 1 }

An error object includes the following keys:

A human readable string that appears in the UI.
A standard string for machines to handle. You can share kinds between your modules or namespace kinds per module.
An object of structured data about the tasks.
Tasks can provide more details about the failure by including their own error object in the result at _error.

require 'json'

  params = JSON.parse(STDIN.read)
  result = {}
  result['result'] = params['dividend'] / params['divisor']

rescue ZeroDivisionError
  result[:_error] = { msg: "Cannot divide by zero",
                      # namespace the error to this module
                      kind: "puppetlabs-example_modules/dividebyzero",
                      details: { divisor: divisor },
rescue Exception => e
  result[:_error] = { msg: e.message,
                     kind: "puppetlabs-example_modules/unknown",
                     details: { class: e.class.to_s },

puts result.to_json

Structured input and output

If you have a task that has many options, returns a lot of information, or is part of a task plan, consider using structured input and output with your task.

The task API is based on JSON. Task parameters are encoded in JSON, and the task runner attempts to parse the output of the tasks as a JSON object.

The task runner can inject keys into that object, prefixed with _. If the task does not return a JSON object, the task runner creates one and places the output in an _output key.

Structured input

For complex input, such as hashes and arrays, you can accept structured JSON in your task.

By default, the task runner passes task parameters as both environment variables and as a single JSON object on stdin. The JSON input allows the task to accept complex data structures.

To accept parameters as JSON on stdin, set the params key to accept JSON on stdin.

require 'json'

params = JSON.parse(STDIN.read)

exitcode = 0
params['files'].each do |filename|
    puts "updated file #{filename}"
    exitcode = 1
    puts "couldn't update file #{filename}"
exit exitcode

If your task accepts input on stdin it should specify "input_method": "stdin" in its metadata.json file, or it might not work with sudo for some users.

Returning structured output

To return structured data from your task, print only a single JSON object to stdout in your task.

Structured output is useful if you want to use the output in another program, or if you want to use the result of the task in a Puppet task plan.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import sys
minor = sys.version_info
result = { "major": sys.version_info.major, "minor": sys.version_info.minor }
json.dump(result, sys.stdout)

Returning sensitive data

To return secrets from a task, use the _sensitive key in the output.

Here is an example of using the _sensitive key:
require 'json'
user_name = 'someone'
# Generate a 10 letter password
user_password = [*'a'..'z'].sample(10).join
result = { user: user_name, _sensitive: { password: user_password } }
puts result.to_json
When using the _sensitive key, PE treats the result as sensitive. The orchestrator redacts the value of the _sensitive key before storing it in the database.
Note: Redaction is a temporary solution for hiding the value of the _sensitive key. In a future release, PE will begin storing the value in an encrypted format in the database.
For a redaction example, given this output:
{“user”: ”foo_user”, “_sensitive”: {“password”: “foo_password”}}
The orchestrator stores it in the database as follows:
{“user”: ”foo_user”, “_sensitive”: “Sensitive [value redacted]”}
The redacted value of the _sensitive key still appears in the following places:
  • In the orchestrator API, in task run results.
  • In the console, in task and plan run results.
  • In logs that record the task output.
    Note: The sensitive output is still written to the PXP agent spool directory and appears in the PXP agent logs for levels equal to or higher than the debug level.

Converting scripts to tasks

To convert an existing script to a task, you can either write a task that wraps the script or you can add logic in your script to check for parameters in environment variables.

If the script is already installed on the target nodes, you can write a task that wraps the script. In the task, read the script arguments as task parameters and call the script, passing the parameters as the arguments.

If the script isn't installed or you want to make it into a cohesive task so that you can manage its version with code management tools, add code to your script to check for the environment variables, prefixed with PT_, and read them instead of arguments.

CAUTION: For any tasks that you intend to use with PE and assign RBAC permissions, make sure the script safely handles parameters or validate them to prevent shell injection vulnerabilities.
Given a script that accepts positional arguments on the command line:
[ -z "$version" ] && echo "Must specify a version to deploy && exit 1

if [ -z "$2" ]; then
To convert the script into a task, replace this logic with task variables:
version=$PT_version #no need to validate if we use metadata
if [ -z "$PT_filename" ]; then

Wrapping an existing script

If a script is not already installed on targets and you don't want to edit it, for example if it's a script someone else maintains, you can wrap the script in a small task without modifying it.

CAUTION: For any tasks that you intend to use with PE and assign RBAC permissions, make sure the script safely handles parameters or validate them to prevent shell injection vulnerabilities.
Given a script, myscript.sh, that accepts 2 positional args, filename and version:
  1. Copy the script to the module's files/ directory.

  2. Create a metadata file for the task that includes the parameters and file dependency.
    { "input_method": "environment", "parameters": { "filename": { "type": "String[1]" }, "version": { "type": "String[1]" } }, "files": [ "script_example/files/myscript.sh" ] }
  3. Create a small wrapper task that reads environment variables and calls the task.
    #!/usr/bin/env bash set -e script_file="$PT__installdir/script_example/files/myscript.sh" # If this task is going to be run from windows nodes the wrapper must make sure it's exectutable chmod +x $script_file commandline=("$script_file" "$PT_filename" "$PT_version") # If the stderr output of the script is important redirect it to stdout. "${commandline[@]}" 2>&1

Supporting no-op in tasks

Tasks support no-operation functionality, also known as no-op mode. This function shows what changes the task would make, without actually making those changes.

No-op support allows a user to pass the --noop flag with a command to test whether the task will succeed on all targets before making changes.

To support no-op, your task must include code that looks for the _noop metaparameter. No-op is supported only in Puppet Enterprise.

If the user passes the --noop flag with their command, this parameter is set to true, and your task must not make changes. You must also set supports_noop to true in your task metadata or the task runner will refuse to run the task in noop mode.

No-op metadata example

  "description": "Write content to a file.",
  "supports_noop": true,
  "parameters": {
    "filename": {
      "description": "the file to write to",
      "type": "String[1]"
    "content": {
      "description": "The content to write",
      "type": "String"

No-op task example

#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import os
import sys

params = json.load(sys.stdin)
filename = params['filename']
content = params['content']
noop = params.get('_noop', False)

exitcode = 0

def make_error(msg):
  error = {
      "_error": {
          "kind": "file_error",
          "msg": msg,
          "details": {},
  return error

  if noop:
    path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(filename, os.pardir))
    file_exists = os.access(filename, os.F_OK)
    file_writable = os.access(filename, os.W_OK)
    path_writable = os.access(path, os.W_OK)

    if path_writable == False:
      exitcode = 1
      result = make_error("Path %s is not writable" % path)
    elif file_exists == True and file_writable == False:
      exitcode = 1
      result = make_error("File %s is not writable" % filename)
      result = { "success": True , '_noop': True }
    with open(filename, 'w') as fh:
      result = { "success": True }
except Exception as e:
  exitcode = 1
  result = make_error("Could not open file %s: %s" % (filename, str(e)))

Task metadata

Task metadata files describe task parameters, validate input, and control how the task runner executes the task.

Your task must have metadata to be published and shared on the Forge. Specify task metadata in a JSON file with the naming convention <TASKNAME>.json . Place this file in the module's ./tasks folder along with your task file.

For example, the module puppetlabs-mysql includes the mysql::sql task with the metadata file, sql.json.

  "description": "Allows you to execute arbitrary SQL",
  "input_method": "stdin",
  "parameters": {
    "database": {
      "description": "Database to connect to",
      "type": "Optional[String[1]]"
    "user": {
      "description": "The user",
      "type": "Optional[String[1]]"
    "password": {
      "description": "The password",
      "type": "Optional[String[1]]",
      "sensitive": true
     "sql": {
      "description": "The SQL you want to execute",
      "type": "String[1]"

Adding parameters to metadata

To document and validate task parameters, add the parameters to the task metadata as JSON object, parameters.

If a task includes parameters in its metadata, the task runner rejects any parameters input to the task that aren't defined in the metadata.

In the parameter object, give each parameter a description and specify its Puppet type. For a complete list of types, see the types documentation.

For example, the following code in a metadata file describes a provider parameter:

"provider": {
  "description": "The provider to use to manage or inspect the service, defaults to the system service manager",
  "type": "Optional[String[1]]"

Define default parameters

You can define default task parameters, which are supplied to a task run even if the user does not specify a value for the parameter.

For example, the default location for this log_location parameter is /var/log/puppetlabs
"log_location": {
  "type": "String",
  "description": "The location the log will be stored in"
  "default": "/var/log/puppetlabs"
Note: Parameters with defaults are considered optional.

Define sensitive parameters

You can define task parameters as sensitive, for example, passwords and API keys. These values are masked when they appear in logs and API responses. When you want to view these values, set the log file to level: debug.

To define a parameter as sensitive within the JSON metadata, add the "sensitive": true property.

  "description": "This task has a sensitive property denoted by its metadata",
  "input_method": "stdin",
  "parameters": {
    "user": {
      "description": "The user",
      "type": "String[1]"
    "password": {
      "description": "The password",
      "type": "String[1]",
      "sensitive": true

Task metadata reference

The following table shows task metadata keys, values, and default values.

Metadata key Description Value Default
description A description of what the task does. String None
input_method One or more input methods to use to pass parameters to the task. environment, stdin, or powershell For .ps1 tasks, the default value is powershell.

For other tasks, the default is both environment and stdin.

parameters The parameters or input types the task accepts, which must be valid Puppet types. You can provide an optional description. Refer to Task metadata types and Adding parameters to metadata for more information. Array of objects describing each parameter None (equivalent to Any)
puppet_task_version The spec version used. Integer 1 (which is the only valid value)
supports_noop Whether the task supports no-op mode. Must be true for the task to accept the --noop option on the command line. Boolean false
implementations A list of task implementations and the requirements used to select which one to run. Refer to Cross-platform tasks for more information. Array of objects describing each implementation None
files A list of files to be provided when running the task, addressed by module. Refer to Sharing task code for more information. Array of strings None

Task metadata types

Task metadata can accept most Puppet data types.

Restriction: Some Puppet types can not be represented as JSON, such as Hash[Integer, String], Object, or Resource. Do not use these in tasks, because they can never be matched.
Type Description
String Accepts any string.
String[1] Accepts any non-empty string, which is a string at least one character in length.
Enum[choice1, choice2] Accepts one of the listed choices.
Pattern[/\A\w+\Z/] Accepts strings matching the regex /\w+/ or non-empty strings of word characters.
Integer Accepts integer values. JSON has no integer type, so this can vary depending on input.
Optional[String[1]] This type designates the parameter as optional and permits null values. Tasks have no required nullable values.
Array[String] Matches an array of strings.
Hash Matches a JSON object.
Variant[Integer, Pattern[/\A\d+\Z/]] Matches an integer or a string of an integer
Boolean Accepts Boolean values.

Specifying parameters

Parameters for tasks can be passed to the bolt command as CLI arguments or as a JSON hash.

To pass parameters individually to your task or plan, specify the parameter value on the command line in the format parameter=value. Pass multiple parameters as a space-separated list. Bolt attempts to parse each parameter value as JSON and compares that to the parameter type specified by the task or plan. If the parsed value matches the type, it is used; otherwise, the original string is used.

For example, to run the mysql::sql task to show tables from a database called mydatabase:
bolt task run mysql::sql database=mydatabase sql="SHOW TABLES" --nodes neptune --modules ~/modules

To pass a string value that is valid JSON to a parameter that would accept both quote the string. For example to pass the string true to a parameter of type Variant[String, Boolean] use 'foo="true"'. To pass a String value wrapped in " quote and escape it 'string="\"val\"'. Alternatively, you can specify parameters as a single JSON object with the --params flag, passing either a JSON object or a path to a parameter file.

To specify parameters as JSON, use the parameters flag followed by the JSON: --params '{"name": "openssl"}'

To set parameters in a file, specify parameters in JSON format in a file, such as params.json. For example, create a params.json file that contains the following JSON:


Then specify the path to that file (starting with an at symbol, @) on the command line with the parameters flag: --params @params.json