Infrastructure reports
Each time Puppet runs on a node, it generates a report that provides information such as when the run took place, any issues encountered during the run, and the activity of resources on the node. These reports are collected on the Reports page in the console.
Working with the reports table
The Reports page provides a summary view of key data from each report. Use this page to track recent node activity so you can audit your system and perform root cause analysis over time.
The reports table lists the number of resources on each node in each of the following states:
Correction applied | Number of resources that received a corrective change after Puppet identified resources that were out of sync with the applied catalog. |
Failed | Number of resources that failed. |
Changed | Number of resources that changed. |
Unchanged | Number of resources that remained unchanged. |
No-op | Number of resources that would have been changed if not run in no-op mode. |
Skipped | Number of resources that were skipped because they depended on resources that failed. |
Failed restarts |
Number of resources that were supposed to restart but didn’t. For example, if changes to one resource notify another resource to restart, and that resource doesn’t restart, a failed restart is reported. It’s an indirect failure that occurred in a resource that was otherwise unchanged. |
The reports table also offers the following information:
- No-op mode: An indicator of whether the node was run in no-op mode.
- Config retrieval: Time spent retrieving the catalog for the node (in seconds).
- Run time: Time spent applying the catalog on the node (in seconds).
Filtering reports
You can filter the list of reports displayed on the Reports page by run status and by node fact. If you set a run status filter, and also set a node fact filter, the table takes both filters into account, and shows only those reports matching both filters.
Clicking Remove filter removes all filters currently in effect.
The filters you set are persistent. If you set run status or fact filters on the Reports page, they continue to be applied to the table until they're changed or removed, even if you navigate to other pages in the console or log out. The persistent storage is associated with the browser tab, not your user account, and is cleared when you close the tab.
Filter by node run status
Filter reports to quickly focus on nodes with failures or change events by using the Filter by run status bar.
- Select a run status (such as No-op mode: with failures). The table updates to reflect your filter selection.
- To remove the run status filter, select All run statuses.
Filter by node fact
You can create a highly specific list of nodes for further investigation by using the fact filter tool.
For example, you can check that nodes you've updated have successfully changed, or find out the operating systems or IP addresses of a set of failed nodes to better understand the failure. You might also filter by facts to fulfill an auditor's request for information, such as the number of nodes running a particular version of software.
Working with individual reports
To examine a report in greater detail, click Report time. This opens a page that provides details for the node’s resources in three sections: Events, Log, and Metrics.
The Events tab lists the events for each managed resource on the node, its status, whether correction was applied to the resource, and — if it changed — what it changed from and what it changed to. For example, a user or a file might change from absent to present.
To filter resources by event type, click Filter by event status and choose an event.
Sort resources by name or events by severity level, ascending or descending, by clicking the Resource or Events sorting controls.
To download the events data as a .csv
file, click Export data. The filename is events-<node
The Log tab lists errors, warnings, and notifications from the node's latest Puppet run.
Each message is assigned one of the following severity levels:
Standard | Caution (yellow) | Warning (red) |
debug | warning | err |
info | alert | emerg |
notice | crit |
To read the report chronologically, click the time sorting controls. To read it in order of issue severity, click the severity level sorting controls.
To download the log data as a .csv
file, click Export data. The filename is
The Metrics tab provides a summary of the key data from the node's latest Puppet run.
Metric | Description |
Report submitted by: | The certname of the primary server that submitted the report to PuppetDB. |
Puppet environment | The environment assigned to the node. |
Puppet run |
Catalog application | Information about the catalog application that produces the report: the config version that Puppet uses to match a specific catalog for a node to a specific Puppet run, the catalog UUID that identifies the catalog used to generate a report during a Puppet run, and whether the Puppet run used a cached catalog. |
Resources | The total number of resources in the catalog. |
Events | A list of event types and the total count for each one. |
Top resource types | A list of the top resource types by time, in seconds, it took to be applied. |