Inspecting plans

You can inspect plan metadata, outcomes of plan events, a list of all installed plans, and a list of plans you have permission to run.

To view plan metadata in the PE console, choose the relevant plan in the Plan field and click the View plan metadata link.

You can view the plans that you have installed or plans that you have permissions. To do this, log into your primary server or client tools workstation and run one of the following commands to see information about your plan inventory:
Command Definition
puppet plan show View a list of your permitted plans.
puppet plan show --all View a list of all installed plans.
puppet plan show <PLAN NAME> View plan metadata. The output includes the plan's required command format and available parameters.
For example, this plan allows a $nodes parameter and a $version parameter, specified as data types TargetSpec and Integer.
plan infra::upgrade_apache (
  TargetSpec $nodes,
  Integer $version,
run_task(‘package’, $nodes, name => ‘apache’, action => ‘upgrade’, version
 => $version)

To get information about specific plan events, try the Plan jobs endpoints.