RBAC service errors
You’re likely to encounter some errors when using the RBAC API. You’ll want to familiarize yourself with the error response descriptions and the general error responses.
Error response format
When the client specifies an accept
header in the request with type application/json
, the RBAC service returns errors in a standard
Each response is an object containing the following keys:
Key | Definition |
A string classifying the error.
It should be the same for all errors that have the same type of
information in their details key. |
A human-readable message describing the error. |
details |
Additional machine-readable information about the error condition. The format of this key's value varies between kinds of errors, but is the same for each kind of error. |
When returning errors in text/html
, the body is the contents of the
General error responses
Any endpoint accepting a JSON body can return several kinds of 400 Bad Request responses.
Response | Status | Description |
400 | The submitted data is not valid
JSON. The details key
consists of one field, error , which contains the error message from the JSON
parser. |
400 |
submitted data has an unexpected structure, such as invalid fields
or missing required fields. The
400 | Data was submitted to an
endpoint where the ID of the object is a part of the URL and the
submitted data contains an id field with a different value. The details key consists of two fields,
url-id and body-id , showing the IDs
from both sources. |
400 | A URL contains a filter on the ID with an invalid format. No details are given with this error. |
400 | An invalid UUID was submitted. No details are given with this error. |
401 | An unauthenticated user attempted to access a route that requires authentication. |
401 | A user who has been revoked attempted to access a route that requires authentication. |
401 | A person attempted to log in as the api_user with a password (api_user does not support username/password authentication). |
401 |
A remote user who is not yet known to RBAC attempted to authenticate, but a local user with that login already exists. The solution is to change either the local user's login in RBAC, or
to change the remote user's login, either by changing the |
403 | A user attempted an action that they are not permitted to perform. |
403 | A user attempted to edit metadata or associations belonging to the default roles ("Administrators", "Operators", "Code Deployers", or "Viewers") or default users ("admin" or "api_user") that they are not allowed to change. |
conflict |
409 | A value for a field that is supposed to be unique was submitted to the service and another object has that value. For example, when a user is created with the same login as an existing user. |
invalid-associated-id |
422 | An object was submitted with a
list of associated IDs (for example, user_ids ) and one or more of those IDs does
not correspond to an object of the correct type. |
422 | An object was submitted with a
list of associated IDs (for example, user_ids ) and one or more of those IDs does
not correspond to an object of the correct type. |
non-unique-lookup-attr |
422 | A login was attempted but
multiple users are found via LDAP for the given username. The directory
service settings must use a user_lookup_attr that is guaranteed to be unique within
the provided user's RDN. |
server-error |
500 | Occurs when the server throws an unspecified exception. A message and stack trace should be available in the logs. |