Managing environment content with a Puppetfile



A Puppetfile specifies detailed information about each environment's Puppet code and data.

The Puppetfile also specifies where to obtain each environment's Puppet code and data, where to install it, and whether to update it. Both Code Manager and r10k use a Puppetfile to install and manage the content of your environments.

The Puppetfile

The Puppetfile specifies which modules and data you want in each environment. The Puppetfile can specify what version of modules you want, how the modules and data are to be loaded, and where they are placed in the environment.

A Puppetfile is a formatted text file that specifies which modules and data you want in your control repository. Typically, a Puppetfile controls the following content:

  • Modules from the Forge
  • Modules from Git repositories
  • Data from Git repositories

To manage content in an environment, you need a Puppetfile. Create a base Puppetfile in your default environment (usually production). If you create new branches based on your default branch, each environment inherits the base Puppetfile. You can then edit each environment's Puppetfile as needed.

Managing modules with a Puppetfile

With code management, install and manage your modules only with a Puppetfile.

Almost all Puppet manifests are kept in modules, collections of Puppet code and data with a specific directory structure. By default, Code Manager and r10k install content in a modules directory (./modules) in the same directory the Puppetfile is in. For example, declaring the puppetlabs-apache module in the Puppetfile normally installs the module into ./modules/apache. To learn more about modules, see the module documentation.


With Code Manager and r10k, do not use the puppet module command to install or manage modules. Instead, code management depends on the Puppetfile in each of your environments to install, update, and manage your modules. If you've installed modules to the live code directory with puppet module install, Code Manager deletes them.

The Puppetfile does NOT include Forge module dependency resolution. You must make sure that you have every module needed for all of your specified modules to run. In addition, Forge module symlinks are unsupported; when you install modules with r10k or Code Manager, symlinks are not installed.

Including your own modules

If you develop your own modules, maintain them in version control and include them in your Puppetfile as you would declare any module from a repository. If you have content in your control repo's module directory that is not listed in your Puppetfile, code management purges it. (The control repo module directory is, by default, ./modules relative to the location of the Puppetfile.)

Deploying code

When you install or update a module, you must trigger Code Manager or r10k to deploy the new or updated code to your environments.

Note: Code Manager does not automatically deploy modules' spec directories. These directories are for testing only, and they are not useful in a production environment. If you would like to include a module's spec directory when deploying, add exclude_spec: false to the module declaration in your Puppetfile.
With Code Manager, you can deploy code on the command line or using a webhook:
With r10k, you can deploy code using the command line:

Creating a Puppetfile

Your Puppetfile manages the content you want to maintain in that environment.

In a Puppetfile, you can declare:

  • Modules from the Forge.
  • Modules from a Git repository.
  • Data or other non-module content (such as Hiera data) from a Git repository.

You can declare any or all of this content as needed for each environment. Each module or repository is specified with a `mod` directive, along with the name of the content and other information the Puppetfile needs so that it can correctly install and update your modules and data.

It's best to create your first Puppetfile in your production branch. Then, as you create branches based on your production branch, edit each branch's Puppetfile as needed.

Create a Puppetfile

Create a Puppetfile that manages the content maintained in your environment.

Before you begin

Set up a control repository, with production as the default branch. To learn more about control repositories, see the control repository documentation.

Create a Puppetfile in your production branch, and then edit it to declare the content in your production environment with the mod directive.

  1. On your production branch, in the root directory, create a file named Puppetfile.
  2. In a text editor, for example Visual Studio Code (VS Code), edit the Puppetfile, declaring modules and data content for your environment. Note that Puppet has an extension for VS Code that supports syntax highlighting of the Puppet language.
    You can declare modules from the Forge or you can declare Git repositories in your Puppetfile. See the related topics about declaring content in the Puppetfile for details and code examples.
What to do next
Configure Code Manager or r10k.

Change the Puppetfile module installation directory

If needed, you can change the directory to which the Puppetfile installs all modules.

To specify a module installation path other than the default modules directory (./modules), use the moduledir directive.

This directive applies to all content declared in the Puppetfile. You must specify this as a relative path at the top of the Puppetfile, before you list any modules.

To change the installation paths for only certain modules or data, declare those content sources as Git repositories and set the install_path option. This option overrides the moduledir directive. See the related topic about how to declare content as a Git repo for instructions.

Add the moduledir directive at the top of the Puppetfile, specifying your module installation directory relative to the location of the Puppetfile.
moduledir 'thirdparty'Copied!

Declare Forge modules in the Puppetfile

Declare Forge modules in your Puppetfile, specifying the version and whether or not code management keeps the module updated.

Specify modules by their full name. You can specify the most recent version of a module, with or without updates, or you can specify a specific version of a module.

Note: Some existing Puppetfiles contain a forge setting that provides legacy compatibility with librarian-puppet. This setting is non-operational for Code Manager and r10k. To configure how Forge modules are downloaded, specify forge_settings in Hiera instead. See the topics about configuring the Forge settings for Code Manager or r10k for details.
In your Puppetfile, specify the modules to install with the mod directive. For each module, pass the module name as a string, and optionally, specify what version of the module you want to track.

If you specify no options, code management installs the current latest version on the next run, but it does not update the module on future runs. To keep the module updated, specify :latest. To install a specific version of the module and keep it at that version, specify the version number as a string.

mod 'puppetlabs/apache'
mod 'puppetlabs/ntp', :latest
mod 'puppetlabs/stdlib', '0.10.0'Copied!
This example:
  • Installs the latest version of the apache module, but does not update it.
  • Installs the latest version of the ntp module, and updates it when environments are deployed.
  • Installs version 0.10.0 of the stdlib module, and does not update it.

Declare Git repositories in the Puppetfile

List the modules, data, or other non-module content that you want to install from a Git repository.

To specify any environment content as a Git repository, use the mod directive with the :git option. This directive is useful for modules you do not get from the Forge. For example, your own modules, data, or other non-module content.

To install content and keep it updated to the master branch, declare the content name and specify the repository with the :git directive. Optionally, specify an :install_path for the content.
mod 'apache',
    :git => ''
mod 'site_data', 
    :git => '',
    :install_path => 'hieradata'
This example installs the apache module and keeps that module updated with the master branch of the listed repository. It also installs site data content from a Git repository into the environment's ./hieradata/site_data subdirectory.
Note: Content is installed in the modules directory and treated as a module, unless you use the :install_path option. Use this option with non-module content to keep your data separate from your modules.

Specify installation paths for repositories

You can set individual installation paths for any of the repositories that you declare in the Puppetfile.

The :install_path option allows you to separate non-module content in your directory structure or to set specific installation paths for individual modules. When you set this option for a specific repository, it overrides the moduledir setting.

To install the content into a subdirectory in the environment, specify the directory with the install_path option. To install into the root of the environment, specify an empty value.
mod 'site_data_1', 
    :git => '',
    :install_path => 'hieradata'
mod 'site_data_2',
  :git => '',
  :install_path => ''
This example installs site data content from the site_data_1 repository into ./hieradata/site_data and content from site_data_2 into ./site_data subdirectory.

Declare module or data content with SSH private key authentication

To declare content protected by SSH private keys, declare the content as a repository, and then configure the private key setting in your code management tool.

  1. Declare your repository content, specifying the Git repo by the SSH URL.
    mod 'myco/privatemod',              
     :git => ''Copied!
  2. Configure the correct private key by setting Code Manager or r10k parameters in Hiera:
    • To set a key for all Git operations, use the private key setting under git-settings.
    • To set a private key for an individual remote, set the private key in the repositories hash in git-settings for each specific remote.

    For more information, see Configuring Git settings.

Keep repository content at a specific version

The Puppetfile can maintain repository content at a specific version.

To specify a particular repository version, declare the version you want to track with your choice of the following options. Setting one of these options maintains the repository at that version and deploys any updates you make to that particular version.

  • ref: Specifies the Git reference to check out. This option can reference either a tag, a commit, or a branch.

  • tag: Specifies the repo by a certain tag value.

  • commit: Specifies the repo by a certain commit.

  • branch: Specifies a certain branch of the repo.

  • default_branch: Specifies a default branch to use for deployment if the specified ref, tag, commit, or branch cannot be deployed. You must also specify one of the other version options. This is useful if you are tracking a relative branch of the control repo.

In the Puppetfile, declare the content, specifying the repository and version you want to track.

To install puppetlabs/apache and specify the '0.9.0' tag, use the tag option.

mod 'apache',
  :git => '',
  :tag => '0.9.0'Copied!

To install puppetlabs/apache and use the branch option to track the ‘proxy_match’ branch.

mod 'apache',
  :git    => '',
  :branch => 'proxy_match'Copied!

To install puppetlabs/apache and use the commit option to track the '8df51aa' commit.

mod 'apache',
  :git    => '',
  :commit => '8df51aa'Copied!

Declare content from a relative control repo branch

The branch option also has a special :control_branch option, which allows you to deploy content from a control repo branch relative to the location of the Puppetfile.

Normally, branch tracks a specific named branch of a repo, such as testing. If you set it to :control_branch, it instead tracks whatever control repo branch the Puppetfile is in. For example, if your Puppetfile is in the production branch, content from the production branch is deployed; if a duplicate Puppetfile is located in testing, content from testing is deployed. This means that as you create new branches, you don't have to edit the inherited Puppetfile as extensively.
Note: The module repository branch names must match the control repository branch names in order to use :control_branch.
To track a branch within the control repo, declare the content with the :branch option set to :control_branch.
mod 'hieradata',
  :git    => '',
  :branch => :control_branch Copied!

Set a default branch for content deployment

Set a default_branch option to specify what branch code management deploys content from if the given option for your repository cannot be deployed.

If you specified a ref, tag, commit, or branch option for your repository, and it cannot be resolved and deployed, code management can instead deploy the default_branch. This is mostly useful when you set branch to the :control_branch value.

If your specified content cannot be resolved and you have not set a default branch, or if the default branch cannot be resolved, code management logs an error and does not deploy or update the content.

In the Puppetfile, in the content declaration, set the default_branch option to the branch you want to deploy if your specified option fails.
# Track control branch and fall-back to master if no matching branch.
mod 'hieradata',
     :git    => '',
     :branch => :control_branch,
     :default_branch => 'master'Copied!