Creating and managing local users and user roles


Puppet Enterprise's role-based access control (RBAC) enables you to manage users—what they can create, edit, or view, and what they can't—in an organized, high-level way that is vastly more efficient than managing user permissions on a per-user basis. User roles are sets of permissions you can apply to multiple users. You can't assign permissions to single users in PE, only to user roles.

Remember: Each user must be assigned to one or more roles before they can log in and use PE.
Note: Puppet stores local accounts and directory service integration credentials securely. Local account passwords are hashed using SHA-256 multiple times along with a 32-bit salt. Directory service lookup credentials configured for directory lookup purposes are encrypted using AES-128. Puppet does not store the directory credentials used for authenticating to Puppet. These are different from the directory service lookup credentials.

Create a new user

These steps add a local user.

To add users from an external directory, see Working with user groups from an external directory.

  1. In the console, on the Access control page, click the Users tab.
  2. In the Full name field, enter the user's full name.
  3. In the Login field, enter a username for the user.
  4. Click Add local user.

Give a new user access to the console

When you create new local users, you need to send them a password reset token so that they can log in for the first time.

  1. On the Access control page, on the Users tab, select the user's full name.
  2. Click Generate password reset.
  3. Copy the link provided in the message and send it to the new user.

Create a new user role

RBAC has four predefined roles: Administrators, Code Deployers, Operators, and Viewers. You can also define your own custom user roles.

Users with the appropriate permissions, such as Administrators, can define custom roles. To avoid potential privilege escalation, only users who are allowed all permissions should be given the permission to edit user roles.

  1. In the console, on the Access control page, click the User roles tab.
  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the new user role.
  3. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description of the new user role.
  4. Click Add role.

Assign permissions to a user role

You can mix and match permissions to create custom user roles that provide users with precise levels of access to PE actions.

Before you begin

Review User permissions and user roles, which includes important information about how permissions work in PE.

  1. On the Access control page, on the User roles tab, select a user role.
  2. Click Permissions.
  3. In the Type field, select the type of object you want to assign permissions for, such as Node groups.
  4. In the Permission field, select the permission you want to assign, such as View.
  5. In the Object field, select the specific object you want to assign the permission to. For example, if you are setting a permission to view node groups, select a specific node group this user role has permissions to view.
  6. Click Add permission, and commit changes.

Add a user to a user role

When you add users to a role, the user gains the permissions that are applied to that role. A user can't do anything in PE until they have been assigned to a role.

  1. On the Access control page, on the User roles tab, select a user role.
  2. Click Member users.
  3. In the User name field, select the user you want to add to the user role.
  4. Click Add user, and commit changes.

Remove a user from a user role

You can change a user's permissions by removing them from a user role. The user loses the permissions associated with the role, and won't be able to do anything in PE until they are assigned to a new role.

  1. On the Access control page, on the User roles tab, select a user role.
  2. Click Member users.
  3. Locate the user you want to remove from the user role. Click Remove, and commit changes.

Revoke a user’s access

If you want to remove a user's access to PE but not delete their account, you can revoke them. Revocation is also what happens when a user is locked out from too many incorrect password attempts.

  1. In the console, on the Access control page, click the Users tab.
  2. In the Full name column, select the user you want to revoke.
  3. Click Revoke user access.
Tip: To unrevoke a user, follow the steps above and click Reinstate user access.

Change account expiration settings

You can specify the number of days before an inactive user's account is automatically revoked and update how often PE checks for idle user accounts.


The rbac_account_expiry_days parameter is a positive integer that specifies the duration, in days, before an inactive user account expires. If a non-superuser hasn't logged in to the console during the specified period, their user status updates to revoked. The default value is undefined.

Important: If the account-expiry-days parameter is not specified, or has a value of less than 1 (day), the account-expiry-check-minutes parameter is ignored.

To activate this setting in the console, add a value of 1 (day) or greater to the rbac_account_expiry_days parameter in the puppet_enterprise::profile::console class of the PE Infrastructure group.


The rbac_account_expiry_check_minutes paramter is a positive integer that specifies how often, in minutes, the application checks for idle user accounts. The default value is 60 (minutes).

To change this setting in the console, set a value (in minutes) for the rbac_account_expiry_check_minutes parameter in the puppet_enterprise::profile::console class of the PE Infrastructure group.

For more information on configuration options, or to use a different configuration method for changing settings, see Methods for configuring PE.

Delete a user

You can delete a user through the console. Note, however, that this action deletes only the user's Puppet Enterprise account, not the user's listing in any external directory service.

Deletion removes all data about the user except for their activity data, which continues to be stored in the database and remains viewable through the API.

  1. In the console, on the Access control page, click the Users tab.
  2. In the Full name column, locate the user you want to delete.
  3. Click Remove.
    Note: Users with superuser privileges cannot be deleted, and the Remove button does not appear for these users.
CAUTION: If a user is deleted from the console and then recreated with the same full name and login, PE issues the recreated user a new unique user ID. In this instance, queries for the login to the API's activity database return information on both the deleted user and the new user. However, in the console, the new user's Activity tab does not display information about the deleted user's account.

Delete a user role

You can delete a user role through the console.

When you delete a user role, users lose the permissions that the role gives them. This can impact their access to Puppet Enterprise if they have not been assigned other user roles.  

  1. In the console, on the Access control page, click the User roles tab.
  2. In the Name column, locate the role you want to delete.
  3. Click Remove.