This document outlines the policy and guidelines (this “Policy”) set forth by Puppet, Inc., a Delaware corporation (“Puppet”), and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Perforce Software, Inc., a Delaware corporation (“Perforce”), for the allowable use of certain of Puppet’s registered and common law trademarks (the “Puppet Marks”) by parties other than Perforce, Puppet, and their respective subsidiaries and affiliates, when such parties are making use of the Puppet® open source software (the “Puppet® Open Source Project”).  


The intent of this Policy is to provide guidance to the members of the open source community who use the Puppet® Open Source Project around the proper use, attribution, presentation, and acknowledgment of the Puppet Marks in a way that legally protects the brand and those open-source contributions to the Puppet® Open Source Software. Puppet’s open source software community members need to know they can confidently rely on the integrity, interoperability, and capabilities represented by Puppet through the combination of source code licensing and trademark enforcement.


The Puppet® Open Source Project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license[1], which gives anyone the right to use, copy, distribute, and modify the Puppet® Open Source Project. Many open-source licenses, including the Apache 2.0 License, however, do not address the proper use of the open source software’s owner’s trademarks, service marks, and product names. As such, this allows the source code to be forked, redistributed, and modified, but it also allows trademark enforcement to protect the integrity of the originating brand for the benefit of those using, sponsoring, developing, and supporting related goods and services around the official Puppet® Open Source Project.

Under US trademark law, you cannot separate ownership of a project mark from control of the underlying open-source project. Puppet, as the owner of the Puppet® trademarks and the copyright holder of the Puppet® Open Source Project, seeks to promote the continued adoption and growth of the Puppet® Open Source Project within these guidelines.


Puppet encourages the open source community to use the Puppet Marks for the benefit of the Puppet® Open Source Project, as long as it is done in a way that does not disparage, dilute, or devalue Puppet ‘s brand.  

You do not need a trademark license from us to:

  • Offer services, maintenance, or support for the Puppet® Open Source Project, and state as such in your marketing materials using the Puppet Marks.
  • Publish documentation, books, podcasts, or content related to the Puppet® Open Source Project, and use the Puppet Marks within the content and its marketing.
  • Develop tools, add-ons, and libraries compatible with binaries of the Puppet® Open Source Project, and market them as “... for Puppet.”
  • Engage in advocacy through events, user groups, and/or meetings using the Puppet Marks, as long as there is no commercial intent or implied official sponsorship. Please see our Puppet Community Guidelines of inclusivity, anti-harassment, and equitable participation for these events.
  • Use the Puppet Marks in connection with your non-commercial redistribution of binaries from the Puppet® Open Source Project and unmodified copies of the official Puppet® Open Source Project source code. Puppet does not allow the Puppet Marks to imply sponsorship or be combined with other words or trademarks (e.g.,My Company Edition Puppet®” or “Open Puppet®”).


Puppet enforces the Puppet Marks to retain interoperability and consistent operation of the core software, tools, and extensions for commercial and community use. The Apache 2.0 License allows for the creation and use of derivative works, but the Apache 2.0 license does not implicitly grant licenses to use the Puppet Marks. This means the Puppet Marks may not be used in the following ways:

  • If you fork the source code for the Puppet® Open Source Project outside of the official software repository, you may not use any of the Puppet Marks within the branding, documentation, or promotion of that derivative, for any purpose.
  • Modification and redistribution of source code outside of the Puppet® Open Source Project must stay in compliance with the originating Apache 2.0 license and applicable trademark notices.
  • You may not use the Puppet Marks to attribute or make misleading statements or actions that disparage the quality or contributions of the Puppet® Open Source Project. This includes, without limitation, implying exclusivity or inequity in the Puppet® Open Source Project community.

These restrictions are designed to prevent fragmentation and dilution of the Puppet® Open Source Project ecosystem.  Through open-source management within the Puppet® Open Source Project software repository, the community at large enforces interoperability, growth, inclusivity, and the legacy of the Puppet® brands.


There are many commercial contributors to the Puppet ecosystem. To support this ecosystem, and related commercial interests, or if you have any questions on usage, attribution, merchandising, or commercial support of the use of the Puppet Marks, please contact us at:


Alteration of the Puppet Marks is not allowed.  In cases where the use of the Puppet® Open Source Project falls outside the guidelines set forth in this Policy, all uses of the Puppet Marks must be removed.


This Policy is meant to inform and educate the Puppet® Open Source Project ecosystem to encourage the use of the Puppet® Marks to their respective benefit.  Puppet reserves the right to update this policy at any time to improve clarity and extend its content to protect the appropriate Puppet Marks’ use.  If you have any questions, please contact us at:  

[1] Apache 2.0 License Text is located at: