We know where we excel
Puppet’s modules team is made up of expert Puppet developers and maintain high quality Supported modules. But there’s a lot more to managing a piece of technology than knowing how to write code to configure it. Sometimes knowing the idiomatic usage patterns is just as important as knowing how to manage the proper configuration file.
That’s where the domain experts come into play. Those who use our Supported modules and the technology stacks they manage are often those best suited to know where to go with the module’s development. The Trusted Contributors program empowers these experts to make a difference with partial ownership of the modules in which they have expertise.
Our modules team is always there to facilitate good Puppet code and architect high quality design patterns, but now our Trusted Contributors can help provide some of the vision.
Get involved with the development process
Trusted Contributors will have the ability to help triage issues, perform code review and merge pull requests and, in some cases, even make full module releases with a final approval from the modules team.
Best of all, Puppet stands behind their work. Every Supported module has full commercial support, even if the functionality in question came from a Trusted Contributors author. Our selection criteria is rigorous to ensure you can trust the work.