Known issues

Issues with specific operating systems

RHEL 8 - Java 11

RedHat's openjdk 11 package dropped its dependency on tzdata-java. This is a bug upstream, see Red Hat bug 2224427 for more information and to see if this issue has been resolved. If you run into a problem starting the application due to a missing timezone database file, install tzdata-java manually and retry.

Bugs and feature requests

PuppetDB's bugs and feature requests are managed in Puppet's issue tracker. Search this database if you're having problems and please report any new issues to us!

PuppetDB fact-contents queries take longer than usual

PuppetDB 6.20.0 and 7.9.0 contain a change to the fact-contents query intended to reduce the reads required by Postgres, and improve performance on larger datasets. The changes cause a performance regression when used with PostgreSQL JIT compilation enabled. If you have JIT enabled, either by setting it in PostgreSQL 11 or running the default settings on PostgreSQL 12+, you should disable it by setting jit = off in your postgresql.conf. PDB-5450

PuppetDB returns an error from the status endpoint

In PuppetDB 6.11.0, 6.11.1, and 6.11.2, when PuppetDB cannot connect to the database and a user queries the /status/v1/services/puppetdb-status endpoint it would return an exception in the status response instead of reporting the databases as down. PDB-4836

PuppetDB rejects Puppet Server SSL connections

Starting in PuppetDB 6.6.0, PuppetDB can reject Puppet Server SSL connections due to a restricted set of cipher suites. In an upcoming release, PuppetDB will be switched to default to the same cipher suites as Puppet Server. In the interim, the workaround is to set the cipher-suites manually. See the ticket for the recommended set. PDB-4513

Hash projection has character limit of 63

PDB-2634 Added support for using dot notation for projections. This supports queries like the one below.

inventory[] {
  certname = "host-1"

The dotted hash projection must be 63, or fewer, characters. PDB-4521

Broader issues

Autorequire relationships are opaque

Puppet resource types can "autorequire" other resources when certain conditions are met, but we don't correctly model these relationships in PuppetDB. (For example, if you manage two file resources where one is a parent directory of the other, Puppet will automatically make the child dependent on the parent.) The problem is that these dependencies are not written to the catalog; the Puppet agent creates these relationships on the fly when it reads the catalog. Getting these relationships into PuppetDB will require a significant change to Puppet's core.