Report wire format - v5


Report interchange format

A report is represented as JSON (this implies UTF-8 encoding). Unless otherwise noted, null is not allowed anywhere in the report.

    "certname": <string>,
    "environment": <string>,
    "puppet_version": <string>,
    "report_format": <int>,
    "configuration_version": <string>,
    "start_time": <datetime>,
    "end_time": <datetime>,
    "producer_timestamp": <datetime>,
    "resource_events": [<resource_event>, <resource_event>, ...],
    "metrics": [<metric>, <metric>, ...],
    "logs": [<log>, <log>, ...],
    "transaction_uuid": <string>,
    "status": <string>,
    "noop": <boolean>

Note: metrics and logs may also take the value null.

All keys are mandatory unless otherwise noted, though values that are lists may be empty lists.

"certname" is the certname the report is associated with.

"environment" is the environment associated to the node at the time of the report

"puppet_version" is the version of Puppet that was run to generate this report.

"report_format" is the version number of the report format that Puppet used to generate the original report data. This is a constant defined by Puppet.

"configuration_version" is an identifier string that Puppet uses to match a specific catalog for a node to a specific Puppet run. This value is generated by Puppet.

"start_time" is the time on the agent at which the Puppet run began; see more details about the datetime format below.

"end_time" is the time on the agent at which the Puppet run completed; see more details about the datetime format below.

"producer_timestamp" is the time of catalog submission from the Puppet Server to PuppetDB. This field is currently populated by the Puppet Server. See more details about the datetime format below.

"transaction_uuid" is a string used to identify a Puppet run. It can be used to match a report with the catalog that was used for the run. This field may be null.

"status" is a string used to identify the status of the Puppet run.

"noop" is a flag that indicates whether the report was produced with a --noop run.

"resource_events" is an array of objects of the following form:

  "status": <status of event (`success`, `failure`, `noop`, or `skipped`)>,
  "timestamp": <timestamp (from agent) at which event occurred>,
  "resource_type": <type of resource event occurred on>,
  "resource_title": <title of resource event occurred on>,
  "property": <property/parameter of resource on which event occurred>,
  "new_value": <new value for resource property>,
  "old_value": <old value of resource property>,
  "message": <description of what happened during event>,
  "file": <manifest file containing resource definition>,
  "line": <line in manifest file on which resource is defined>,
  "containment_path": <containment heirarchy of resource within catalog>

"metrics" is either null or an array of metric objects:

  "category" : <category of metric ("resources", "time", "changes", or "events")>,
  "name" : <name of the metric>,
  "value" : <value of the metric (double precision)>

"logs" is either null or an array of log objects:

  "file" : <file of resource declaration>,
  "line" : <line of resource declaration>,
  "level" : <log level>,
  "message" : <log message>,
  "source" : <log source>,
  "tags" : [<resource tag>],
  "time" : <log line timestamp>

Note: Fields that allow null values In the resource_event schema above, containment_path, new_value, old_value, property, file, line, status, and message may all be null.


The entire report is expected to be valid JSON, which implies UTF-8 encoding.

Data type: <string>

A JSON string. By virtue of the report being UTF-8, these must also be UTF-8.

Data type: <integer>

A JSON integer.

Data type: <datetime>

A JSON string representing a date and time (with time zone), formatted based on the recommendations in ISO 8601. For example, for a UTC time, the string would be formatted as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ. For non-UTC time, the Z may be replaced with ±hh:mm to represent the specific timezone.

Data type: <resource_event>

A JSONObject of the following form:

 "resource_type": <string>,
 "resource_title": <string>,
 "property": <string>,
 "timestamp": <datetime>,
 "status": <string>,
 "old_value": <string>,
 "new_value": <string>,
 "message": <string>,
 "file": <string>,
 "line: <integer>,
 "containment_path": [<string>, <string>, ...]

All keys are required.

"resource_type" is the name of the Puppet resource type that the event occurred on.

"resource_title" is the title of the Puppet resource that the event occurred on.

"property" is the name of the property of the resource for which the event occurred. This may be null only if the status is skipped.

"timestamp" is the date/time at which the event occurred.

"status" is a string representing the outcome of the event. Possible values are success, failure, and skipped.

"old_value" is the value that Puppet determined the property to have held prior to the event.

"new_value" is the value that Puppet was instructed to set the property to.

"message" is a descriptive message providing extra information about the event. This should be null if status is success.

"file" is the manifest in which the resource is defined. This field may be null.

"line" is the line number (within "file") where the resource is defined. This field may be null.

"containment_path" is a collection of strings where each string is a Puppet type or class that represents the containment hierarchy of the resource within the catalog. This field may be null.