Disclaimer endpoints
Use these endpoints to modify the disclaimer text that appears on the Puppet Enterprise (PE) console login page.
You can use a disclaimer.txt
file to Create a custom login disclaimer; however, the disclaimer endpoints
allow you to configure your custom login disclaimer message without needing to reference
a specific file location on disk.
files.If you provide disclaimer text through both a disclaimer.txt
file and POST
, PE uses the
GET /config/disclaimer
Retrieve the current disclaimer text, as specified by POST
. This endpoint does not retrieve the contents of
any disclaimer.txt
Request format
You must have the configuration:view_disclaimer
permission to use this endpoint.
curl "https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/config/disclaimer" -H "X-Authentication: $(puppet access show)"
Response format
"disclaimer": "Not to be accessed by unauthorized users"
- You haven't specified disclaimer text with POST /command/config/set-disclaimer.
- Previously-specified text was removed with POST /command/config/remove-disclaimer.
- You've only used a
file to Create a custom login disclaimer. TheGET /config/disclaimer
endpoint doesn't check for the existence of adisclaimer.txt
file, and it doesn't return the contents of such a file.
If you lack permission to retrieve the disclaimer text, the response is 403 Not Permitted.
For other error responses, refer to RBAC service errors.
POST /command/config/set-disclaimer
Change the disclaimer text that is on the PE console login page.
Request format
This endpoint requires authentication, and the requesting user must have the configuration:edit_disclaimer
. The body must be a JSON object
containing the disclaimer
key, which accepts
string-formatted disclaimer text. For
example:curl -X POST "https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/command/config/set-disclaimer" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "X-Authentication: $(puppet access show)" \
-d '{ "disclaimer": "Unauthorized access prohibited." }' \
to an empty string or whitespace-only string
causes the Disclaimer banner to be present, but empty, on the
console login page.Response format
A successful request returns 204 No Content
Error responses
Returns 403 Not Permitted
if you don't have the
Returns 400 Bad Request
if the disclaimer
value is not a string.
For other errors, refer to RBAC service errors.
POST /command/config/remove-disclaimer
Remove the disclaimer text set through POST
Request format
This endpoint requires authentication, and the requesting user must have the configuration:edit_disclaimer
curl -X POST "https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/command/config/remove-disclaimer" \
-H "X-Authentication: $(puppet access show)"
Response format
A successful request returns 204 No Content
and the
Disclaimer banner is removed from the PE console login page.
However, if you had previously used a disclaimer.txt
file to Create a custom login disclaimer, and the disclaimer.txt
file still exists in the appropriate
location, then PE falls back to this file and
displays the content of this file on the console login page.
Error responses
Requests must contain the Content-Type:
Returns 403 Not Permitted
if you don't have the
For other errors, refer to RBAC service errors.