Code Manager API

Use Code Manager endpoints to deploy code and query environment deployment status on your primary server and compilers without direct shell access.


All Code Manager endpoint requests require token-based authentication. For /deploys endpoints, you can pass this token as either an HTTP header or as a query parameter. For the /webhook endpoint, you must attach the entire token with the token query parameter.

To generate an authentication token, from the command line, run puppet-access login. This command stores the token in ~/.puppetlabs/token. To learn more about authentication for Code Manager use, see the related topic about requesting an authentication token.

Pass this token as either an X-Authentication HTTP header or as the token query parameter with your request. If you pass the token as a query parameter, it might show up in access logs.

For example, an HTTP header for the /deploys endpoint looks something like:

type_header='Content-Type: application/json'
auth_header="X-Authentication: $(puppet-access show)"
uri="https://$(puppet config print server):8170/code-manager/v1/deploys"
data='{"environments": ["production"], "wait": true}'

curl --insecure --header "$type_header" --header "$auth_header" --request POST "$uri" --data "$data"

See Usage notes for curl examples for information about forming curl commands.

$pe_headers = @{
        "X-Authentication" = "AMi1Wlel2Ybd2Lqu-hdhHaLWCkfvgSgl8AUgKdwzixwe" ; 

$pe_uri = ""

$pe_codemgr_hash = [ordered]@{ 
        environments = @("production")

# Generate JSON object from pe_codemgr_hash
$JSON = $pe_codemgr_hash | convertto-json -compress
Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck -ContentType "application/json" -uri $pe_uri -Method POST -Body $JSON -Headers $pe_headers

Passing the token with the token query parameter might look like:

type_header='Content-Type: application/json'
auth_header="X-Authentication: $(puppet-access show)"
uri="https://$(puppet config print server):8170/code-manager/v1/webhook?type=github&token=$(puppet-access show)"
data='{"environments": ["production"], "wait": true}'

curl --insecure --header "$type_header" --header "$auth_header" --request POST "$uri" --data "$data"
# Common Data
$token = "AMi1Wlel2Ybd2Lqu-hdhHaLWCkfvgSgl8AUgKdwzixwe"
$pe_uri = ""

# Example 1 - deploys

$pe_headers = @{
        "X-Authentication" = "$token" ; 

$pe_codemgr_hash = [ordered]@{ 
        environments = @("production")

# Generate JSON object from pe_codemgr_hash
$JSON = $pe_codemgr_hash | convertto-json -compress
$pe_ex1_uri = "$pe_uri/v1/deploys"
Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck -ContentType "application/json" -uri $pe_ex1_uri -Method POST -Body $JSON -Headers $pe_headers

# Example 2 - Web hook

$pe_ex2_uri = "$pe_uri/v1/webhook?token=$token&type=github"
Write-Output "PE Example 2 URI: $pe_ex2_uri"
Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck -uri $pe_ex2_uri -Method POST -ContentType "application/json"

POST /v1/deploys

Use the Code Manager/deploys endpoint to queue code deployments.

Request format

The body of the POST /deploys request must be a JSON object that includes the authentication token and a URL containing:
  • The name of the primary server, such as

  • The Code Manager port, such as 8170.

  • The endpoint.

The request must also include either:
  • The "environments" key, with or without the "wait" key.

  • The "deploy-all" key, with or without the "wait" key.

Key Definition Values
"environments" Specifies the environments for which to queue code deployments. If not specified, the "deploy-all" key must be specified. Accepts an array of strings specifying environments.

Specifies whether Code Manager deploys all environments or not.

If specified true, Code Manager determines the most recent list of environments and queues a deploy for each one. If specified false or not specified, the "environments" key must be specified with a list of environments.

true, false
"deploy-modules" Specifies whether Code Manager deploys modules from the Puppetfile.
If specified true or not specified, Code Manager deploys modules. If specified false, modules aren't deployed.
Note: To ensure environments are populated before use, modules are deployed on the first deployment of an environment, even if you pass "deploy-modules": false.
true, false
"modules" Specifies the modules to be deployed to the selected environments. Accepts a comma- and space-separated list of modules to deploy.

Specifies whether Code Manager must wait for all deploys to finish or error before it returns a response.

If specified true, Code Manager returns a response after all deploys have either finished or errored. If specified false or not specified, returns a response showing that deploys are queued.

Specify together with the "deploy-all" or "environment" keys.

true, false

Tests the Code Manager connection to each of the configured remotes and attempts to fetch a list of environments from each, reporting any connection errors.

Specify together with the "deploy-all" or "environment" keys.

true, false
For example, to deploy the production and testing environments and return results after the deployments complete or fail, pass the "environments" key with the "wait" key:
type_header='Content-Type: application/json'
auth_header="X-Authentication: $(puppet-access show)"
cacert="$(puppet config print localcacert)"
uri="https://$(puppet config print server):8170/code-manager/v1/deploys"
data='{"environments": ["production", "testing"], "wait": true}'

curl --header "$type_header" --header "$auth_header" --cacert "$cacert" --request POST "$uri" --data "$data"

See Usage notes for curl examples for information about forming curl commands.

To deploy all configured environments and return only the queuing results, pass the "deploy-all" key without the "wait" key:

type_header='Content-Type: application/json'
auth_header="X-Authentication: $(puppet-access show)"
cacert="$(puppet config print localcacert)"
uri="https://$(puppet config print server):8170/code-manager/v1/deploys"
data='{"deploy-all": true}'

curl --header "$type_header" --header "$auth_header" --cacert "$cacert" --request POST "$uri" --data "$data"

Response format

The POST /deploys response contains a list of objects, each containing data about a queued or deployed environment.

If the request did not include a "wait" key, the response returns each environment's name and status.

If the "wait" key was included in the request, the response returns information about each deployment. This information includes a deploy-signature, which is the commit SHA of the control repo that Code Manager used to deploy the environment. The output also includes two other SHAs that indicate that file sync is aware that the environment has been deployed to the code staging directory.

The response shows any deployment failures, even after they have successfully deployed. The failures remain in the response until cleaned up by garbage collection.

Key Description Value
"environment" The name of the environment queued or deployed. A string specifying the name of an environment.
"id" Identifies the queue order of the code deploy request. An integer generated by Code Manager.
"status" The status of the code deployment for that environment.

Can be one of the following:

  • "new": The deploy request has been accepted but not yet queued.

  • "complete": The deploy is complete and has been synced to the live code directory on primary server and compilers.

  • "failed": The deploy failed.

  • "queued": The deploy is queued and waiting.

"deploy-signature" The commit SHA of the control repo that Code Manager used to deploy code in that environment. A Git SHA. 
"file-sync" Commit SHAs used internally by file sync to identify the code synced to the code staging directory Git SHAs for the "environment-commit" and "code-commit" keys. 
For example, for a /deploys request without the "wait" key,  the response shows only "new" or "queued" status, because this response is returned as soon as Code Manager accepts the request.
    "environment": "production",
    "id": 1,
    "status": "queued"
    "environment": "testing",
    "id": 2,
    "status": "queued"

If you pass the "wait" key with your request, Code Manager doesn't return any response until the environment deployments have either failed or completed. For example:

    "id":3,Code Manager

Error responses

If any deployments fail, the response includes an error object for each failed environment. Code Manager returns deployment results only if you passed the "wait" key; otherwise, it returns queue information.

Key Definition Value
"environment" The name of the environment queued or deployed. A string specifying the name of an environment.
"error" Information about the deployment failure. Contains keys with error details.
"corrected-name" The name of the environment. A string specifying the name.
"kind" The kind of error encountered. An error type.
"msg" The error message. An error message.
"id" Identifies the queue order of the code deploy request. An integer generated by Code Manager.
"status" The status of the requested code deployment. For errors, status is "failed".
For example, information for a failed deploy of an environment might look like:
         "environment": "test14",
         "error": {
             "details": {
                 "corrected-name": "test14"
             "kind": "puppetlabs.code-manager/deploy-failure",
             "msg": "Errors while deploying environment 'test14' (exit code: 1):\nERROR\t -> Authentication failed for Git remote \"\".\n"
         "id": 52,
         "status": "failed"

POST /v1/webhook

Use the Code Manager /webhook endpoint to trigger code deploys based on your control repo updates.

Request format

The POST /webhook request consists of a specially formatted URL that specifies the webhook type, an optional branch prefix, and a PE authentication token.

You must pass the authentication token with the token query parameter. To use a GitHub webhook with the Puppet signed certificate, you must disable SSL verification.

In your URL, include:
  • The name of the primary server (for example,

  • The Code Manager port (for example, 8170)

  • The endpoint (/v1/webhook)

  • The type parameter with a valid value, such as gitlab.

  • The prefix parameter and value.

  • The token parameter with the complete token.

Parameter Definition Values
type Required. Specifies what type of POST body to expect.
  • github

  • gitlab

  • tfs-git

  • bitbucket

  • stash

prefix Optional. Specifies a prefix to use in translating branch names to environments. A string specifying a branch prefix.
token Specifies the PE authorization token to use. Required unless you disable webhook_authentication in Code Manager configuration. The complete authentication token.

For example, a GitHub webhook might look like this:$TOKEN
A Stash webhook with the optional prefix parameter specifed might look like:$TOKEN
You must attach the complete authentication token to the request. A GitHub request with the entire token attached might look like this:

Response format

When you trigger your webhook by pushing changes to your control repository, you can see the response in your Git provider interface. Code Manager does not give a command line response to typical webhook usage.

If you hit the webhook endpoint directly using a curl command with a properly formatted request, valid authentication token, and a valid value for the "type" parameter, Code Manager returns a {"status":"OK"} response, whether or not code successfully deployed.

Error responses

When you trigger your webhook by pushing changes to your control repository, you can see any errors in your Git provider interface. Code Manager does not give a command line response to typical webhook usage.

If you hit the webhook endpoint directly using a curl command with a request that has an incorrect "type" value or no "type" value, you get an error response such as:
{"kind":"puppetlabs.code-manager/unrecognized-webhook-type","msg":"Unrecognized webhook type: 'githubby'","details":"Currently supported valid webhook types include: github gitlab stash tfs-git bitbucket"}

GET /v1/deploys/status

The Code Manager /deploys/status endpoint returns the status of all code deployments that Code Manager is processing for each environment. You can specify an id query parameter to return the status of a particular deployment.

Request format

The body of the GET /deploys/status request must include the authentication token and a URL containing:
  • The name of the primary server, such as

  • The Code Manager port, such as 8170.

  • The endpoint.

To return the status of all code deployments:

type_header='Content-Type: application/json'
auth_header="X-Authentication: $(puppet-access show)"
uri="https://$(puppet config print server):8170/code-manager/v1/deploys/status"

curl --insecure --header "$type_header" --header "$auth_header" --header "$type_header" "$uri"

To return the status of a specified code deployment:

type_header='Content-Type: application/json'
auth_header="X-Authentication: $(puppet-access show)"
uri="https://$(puppet config print server):8170/code-manager/v1/deploys/status?id=1"

curl --insecure --header "$type_header" --header "$auth_header" --header "$type_header" "$uri"

See Usage notes for curl examples for information about forming curl commands.

Response format

The /deploys/status endpoint responds with a list of all code deployment requests that Code Manager is processing.

The response contains three sections:

  • "deploys-status": Lists the status for each code deployment that Code Manager is processing, including failed deployments. Deployments can be "new", "queued", "deploying", or "failed". Environments that have been successfully deployed to either the code staging or live code directories are displayed in the "file-sync-storage-status" or "file-sync-client-status" sections, respectively.

  • "file-sync-storage-status": Lists all environments that Code Manager has successfully deployed to the code staging directory, but not yet synced to the live code directory.

  • "file-sync-client-status": Lists status for your primary server and each compiler that Code Manager is deploying environments to, including whether the code in the primary server's staging directory has been synced to its live code directory.

The response can contain the following keys:
Key Definition Values
"queued" The environment is queued for deployment. For each deployment:
  • "id"

  • "environment"

  • "queued-at"

"deploying" The environment is in the process of being deployed. For each deployment:
  • "id"

  • "environment"

  • "queued-at"

"new" Code Manager has accepted a request to deploy the environment, but has not yet queued it. For each deployment:
  • "id"

  • "environment"

  • "queued-at"

"failed" The code deployment for the environment has failed.

For each deployment:

  • "id"

  • "environment"

  • "error"

  • "details"

  • "corrected-name"

  • "kind"

  • "msg"

  • "queued-at"

"deployed" Lists information for each deployed environment. For each deployment:
  • "environment"

  • "date"

  • "deploy-signature"
"all-synced" Whether all requested code deployments have been synced to the live code directories on their respective servers. true, false
"file-sync-clients" List of all servers that Code Manager is deploying code to. For each deployment listed:
  • "last_check_in_time"

  • "synced-with-file-sync-storage"

  • "deployed"

  • "environment"

  • "date"

  • "deploy-signature"

For example, a complete response without an ID specified might look like this:




The /deploys/status?id endpoint responds with details about a specified code deployment.

The response contains three sections:

  • "environment" or "project": Type of entity being deployed.

  • "status": Status of the deployment, including "queued", "deploying", "new", "failed", "syncing", or "synced".

  • "queued-at": Timestamp specifying when the deployment was first queued.

For example, a complete response with an ID specified might look like this:
  "environment": "production",
  "id": 1,
  "status": "deploying",
  "queued-at": "2018-05-10T21:44:25.000Z"

Error responses

If code deployment fails, the  "deploys-status" section of the response provides an "error" key for the environment with the failure. The "error" key contains information about the failure.

Deployment failures can remain in the response even after the environment in question is successfully deployed. Old failures are removed from the "deploys-status" response during garbage collection.

Key Definition Value
"environment" The name of the environment queued or deployed. A string specifying the name of an environment.
"error" Information about the deployment failure. Contains keys with error details.
"corrected-name" The name of the environment. A string specifying the name.
"kind" The kind of error encountered. An error type.
"msg" The error message. An error message.
"queued-at" The date and time when the environment was queued. A date and time stamp.

For example, with a failure, the "deploys-status" response section might look something like:

        "deploys-status": {
        "deploying": [],
        "failed": [
                "environment": "test14",
                "error": {
                    "details": {
                        "corrected-name": "test14"
                    "kind": "puppetlabs.code-manager/deploy-failure",
                    "msg": "Errors while deploying environment 'test14' (exit code: 1):\nERROR\t -> Authentication failed for Git remote \"\".\n"
                "queued-at": "2018-06-01T21:28:18.292Z"
        "new": [],
        "queued": []