PDK command reference



PDK commands accept arguments and options to customize behavior.

pdk build command

Builds a module package that can be published on the Forge.


Within the module directory:

pdk build [--target-dir=<PATH>] [--force]Copied!

For example:

pdk build --target-dir=mymodules/my_module/pkgCopied!

To learn more, see building module packages. For step-by-step instructions, see the build a module topic.

Argument Description Values Default
--force Skips the prompts and builds the module package. Overwrites any existing package, if one exists. None. By default, prompts are enabled.
--target-dir=<PATH> The target directory where you want PDK to write the package. A directory path. Defaults to pkg directory in the module.

pdk get config command

Retrieves the resolved user configuration for PDK, including all available layers of configuration.


pdk get config <key>Copied!

For example: pdk config get user.module_defaults.author

Argument Description Value Default
<key> The name, or name prefix, of the setting key to retrieve. Raises an error if the setting does not exist. The full name of the setting, such as user.module_defaults.author. Alternatively, the beginning of the setting name, which retrieves all settings that match. For example, user.module_defaults returns all settings that start with user.module_defaults. If no <key> is passed, the command returns all configuration keys that it finds.

pdk remove config command

Unsets one or more values from the given configuration key.


pdk remove config <key> <value>Copied!

To unset all values for a given key:

pdk remove config [--all] <key>Copied!
Argument Description Value Default
<key> Required. The configuration key to delete values for. The full name of the setting, such as user.module_defaults.author. Alternatively, the beginning of the setting name, which retrieves all settings that match. For example, user.module_defaults returns all settings that start with user.module_defaults. No default. The <key> is required.
<value> Required. The value to delete for the specified key. To delete all values, use the --all option instead of specifying values. One or more specified values for the given configuration key. No default. Either a <value> or the --all option is required for normal usage.
--all Empties all values for the given key. None. When this option is passed, empties all values for the specified key.

pdk set config command

Sets, updates, or adds to the values in the given configuration key and outputs the new values.


pdk set config [--type|--as <typename>] [--force] <key> [<value>]Copied!

For example: pdk set config --type boolean user.module_defaults.author john_doe

Argument Description Value Default
<key> Required. The configuration key to set, change, or add values for. The full name of the setting, such as user.module_defaults.author. No default. The <key> is required.
<value> Required. The value to set for the specified key. One or more valid values for the specified <key>. No default. One or more values are required.
–-add Treats a user-defined configuration key as a multi-value key. None. This option treats the value as a list of values.
--force Runs the command, making literal changes without prompting for confirmation. None. By default, prompts are enabled.
--type, --as <typename> Specifies what type the value should be. Useful if the type cannot be inferred from the <key>. Accepts values common to JSON and YAML:
  • number: Treats the value as a number, such as 1, 1.0, -1.0.
  • boolean: Treats value as a Boolean, such as true, TRUE, False,yes, no.
  • array: Treats value as an array element. If given no value, treats value as an empty array.
  • string: The default type for any value.
By default, if the type cannot be inferred, values are treated as strings.

pdk convert command

Converts an existing module to a standardized PDK module with an infrastructure for testing.


Within the module directory:

pdk convert [--noop] [--force][--template-url=<GIT_URL>] [--skip-interview] [--full-interview]Copied!

For example:

pdk convert --template-url=https://github.com/puppetlabs/pdk-templates --skip-interviewCopied!

To learn more, see converting modules. For step-by-step instructions, see the convert a module topic.

Option Description Value Default
--add-tests Adds basic unit test templates for existing classes and defined types that do not have any tests. None. If not specified, unit test templates are not added.
--default-template Converts a module to the default PDK template. None. If not specified, converts to default template unless you have specified a custom template.
--force Runs the command, making changes without prompting for confirmation. This option manipulates files and is potentially destructive. Always back up your work before using this option. None. If not specified, the command prompts for confirmation.
--full-interview Include interview questions related to publishing on the Forge to create module metadata. None. If not specified, asks only basic module metadata questions.
--noop Runs the command in a no operation or "no-op" mode. This shows what changes PDK will make without actually executing the changes. None. If not specified, the command makes the requested changes.
--skip-interview Skip interview questions and use default values to create module metadata. None. If not specified, asks basic module metadata questions.
--template-ref=<VALUE> Specifies the reference to use for the specified template for this module. This option is valid only if you have specified a template with the --template-url option. A template branch name, tag name, or commit SHA for the specified template. If you have specified a custom template, or if you installed PDK as a gem, this option defaults to "main". Otherwise, defaults to the defaults to the currently installed PDK version.
--template-url=<GIT_URL> Specifies a template to use for this module. A valid Git URL or a path to a local template. A valid Git URL or a path to a local template.

pdk new class command

Generates a new class and test templates for it in the current module.


Within the module directory:

pdk new class [--template-url=<GIT_URL>] <class_name>Copied!

For example: pdk new class my_class

For step-by-step instructions, see the create a class topic.

Argument Description Value Default
<class_name> Required. The name of the class to generate. A class name beginning with a lowercase letter and including only lowercase letters, digits, and underscores. No default.
--template-url=<GIT_URL> Specifies the template to use when generating this class. A valid Git URL or a path to a local template. Uses the same template that was used to generate the module. If that template is not available, defaults to [pdk-template](https://github.com/puppetlabs/pdk-template)

pdk new defined_type command

Generates a new defined type and test templates for it in the current module.


Within the module directory:

pdk new defined_type [--template-url=<GIT_URL>] <defined_type_name>

For example: pdk new defined_type my_defined_type

For step-by-step instructions, see create a defined type topic.

Argument Description Value Default
<defined_type_name> Required. The name of the defined type to generate. A defined type name beginning with a lowercase letter and including only lowercase letters, digits, and underscores. No default.
--template-url=<GIT_URL> Specifies the template to use when generating this defined type. A valid Git URL or path to a local template. Uses the same template that was used to generate the module. If that template is not available, defaults to [pdk-template](https://github.com/puppetlabs/pdk-template) .

pdk new fact command

Generates a new custom fact with a given name using given options


Within the module directory:

pdk new fact <fact_name>

For example: pdk new fact my_fact

Argument Description Value Default
<fact_name> Required. The name of the fact to generate. A fact name beginning with a lowercase letter and including only lowercase letters, digits, and underscores. No default.

pdk new function command

Generates a new function with a given name using given options


Within the module directory:

pdk new function [--type=<value>] <function_name>

For example: pdk new function my_func

Argument Description Value Default
<function_name> Required. The name of the function to generate. A function name beginning with a lowercase letter and including only lowercase letters, digits, and underscores. No default.
--type=<value> Specifies the type of function to generate. native or v4 native

pdk new module command

Creates a complete module skeleton and testing templates.


pdk new module <module_name> [--template-url=<GIT_URL>] [--license=<IDENTIFIER>] [<TARGET_DIR>] [--skip-interview] [--full-interview] Copied!

For example:

pdk new module my_module --template-url=https://github.com/puppetlabs/pdk-templates --full-interview mymodules/my_module

To learn more, see creating modules. For step-by-step instructions, see the create a module topic.

Argument Description Values Default
<module_name> Required. Specifies the name of the module being created. A module name beginning with a lowercase letter and including only lowercase letters, digits, and underscores. No default.
--full-interview Include interview questions related to publishing modules on the Forge to create module metadata. None. If not specified, PDK asks only basic module metadata questions. 
--license=<IDENTIFIER> Specifies the license for this module is written under. See the SPDX License List for a list of open source licenses, or use proprietary. Apache-2.0
--skip-interview Skip interview questions and use default values to create module metadata. None. If not specified, PDK asks basic module metadata questions.
<TARGET_DIR> Specifies the directory that the new module will be created in. A valid directory path. Creates a directory with the given module_name inside the current directory.
--template-ref=<VALUE> Specifies the reference to use for the specified template for this module. This option is valid only if you have specified a template with the --template-url option. A template branch name, tag name, or commit SHA for the specified template. If you have specified a custom template, or if you installed PDK as a gem, this option defaults to "main". Otherwise, defaults to the defaults to the currently installed PDK version.
--template-url=<GIT_URL> Specifies a template to use for this module. A valid Git URL or path to a local template. If not specified, defaults to the [pdk-template](https://github.com/puppetlabs/pdk-template)

pdk new task command

Generates a new task and task metadata in the current module.


Within the module directory:

pdk new task [--template-url=<GIT_URL>] <task_name>      Copied!

For example: pdk new task my_task

For step-by-step instructions, see the create a task topic.

Argument Description Value Default
<task_name> Required. The name of the task to generate. A task name beginning with a lowercase letter and including only lowercase letters, digits, and underscores. No default.
--template-url=<GIT_URL> Specifies the template to use when generating this task. A valid Git URL or path to a local template. Uses the same template that was used to generate the module. If that template is not available, defaults to [pdk-template](https://github.com/puppetlabs/pdk-template)

pdk new test command

Generates a new test for the specified Puppet object in the current module. This test checks only whether the module compiles a catalog for the module's supported operating system.

The generated test is named based on the defined type or class it tests in the format <PUPPET_OBJECT_NAME>_spec.rb, such as ntp_spec.rb. Tests are located in /spec/classes, for classes, or /spec/defines, for defined types.


Within the module directory:

pdk new test [--unit] <puppet_object_name>Copied!

For example:

pdk new test --unit ntpCopied!

To learn more about unit testing, see Unit testing modules.

Argument Description Value Default
<puppet_object_name> Required. Specifies the name of the Puppet object (such as a class or defined type) to create a test for. A valid Puppet object name, without the file extension, such as ntp. No default.
--unit Generates a new unit test. None. By default, creates a unit test.

pdk release command

Prepares, builds, and publishes a module to the Forge.

Note: This is an experimental command as it is not fully implemented and might change in the future.


Within the module directory:

pdk release [--file=<value>] [--force] [--forge-token=<value>] [--forge-upload-url=<value>] [--skip-build] [--skip-changelog] [--skip-dependency] [--skip-documentation] [--skip-publish] [--skip-validation] [--version=<value>]Copied!

For example:

pdk release --force 

pdk release --skip-publishCopied!
Argument Description Values Default
--file Provides a path to the built module to push to the Forge. File system path. This option can only be used when --skip-build is also used. Defaults to pkg/<module version>.tar.gz
--force Releases the module automatically without prompts.   When specified, no prompts are given to the user. This automatically set when in Continuous Integration (CI) environments such as Travis CI or Appveyor CI.
--forge-token Sets Forge API token. See Forge API reference for information about how to generate a token. Forge API token. Required when publishing modules to the Forge.
--forge-upload-url Sets Forge upload URL path. Forge API releases endpoint. Forge API - https://forgeapi.puppetlabs.com/v3/releases
--skip-build Skips building the module. None. If not specified, builds the module package.
--skip-changelog Skips the automatic Changelog generation. None. If not specified, generates Changelog.
--skip-dependency Skips the module dependency check. None. If not specified, checks module dependencies.
--skip-documentation Skips the documentation update. None. If not specified, updates documentation.
--skip-publish Skips publishing the module to the Forge. None. If not specified, publishes module to the Forge.
--skip-validation Skips the module validation check. None. If not specified, validates module.
--version Updates the module to the specified version prior to release. A semantic version number. For example, 1.2.0. When not specified, the new version is computed from the Changelog when possible.

pdk release prep command

Prepares a module to be built for the Forge.

Note: This is an experimental command as it is not fully implemented and might change in the future.


pdk release  prep [--force] [--skip-changelog] [--skip-dependency] [--skip-documentation] [--skip-validation]Copied!

For example:

pdk release prep --force 

pdk release prep --skip-documentationCopied!
Argument Description Values Default
--force Prepares the module automatically without prompts. None. When specified, no prompts are given to the user. This automatically set when in Continuous Integration (CI) environments such as Travis CI or Appveyor CI.
--skip-changelog Skips the automatic Changelog generation. None. If not specified, generates Changelog.
--skip-dependency Skips the module dependency check. None. If not specified, checks module dependencies.
--skip-documentation Skips the documentation update. None. If not specified, updates documentation.
--skip-publish Skips publishing the module to the Forge. None. If not specified, publishes module to the Forge.
--skip-validation Skips the module validation check. None. If not specified, validates module.
--version Updates the module to the specified version prior to release. A semantic version number. For example, 1.2.0. When not specified, the new version is computed from the Changelog when possible.

pdk release publish command

Publishes an already built module to the Forge.

Note: This is an experimental command, which is not fully implemented and might change in the future.


pdk release [--force] [--forge-token=<value>] [--forge-upload-url=<value>]Copied!

For example:

pdk release publish --force 

pdk release --forge-token=abc123Copied!
Argument Description Values Default
--force Releases the module automatically without prompts. None. When specified, no prompts are given to the user. This automatically set when in Continuous Integration (CI) environments such as Travis CI or Appveyor CI.
--forge-token Sets Forge API token. See Forge API reference for information about how to generate a token. Forge API token. Required when publishing modules to the Forge.
--forge-upload-url Sets Forge upload URL path. Forge API releases endpoint. Forge API - https://forgeapi.puppetlabs.com/v3/releases

pdk test unit command

Runs unit tests. Errors are displayed to the console and reported in the target file, if specified. The exit code is non-zero when errors occur.


Within the module directory:

pdk test unit --list

pdk test unit [--tests=<TEST_LIST>] [--format=<FORMAT>[:<TARGET_FILE>]] [--puppet-version=<VERSION>]

For example:

pdk test unit --tests=test1,test2,test3 --puppet-version=7Copied!

To learn more, see the validating and testing modules topic. For step-by-step instructions, see the unit test a module topic.

Argument Description Value Default
--clean-fixtures, -c Cleans test fixtures, removing them from the directory and downloading them again the next time you run pdk test unit. None. If not specified, does not clean test fixtures.
--format=<FORMAT>[:<TARGET_FILE>] Specifies the format of the output. Optionally, you can specify a target file for the given output format, such as --format=junit:report.xml . You can specify multiple --format options if each has a distinct output target. To output to standard output or standard error, specify stdout or stderr as the target value.
  • junit (JUnit XML)
  • text (plain text)
If not specified, does not output to a file, but displays errors in the terminal.
--list Displays a list of unit tests and their descriptions. Using this option lists the tests without running them. No value. Optional --verbose or -v flag displays more information. No default.
--puppet-dev When specified, PDK runs unit tests against the current Puppet source from GitHub. To use this option, you must have network access to https://github.com. You cannot specify --puppet-dev together with the --puppet-version= options. None. If not specified, PDK runs unit tests against default values or those specified by --puppet-version.
--puppet-version Specifies the Puppet gem version to run unit tests against. A string indicating the major Puppet version to test against, such as "7" or "8". If not specified, tests against the most recent compatible Puppet version included in the PDK package.
--tests=<TEST_LIST> A comma-separated list of tests to run. Use this during development to pinpoint a single failing test. See the --list output for available values. No default.
--verbose When specified, PDK outputs a single line description for each test as the test is executed. This option uses the RSpec documentation format. For more information, see RSpec Core Formatters. None. None.

pdk update command

Update a PDK compatible module with any changes made to the module template.


Within the module directory:

pdk update [--force] [--noop]Copied!

For example: pdk update

To learn more, see updating the module with template changes. For step-by-step instructions, see the update a module topic.

Argument Description Values Default
--force Update the module without prompts. Cannot be used together with --noop. None. If not specified, PDK prompts for user input.
--noop Shows what changes PDK would make, but does not actually make those changes. Cannot be used together with --force. None. If not specified, PDK prompts for user input and makes changes to the module on confirmation. 
--template-ref=<VALUE> Specifies the reference to use for the specified template for this module. A template branch name, tag name, or commit SHA for the specified template. If you have specified a custom template, previously updated your module to a non-default --template-ref value, this defaults to the value previously specified in your module metadata. Otherwise, defaults to the currently installed PDK version (on PDK native package installations) or "main" (on PDK gem installations).

pdk validate command

Runs all static validations. Any errors are reported to the console in the format requested. The exit code is non-zero when errors occur.


Within the module directory:

pdk validate --list

pdk validate [--format=<FORMAT>][:<TARGET_FILE>]] [<VALIDATIONS>] [<TARGETS>*] [--auto-correct] [--parallel] [--puppet-version=<VERSION>]

For example:

pdk validate --format=text:report.xml --auto-correct --parallelCopied!

To learn more, see validating and testing modules. For step-by-step instructions, see the validate a module topic.

Argument Description Values Default
--auto-correct, -a Automatically corrects some common code style problems. None. Off.
--format=<FORMAT>[:<TARGET_FILE>] Specifies the format of the output. Optionally, you can specify a target file for the given output format, such as --format=junit:report.xml . You can specify multiple --format options if each has a distinct output target. To output to standard output or standard error, specify stdout or stderr as the target value.
  • junit (JUnit XML)
  • text (plain text)
No default.
--list Displays a list of available validations and their descriptions. Using this option lists the tests without running them. None. No default.
--parallel Runs all validations simultaneously, using multiple threads. None. If not specified, validations are run in succession on a single thread.
--puppet-dev When specified, PDK validates against the current Puppet source from GitHub. To use this option, you must have network access to https://github.com. You cannot specify --puppet-dev together with the --puppet-version= options. None. If not specified, PDK validates against default values or those specified by --puppet-version.
--puppet-version Specifies the Puppet gem version to run validations against. A string indicating the major Puppet version to validate against, such as "7" or "8". If not specified, validates against the most recent compatible Puppet version included in the PDK package.
<TARGETS> A list of directories or individual files to validate. Validations which are not applicable to individual files will be skipped for those files. A space-separated list of directories or files. Validates all available directories and files.
<VALIDATIONS> A comma-separated list of validations to run or all for all validations. In PowerShell, this list must be enclosed in single quotes, such as pdk validate 'puppet,metadata' See the --listoutput for a list of available validations. all