User groups endpoints
User groups allow you to quickly assign one or more roles to a set of users by
placing all relevant users in the group. This is more efficient than assigning roles to each
user individually. Use the groups
endpoints to get lists of groups and add,
delete, and change groups.
User groups endpoints keys
These keys are used with the RBAC API v1 groups
Key | Definition | Example |
id |
A UUID string identifying the group. | "c099d420-5557-11e4-916c-0800200c9a66" |
login |
The identifier for the user group on the directory server. | "admins" |
display_name |
The group's name as a string. | "Admins" |
role_ids |
An array of role IDs indicating roles to assign to the
group's members. An empty array is valid.
Tip: This is the
only field that can be updated via RBAC; the rest are immutable or
synced from the directory service.
[3 6 5] |
These flags indicate that the group is a group, derived from the directory service, and not a super user (inherently, a group can't be a user). | These are set to true ,
true , and false ,
respectively |
is_revoked |
No effect. Because groups are not user objects,
setting this flag to true does nothing. |
true orfalse
user_ids |
An array of UUIDs indicating which users belong to the group. | ["3a96d280-54c9-11e4-916c-0800200c9a66"] |
identity_provider_id |
The UUID of the LDAP identity provider associated with the group. | "4522ca7e-5623-11ed-bdc3-0242ac120002" |
GET /groups
Fetch information about all user groups. Authentication is required.
Request format
curl 'https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/groups' \
-H "X-Authentication:$(puppet-access show)"
curl 'https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/groups?id=<SID>,<SID>' \
-H "X-Authentication:$(puppet-access show)"
Response format
"id": "65a068a0-588a-11e4-8ed6-0800200c9a66",
"login": "admins",
"display_name": "Admins",
"role_ids": [2, 3],
"is_group" : true,
"is_remote" : true,
"is_superuser" : false,
"user_ids": ["07d9c8e0-5887-11e4-8ed6-0800200c9a66"]}
"id": "75370a30-588a-11e4-8ed6-0800200c9a66",
"login": "owners",
"display_name": "Owners",
"role_ids": [2, 1],
"is_group" : true,
"is_remote" : true,
"is_superuser" : false,
"user_ids": ["1cadd0e0-5887-11e4-8ed6-0800200c9a66","5c1ab4b0-588b-11e4-8ed6-0800200c9a66"]
"id": "ccdbde50-588a-11e4-8ed6-0800200c9a66",
"login": "viewers",
"display_name": "Viewers",
"role_ids": [2, 3],
"is_group" : true,
"is_remote" : true,
"is_superuser" : false,
"user_ids": []
For information about keys in the response, refer to User groups endpoints keys.
For information about error responses, refer to RBAC service errors.
GET /groups/<sid>
Fetches information about a single user group identified by ID. Authentication is required.
Request format
curl "https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/groups/<SID>" \
-H "X-Authentication:$(puppet-access show)"
To request information for multiple specific groups, use the GET /groups endpoint with the id
Response format
{"id": "65a068a0-588a-11e4-8ed6-0800200c9a66",
"login": "hamsters",
"display_name": "Hamster club",
"role_ids": [2, 3],
"is_group" : true,
"is_remote" : true,
"is_superuser" : false,
"user_ids": ["07d9c8e0-5887-11e4-8ed6-0800200c9a66"]}
For information about keys in the response, refer to User groups endpoints keys.
Error responses
If the user who submits the GET
request has not successfully
authenticated, the endpoint returns a 401 Unauthorized response.
If the requesting user does not have the appropriate user permissions to request the group data, the endpoint returns a 403 Forbidden response.
For other error responses, refer to RBAC service errors.
POST /command/groups/create
Create a remote directory user group. Authentication is required.
Request format
. The body must be a JSON object
using the following keys:-
: Defines the group for an external IdP, such as an LDAP login or a SAML identifier for the group. -
: An array of IDs defining the roles that you want to assign to users in this group. Roles grant permissions to group members. -
: Specify the UUID of an identity provider to bind to the group. -
: Optional. Specify a name for the group that is visible in the PE console. If this group originates from an LDAP group, this value is determined by the group's Display name setting in LDAP.
curl -X POST "https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/command/groups/create" \
-H "X-Authentication:$(puppet-access show)" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{
"login": "augmentators",
"role_ids": [1,2,3],
"display_name": "The Augmentators"
"identity_provider_id": "0e1a11bd-658f...-732887"
Response format
If the group is created successfully, the endpoint returns 200 OK.
If you don't have permission to create groups, the response is 403 Not Permitted
Malformed requests return 400 Bad Request.
For other errors, refer to RBAC service errors.
PUT /groups/<sid>
Replaces the content of the specified user group object. For example, you can update the group's roles or membership. Authentication is required.
Request format
When Forming RBAC API requests to this endpoint, the content type
is application/json
. The body must be a JSON object
using all keys supplied in the GET /groups/<sid> endpoint response. You must
supply all keys; however, the only key you can update is role_ids
Any values supplied in role_ids
replace the group's
current role values. If you want to add roles, you need to supply all of the group's
current role IDs plus the new role IDs. If role_ids
is empty, all roles are removed from the group (and, by
extension, the roles are removed from users who belong to this group). Changes to
keys other than role_ids
are ignored.
curl -X PUT 'https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/groups/75370a30-588a-11e4-8ed6-0800200c9a66' \
-H "X-Authentication:$(puppet-access show)" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"id":"75370a30-588a-11e4-8ed6-0800200c9a66",
Response format
If the operation is successful, the endpoint returns a 200 OK response and a group object with updated roles.
For errors, refer to RBAC service errors.
DELETE /groups/<sid>
Deletes the user group with the specified ID from PE RBAC. This endpoint does not change the directory service. Authentication is required.
Request format
curl -X DELETE 'https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/groups/75370a30-588a-11e4-8ed6-0800200c9a66' \
-H "X-Authentication:$(puppet-access show)"
Response format
If the user group is successfully deleted, the endpoint returns a 204 No Content response.
Error responses
If the requesting user does not have the user_groups:delete
permission for this
user group, the endpoint returns a 403 Forbidden response.
If there is no user group with the specified ID, the endpoint returns a 404 Not Found response.
For other errors, refer to RBAC service errors.
POST /groups (deprecated)
Creates a new remote directory user group. Authentication is required.
Request format
. The body must be a JSON object
using the following keys:-
: Defines the group for an external IdP. This could be an LDAP login or a SAML identifier for the group. -
: An array of role IDs defining the roles that you want to assign to users in this group. An empty array might be valid, but users can't do anything in PE if they are not assigned to any roles.
curl -X POST 'https://$(puppet config print server):4433/rbac-api/v1/groups' \
-H "X-Authentication:$(puppet-access show)" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"login":"augmentators",
"role_ids": [1,2,3]}'
Response format
If the create operation is successful, the endpoint returns 201 Created with a location header that points to the new resource.
Error responses
If the login for the group conflicts with an existing group login, the endpoint returns a 409 Conflict response.
For other errors, refer to RBAC service errors.