Converting modules

You can convert an existing module to a standardized PDK module with an infrastructure for testing it. This allows you to use all the capabilities of PDK with your module.

Important: Make sure your module is either backed up or under version control because the pdk convert command modifies its files.

When you convert a module, PDK makes changes to it based on a default module template. This is the same template that PDK uses when it creates a new module. You can customize this template as needed; see the section about customizing your module configuration for details.

If your module already has a metadata.json file, the metadata is merged with the default metadata information from the module template. If the metadata does not exist, PDK asks a series of interview questions to create the module's metadata.

PDK then displays a summary of the files that will change during conversion and prompts you to either continue or cancel the conversion. Either way, PDK generates a detailed change report, convert_report.txt, in the top directory of the module. This report is replaced by an updated version every time you run the convert command.

Files changed by pdk convert

During module conversion,  PDK might change or create the files listed below. It does not change other files, such as Hiera data files. Before changing any files, PDK reports what it will change, and you have the option to cancel changes.

File or directory Description
Module directory Directory with the same name as the module. Contains all of the module's files and directories.
appveyor.yml File containing configuration for Appveyor CI integration.
Gemfile File describing Ruby gem dependencies.
.gitignore File listing module files that Git should ignore.
.gitlab-ci.yml File containing an example configuration for GitLab CI.
.pdkignore File listing module files that PDK should ignore when building a module package for upload to the Forge.
.pmtignore File listing module files that the puppet module command should ignore.
Rakefile File containing configuration for the Ruby infrastructure. Used in CI and for backwards compatibility.
.rspec File containing the default configuration for RSpec.
.rubocop.yml File containing recommended settings for Ruby style checking.
.travis.yml File containing configuration for cloud-based testing on Linux and Mac OS X. See travis-ci for more information.
.yardopts File containing configuration for YARD for source files, extra files, and formatting options that you want to use to generate your documentation.

Convert a module

To convert an existing module to a PDK compatible module, run the pdk convert command.

  1. From the command line, change into the module's directory with cd <MODULE_NAME>

  2. Run the convert command: pdk convert

    Optionally, specify your own module template by adding the --template-url flag with the Git URL or local path to the template.

  3. If the existing module does not have a metadata.json file, respond to PDK metadata interview prompts to provide metadata information.

  4. Review the changes PDK is about to make and respond to the prompt to either continue or terminate the conversion. You can review a detailed change report in convert_report.txt in the module's root folder.


If you confirm the conversion, the changes outlined in the report are applied to the module.