Classify the nodes you want to scan

In Puppet Enterprise (PE), classify the nodes you want to scan.

Before you begin
Make sure you've installed Comply, the comply module, and the CIS assessor file.
Classification is when you create a node group, add nodes to the group, and assign classes to the group — in this case, the comply class. Classes are the blocks of Puppet code used to configure nodes and assign resources to them. If you are new to Puppet, see Grouping and classifying nodes for more information.
  1. In the PE console, click Node groups.
  2. Create a new node group or select an existing node group that you want to scan.
  3. On the Classes tab — in the Add new class field — select the comply class.
  4. Click Add class.
  5. In your new comply class, select the scanner_source Parameter.
    Note: Parameters allow a class to request external data.
  6. Change the default parameter Value to the CIS assessor file that you previously downloaded. For example: 
    The scanner_source parameter now points to the CIS assessor file.
    Note: If you have not downloaded the CIS assessor file, see Download the assessor file for instructions.
  7. Click Add to node group, and then commit the changes.
  8. Run Puppet twice.
What to do next
Add PE credentials.