A graphic of a guide by Puppet. Title: Simplify Amazon Web Services Automation with Puppet

Download the Guide Below

Are you looking to migrate from your on-premises data center to AWS — or to accelerate the process? Or would you like a simple and reliable way to manage your infrastructure and applications across all your environments? Puppet can help.

This ability to use a single platform across all environments can help your company accelerate the process of migrating to the cloud, and realize the full benefits of Amazon Web Services (AWS).

In this ebook, co-created by Puppet and Amazon Web Services (AWS), you'll learn:

  • How Puppet Enterprise helps accelerate cloud migration
  • What managing your infrastructure as code allows you to do
  • How to adopt DevOps practices on the AWS Cloud — and why you'd want to
  • How to secure your AWS Cloud environments with Puppet Enterprise
  • Why ServiceChannel, a facilities management software company, migrated to AWS and adopted Puppet Enterprise and DevOps practices

Learn more about using Puppet for cloud automation across AWS, GCP, Azure, and more >>