Using the root console

Super users and the root user can access the root console in Continuous Delivery for Puppet Enterprise (PE). Use the root console to manage users' account credentials, change super user permissions, configure single sign-on, access all workspaces associated with the installation, transfer ownership of workspaces, and update your installation's settings.

To access the root console:
  • If you are the root user, sign into Continuous Delivery for PE with the root account credentials established during installation.

  • If you are a super user, select Root console from the workspaces menu at the top of the Continuous Delivery for PE navigation bar.

To exit the root console, click the name of a workspace.

Designate super users

Any Continuous Delivery for PE user except the root user can be designated as a super user. Super users have access to the root console, where they can reset other users' credentials and delete users. Super users can also manage global shared job hardware and designate which users are able to manually approve deployments to protected Puppet environments.

You must have root or super user permissions to access the root console and perform this action.
  1. Log into the root console by selecting Root console from the workspaces menu at the top of the Continuous Delivery for PE navigation bar or signing in as the root user.
  2. Click Accounts.
  3. Locate the user's name in the list and select the Super User toggle, then confirm your action.

    The selected user is now a super user.

Change a user's password

Users can reset their own passwords at any time by clicking Forgot your password? on the Continuous Delivery for PE login screen. If you need to update the root user's password, change a user's password on their behalf, or revoke a user's access to Continuous Delivery for PE, use the root console.

You must have root or super user permissions to access the root console and perform this action.

CAUTION: Resetting a user's password does not automatically log the user out of Continuous Delivery for PE. If you reset a user's password in order to revoke their access to Continuous Delivery for PE, remember that the user can still access their account until their session expires or they log out.
  1. Log into the root console by selecting Root console from the workspaces menu at the top of the Continuous Delivery for PE navigation bar or signing in as the root user.
  2. Click Accounts.
  3. Locate the user whose password you wish to update by searching by username or email address. and click User settings .
  4. Click Change password. Enter and confirm the new password, then click Change password.

Reset a user's email address

Users can change their own email address at any time by clicking Change email on the Profile page. If you need to change a user's email address on their behalf, use the root console.  

You must have root or super user permissions to access the root console and perform this action.

  1. Log into the root console by selecting Root console from the workspaces menu at the top of the Continuous Delivery for PE navigation bar or signing in as the root user.
  2. Click Accounts.
  3. Locate the user whose password you wish to update by searching by username or email address. and click User settings .
  4. Enter the new email address for the user and click Change email.

Delete a user

Use the root console to permanently delete a user from Continuous Delivery for PE. Delete users with caution: deleting a user also deletes all artifacts that user has created in Continuous Delivery for PE, including workspaces, pipelines, jobs, integrations, control repos, and module repos.

You must have root or super user permissions to access the root console and perform this action.
  1. Log into the root console by selecting Root console from the workspaces menu at the top of the Continuous Delivery for PE navigation bar or signing in as the root user.
  2. Click Accounts.
  3. Locate the user's name in the list and click Delete user .
  4. In the confirmation pane, confirm that you want to permanently delete the user by entering the user name in the box and clicking Yes, delete user.
The user and all artifacts associated with that user are permanently deleted from your Continuous Delivery for PE installation.