Scan schedules

In addition to manual ad hoc scans, you can also schedule scans.

From the Scan schedules page you can:

  • View scan schedules
  • Create and edit scans
  • Pause and resume scans
  • End and delete scans.

Security Compliance Management gives you many options for scan schedules. You can schedule a one-off scan or a scan that repeats periodically:

  • You can set scans to run on individual days of the week, every day, weekdays only, or weekends only.
  • You can set scans to run on any day of the month. Be aware that if you, for example, set a scan to run on Day 31, the scan does not run in months that do not have 31 days.

Scan schedules table

The table on the Scan schedules tab provides the following information:

  • Name - The name assigned to the scan.
  • Nodes - The number of nodes to be scanned.
  • Start - The date and time scheduled for the scan to start according to the selected time zone.
  • End - The date and time scheduled for the scan to finish according to the selected time zone.
  • Frequency - How often the scan is scheduled to run.
  • Last run - Date and time when the last scan of this type started.
  • Status - Whether the scan is not currently running (Not started), has completed processing (Ended), or is currently running (Active).

View details about a scan schedule

You can view details about a scan schedule in the Scan schedule detail window.

To view details about a scan schedule:

  1. On the Scans page, click Scan schedules.
  2. Click the schedule for which you want to view details.
  3. In the Scan schedule information window, click View detail.

    On the Scan schedule detail page, you can view details about the scan schedule, scan history, and affected nodes.

Pause and resume a scan schedule

You can pause or resume a scan schedule by using the Scan schedule detail window.

To pause and resume a scan schedule:

  1. On the Scans page, click Scan schedules.
  2. Click the schedule that you want to pause or resume.
  3. In the Scan schedule information window, click View detail.
  4. To pause a scheduled scan, click Pause.
  5. To resume a paused scan, click Resume.
    You can also end a scan by clicking End.
    Restriction: After you click End, the scan cannot be restarted.

Edit a scan schedule

You can edit a scan schedule by using the Scan schedule detail window.

To edit a scan schedule:

  1. On the Scans page, click Scan schedules.
  2. Click the schedule that you want to edit.
  3. In the Scan schedule information window, click View detail.
  4. Click Edit details.
  5. In the Edit scan schedule window, update the details of the scan. For example, you can change the schedule type, the frequency, the start date and time, and the end date.
    Restriction: You cannot add or remove nodes from the scan schedule.
  6. To save your changes, click Submit.

Delete a scan schedule

You can delete a scan schedule in any state (active, paused, or ended) by using the Scan schedule detail window.

CAUTION: After you delete a scan schedule, the scan cannot be restarted. However, scan reports that were generated by the scan remain available.

To delete a scan schedule:

  1. On the Scans page, click Scan schedules.
  2. Click the schedule that you want to delete.
  3. In the Scan schedule information window, click View detail.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click Delete scan schedule.

Create a one-off scan schedule

You can schedule a compliance scan to run once.

To create a one-off scan schedule:

  1. On the Scans page, click Create a scan schedule.
  2. Specify the nodes to scan by selecting the relevant checkboxes and click Next . Use the drop-down menus to filter nodes by operating system, desired compliance, or node group.
    Note: If desired compliance is not set on any of the nodes, you are prompted to select a suggested desired compliance profile from the existing options or exclude those nodes from the scan.
  3. Set the schedule:
    1. Select Once only.
    2. Specify the date for your scan schedule.
    3. Specify the time and time zone for starting the scan schedule.
    4. Click Next.
  4. Enter a name in the Scan schedule name field and, optionally, enter information in the Description field. Click Save scan schedule.
    The scan schedule information is listed on the Scan schedules tab on the Scans page.

Create a repeating scan schedule

You can schedule a compliance scan to run regularly.

To create a scan schedule that repeats:

  1. On the Scans page, click Create a scan schedule.
  2. Specify the nodes to scan by selecting the relevant checkboxes and click Next . Use the drop-down menus to filter nodes by operating system, desired compliance, or node group.
    Note: If desired compliance is not set on any of the nodes, you are prompted to select a suggested desired compliance profile from the existing options or exclude those nodes from the scan.
  3. Set the schedule:
    1. Select Repeating.
    2. Select the desired Frequency of the scan:
      • If you select the Weekly option, you can specify a day of the week for a weekly scan, or you can specify that the scan runs daily, only on weekdays, or only on weekends.
      • If you select the Monthly option, specify a day of the month for the scan.
        Remember: Your scan does not run if the month does not include the day you selected. For example, if you choose day 31, your scan cannot run in those months that do not have 31 days.
    3. Choose the time and time zone when you want the scan to run.
    4. Optionally, add an End Date for the scan schedule.

      If you choose an end date for your scan schedule, no more scans run on or after that date and no scan reports are produced.

    5. Click Next.
  4. Enter a name in the Scan schedule name field and, optionally, enter information in the Description field. Click Save scan schedule.
    The scan schedule information is listed on the Scan schedules tab on the Scans page.